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Zaid Hamid commentary

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The RAW/CIA/Mossad plot worked in laying Zaid hamid into a trap - I love these intelligency agencies :D
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I was wondering one year ago how long will zaid kazzab keep fooling pakistanis...

It seems atleast some Pakistanis are seeing through his hyperbole.

Sparklingway you're openly lying and distorting fact's and people's statements to prove your vendetta against Zaid and his movement.

The seven points mentioned earlier are taken out of context by the expose Zaid blog

Also, Dr. Israr clearly says in the article that unless Zaid clears his views (which he has many times as per my link to his statement), then he is clear. and he mentions 3 points in the article which neither you nor the people at expose zaid mention or let anyone mention on their websites.
Sparklingway you're openly lying and distorting fact's and people's statements to prove your vendetta against Zaid and his movement.

The seven points mentioned earlier are taken out of context by the expose Zaid blog

Also, Dr. Israr clearly says in the article that unless Zaid clears his views (which he has many times as per my link to his statement), then he is clear. and he mentions 3 points in the article which neither you nor the people at expose zaid mention or let anyone mention on their websites.


So I take it you have a problem with openly lying? Because Zaid Hamid openly lies too, like - see my sig.

Surely you don't have a selective set of standards as its best people have some integrity when they claim to be working to change the destiny of an entire complex multicultural multilingual nation?
Tanzeem's reply came after Zaid's press release.

Dr Israr did not see neither was knowing about the clarification of Zaid Hamid.

Anyway he had clarified and no need for futher propaganda by some paid elements :) and you know it well how much truth is there in the issue.
I was wondering one year ago how long will zaid kazzab keep fooling pakistanis...

A Hindu member from India like you should first learn what does a kazzab means. Zaid Hamid never claimed prophethood neither he is kazzab so you better shut your mouth if you dont know anything.

It seems atleast some Pakistanis are seeing through his hyperbole.

Yeh some paid goons stooping too low these days runing a propaganda wordpress and other cheap tactics.

A Hindu member from India like you should first learn what does a kazzab means. Zaid Hamid never claimed prophethood neither he is kazzab so you better shut your mouth if you dont know anything.

Yeh some paid goons stooping too low these days runing a propaganda wordpress and other cheap tactics.


Are bhai why are so upset? Kazzab means great liar - that is zaid hamid because he tells lies with a straight face, and he's great - surely u agree. i can give you examples where he tells white lies to gullible souls. just because you like to believe his lies does not mean i don't know anything. i know the meaning of the word and i know it applies to zaid kazzab.

and i wasn't talking abt any mullahs who may be anti zaid kazzab, i'm referring to educated rational pakistanis who can think for themselves and are not blinded by sheer hatred, or as you like to call them - wasted cannon fodder ;)
Sparklingway you're openly lying and distorting fact's and people's statements to prove your vendetta against Zaid and his movement.

The intolerance Zaid Hamid preaches as producing results as you have acccused me on being on a vendetta spree against ZH. I abhor his ideologies, his methods, his fact twisting, religio-political manipulation, emotional enticement and the fake "glorious destiny" that he preaches. By telling everybody that whoever is not on "the right side of history" would be destroyed, by calling every critic "antipakistan" and "traitor" and by labeling every sane person a "defeatist", he has inculcated even more hatred in the minds of an already deploy divided and intolerant population.

He has been on a lying spree ever since he emerged. From "Amar Singh and Heera Lal" to Hakimullah being a "CIA asset" to the Blackwater hysteria that he paints to accusing a bunch of maulvis of the murder of Yusuf Ali to conjuring stories out of thin air to excite an on looking crowd of ignorant and worshipping youngsters. Posting every recorded video from channels as "banned episode" to attract people to his ever so revealing uber conspiracy theories depicts the lame game that is going on.

He must be countered on all levels and the religious bigots have used their weapon of choice i.e. religion and they have published scathing reviews of his past, his lies and distortions and have came up with rebuttals. I have posted them here because everybody here does not know about the maulvi run blog and has the right to information. So here goes another one, one of Pakistan's leading (and controversial) schools of Islam, has published a not so friendly opinion about Hazrat Zaid Zaman Hamid :-

18th March,2010

Zaid Hamid and Ghuzwa-i-Hind —Tayyab Shah

Zaid Hamid and his followers will not shy away from using religious texts of doubtful authenticity, with totally wrong and self-serving interpretations, to promote war. But the Pakistani youth is no more willing to be at the receiving end of this twisted interpretation of Islam

Zaid Hamid is the latest tool
in the arsenal of the Pakistani security establishment to misguide, brainwash and indoctrinate the Pakistani youth, to win support for its belligerent agenda. To achieve his nefarious designs, especially to instill bellicosity and flare up anti-India emotions, Zaid Hamid delivers sermons on private television channels, gives inteviews and holds seminars and workshops in universities to impress and influence impressionable young minds. In order to authenticate his message of attacking and conquering India, Zaid Hamid repeats, ad nauseum, a set of ahadith [sayings of the Prophet (PBUH)] of doubtful authenticity about Ghazwa-i-Hind. Through such a medium, he tries to make his audience and viewers believe that conquering India is indeed a sacred duty of the Pakistani Muslims.

Most religious scholars do not consider these ahadith to be authenic. Some who do consider them authentic say that the predictions and prophecies made in them have already been fulfilled during the first century of Islam, and are not at all applicable to what Zaid Hamid would like us to believe — the invasion of India by Pakistan.

These scholars contend that none of these ahadith are found in the ahadith books considered to be the most authentic by the Sunnis, books like Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, Ibn-i-Maja, Tirmidhi and Muwatta. Two of these ahadith appear in the collections of ahadith by Imam Nisai but not in Sunan an-Nisai al Sughra, the book considered to be among the Sihah-e-Sitta. The others are not even found in the reliable collections of respected muhadiseen (compilers of ahadith).

These scholars also argue that Imam Nisai died in 915, after the death of all other respected muhadiseen to whom Sihah-e-Sitta are attributed. It, therefore, does not make much sense that we have these ahadith being narrated through Imam Nisai, but not through any of the other respected muhadiseen who lived before him.

Another argument put forward by these learned men is that the chain of narrators of these ahadith contains people like Baqiyyah, Asad ibn Musa and Hushaim who have been declared as unreliable, untrustworthy and abominable by experts like Al-Zahabiy, Ibn Hajar and Al-Uqaily. It is clear that not even one of these chains of narrators consists of people who are reliable enough for us to say, with any degree of confidence, that the narratives under consideration are correctly ascribed to the Prophet (PBUH).

They also add that, considering the reward for participating in this war and the importance of it, as these ahadith tell, they should have been narrated by more companions of the Prophet (PBUH) and should have been included in more books of the ahadith.

These scholars also draw attention to the fact that none of these ahadith are found in any of the collections of ahadith, which the Shia Muslims consider authentic. This raises the question: did the Ummayads/Abbasids, considering their expansionist designs, invent them? It should also be noted that the Ummayads did reach Sindh, a part of Hind back then. Many scholars believe that it is possible that these ahadith are not genuine at all and that they might have been fabricated at the time of Muhammad bin Qasim’s invasion of Sindh in order to justify it.

These scholars also note the fact that we do not have any historical report telling us about the use of these ahadith in the past by Muslim rulers or conquerors, even those who did invade India or waged a war on it and claimed to do it for religious purposes. If they were respected and authentic ahadith, we should have such historical reports. It would have been very easy for Muslim conquerors of India like Mahmud of Ghazni, Shihabuddin Ghauri, Timur, Nadir Shah and so on, to present the ahadith about the Ghuzwa-i-Hind, and use them to justify their attacks on the country. The scholars associated with their courts could well have suggested these to them had they wished. However, no such mention is made about this in history books. In the 18th century, the well-known Islamic scholar Shah Waliullah of Delhi invited the Afghan king, Ahmad Shah Abdali to invade India and drive out the Marathas, which he accepted, yet Shah Waliullah, too, did not use these ahadith as a part of his argument.

Those who consider these authentic argue that the battle against India that these ahadith predicted was fulfilled in the early Islamic period itself, and is not something that will happen in the future. They also add that it is quite likely that the predicted Ghuzwa-i-Hind took the form of an attack by an Arab Muslim force on Thana and Bharuch, in coastal western India, in the 15th year of the Hijra calendar, during the reign of the Caliph Umar.

Some scholars also argue that these ahadith could, possibly, have been fulfilled in the form of missionary efforts by some of the Prophet’s (PBUH) companions soon after, during the reign of the Caliphs Usman and Ali, in Sindh and Gujarat. Other ulema consider these predictions to have been fulfilled in the form of the attack and occupation of Sindh by Arab Muslims, led by Muhammad bin Qasim in the 93rd year of the Islamic calendar, which then facilitated the spread of Islam in the country.

In any case, these ahadith do not talk about Pakistanis fighting Indians. They talk about Arabs on an expedition to India, after which they conquer it. The above clearly shows the extent to which Zaid Hamid and his supporters will go to further their agenda. They will not shy away from using religious texts of doubtful authenticity, with totally wrong and self-serving interpretations, to promote war. But the Pakistani youth is no more willing to be at the receiving end of this twisted interpretation of Islam, as was amply demonstrated by the students of Islamia College University, Peshawar, when Zaid Hamid tried to address them.

The writer is an independent policy analyst and has a post-graduate degree in Political Science and Public Policy Analysis

http://dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2010\03\18\story_1 8-3-2010_pg3_6
The crazy Right and rump Pakistan

By Kamran Shafi

Tuesday, 16 Mar, 2010

Pakistan is at great risk and no one seems to have learnt any lessons at all, writes Kamran Shafi. — Photo by AFP

I was to regale you with other stories to do with our security establishment’s tortured and seemingly futile hunt for the very elusive holy grail of strategic depth in Afghanistan (I ask you) this week, but the ever-increasing assault on our poor country and its innocent people by unlettered and brainwashed and murderous yahoos leads me elsewhere.

Who saw clips of the unintentional video shot by a shocked bystander who burst into uncontrolled moans as he filmed the Yahoo blow himself up and tens of others with him, limbs and blood and gore flying in all directions?

Well, I did, and while one has almost been inured to such scenes, the live images were shocking in the extreme and outraged me more and more every time they were repeated. Not for long though, because soon the scenes began to be censored, the more gory parts cut out of the film. Bad move by whoever for the people at large must be shown the extent of the bestiality and the brutishness of the yahoos who are lionised by some politicians for their own narrow political ends.

Lahore has been attacked twice inside of a week, the attacks killing scores of people and injuring and maiming many more. The intelligence agencies failed all ends up yet again, and as per usual, specially the premier agency aka the Mother of All Agencies which seems to have its finger in every matter — from disappearing people to formulating the country’s foreign policy to destabilising the government whenever it is perceived to be stepping ‘out of line’ — except in running the yahoos to the ground and nipping their evil in the bud.

You might well ask what I mean by the title of this piece. Simple: the Crazy Right are the successors of the Crush India Brigade of the late 1960s and early 1970s which gave us the Bangladesh tragedy (which of course had other reasons too); rump Pakistan is the country we are left with after the breakup of Pakistan as a result of the exertions of the crazy Right. They might well succeed yet again.

Here is the present high priest of the crazy Right, one Zaid (Zaman) Hamid, reportedly speaking on something called ‘Ummah Radio’: “Pakistan is in the headlines again! Oh people! Know that it is a combined action of RAW and Mossad to dismantle the divinely placed concrete foundations of the house of the pure, the feared fort of Islam. We are a nation which is like a glittering star of guidance for the crescent of the whole Muslim world, the pioneer of the creation of the green united states of Islam in the world that is drowning in the sea of ignorance.

“Oh Muslims! Always hold on to truth, and the truth is that it is yet again a Zionist-controlled western media’s conspiracy. Let’s rise up against the enemies of Islam; let’s nuke the ... Hindus and Jews, the nefarious dark forces of this planet. Insha’allah, the time for shahadat is near. My sons and daughters, get ready for the big day, the promised day when Allah will make the Muslims victorious and Jews will run here and there to find shelter. Even the trees will talk and will say: ‘these sons of apes and swines are hiding behind my trunk’.

“Rise up and get ready for the mass suicide. Great nations die for a noble cause. What is more nobler than wiping the enemies of Islam from the face of this earth? Remember, Islam is a peaceful religion. Allah commands us to take care of each other. All are equal in the eyes of Allah. Slay them with your daggers. ...Islam will rule the world....”. The transmission is interrupted. Announcer: “We are trying to re-establish the connection with our great leader, meanwhile we will ask Qari Bakir to recite ‘Surah Tauba’.”

If this doesn’t make your blood run cold and infuriate you all at once, dear reader, I don’t know what will. Can you and I ask why this person is allowed to go on with his increasingly violent rants aimed at the huge numbers of unemployed, half-educated youths who have nothing to do in a country that is essentially a security state and which, instead of creating job opportunities for these vulnerable targets for the spreaders of poison, spends most of its money on toys and more toys for the boys, and more and more luxurious perks for its generals?

Surely spreading hate against other religions is against the law? Surely calling for mass suicide is against the law? Surely advocating nuking the hell out of another country is a crime against humanity itself? Why, then, is this man not prosecuted?

Why does the federal government not get the Federal Bureau of Revenue to investigate the sources of this person’s income, which must be huge judging from the campaigns he mounts, to see who exactly keeps him in big money? Why does the judiciary, which seems to be hell-bent on just pursuing the federal government’s leaders, not take suo motu notice of this man’s dangerous spoutings?

We must recall immediately too that some days ago this person was hosted in Peshawar by Governor Owais Ghani and sent amidst official protocol to speak at Islamia College University where he was not allowed to speak by the Pakhtun Students Union and the Amn Tehrik and was sent scurrying back to the comfort of the governor’s bosom.

Why, pray, is the federal government’s representative in Peshawar trying to smooth the way for this purveyor of hatred? Why is he mollycoddling this man who is attempting to lead the country’s disaffected young astray?

Our country is at great risk, my friends, for no one seems to have learnt any lessons at all. I fear it will face even more grief in the coming days while our politicians leap off the cliff like lemmings.

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