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Zaid Hamid : why is this mad guy shown in Pak media?

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Well the difference is , in your case nutcases don't have to be elected into power they directly seize power.
you mean modi,s political history?lolzz
Is that your mother? She is looking good these days,
Across the border that is, never heard of this guy before in my life before bharotis mentioned him on PDF, he has celebrity status in Bharot.
That means u cannot afford to have TV in ur zhopada. He is a big time troll on pakistani television entertaining young mujahids :rofl: what a lier, hey by the way it's been 10 years where he envisioned a pakistani :haha: on the moon. Where is pakistan now? Hahaha hahahhahaha! It's fun to be here with so many burning asses. Born Losers:closed:
So true if they had any self respect they would **** off but they return repeatedly although we abuse them LOL.

Oh please..its like expecting the elephant to run away because some street dogs barked at it!!

And your beloved PDF is what it is thanks to the Indians...the popularity of this site (read subscripions) and the traffic this site receives can largely be contributed to us Indians..
If it wasnt for us bringing the "rivalry" which is what makes this forum even entertaining,...it would be just a bunch of your lot jerking each other off and patting each other on the back for your non achievements...

Now we know how much you would like to do that in a vaccum without the Indians there to show you reality...but sadly, its just god damn fun to get under your skin!

Mission accomplished I say!!

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