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Zaid Hamid commentary

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Zaid Hamid is freemason. His red hat is symbol. He was working for cult with Yusuf Kazzab and all allegations are hundred percent true. Zaid Hamid wants the same Shariat courts in Pakistan that decide on which school to blow up and how many witnesses that require.

You mean Lael Shahbaz Qalandar RA was a freemesson too who used to wear Red and Red flag hosts on his shrine? Is that your reason your proof your backing of Zaid being Freemesson? :rofl:

You don't even half know this guy and are committing sin by putting allegations without even slightest proof. If you have proofs of your allegations, put it here in the forum right away and if not, you are disgracing yourself more than others ever can.

You rightly run from Islamic Courts that will penalize for speaking lies and you should.:lol:
Mullah is a stereotype.
Zaid Hamid is freemason. His red hat is symbol. He was working for cult with Yusuf Kazzab and all allegations are hundred percent true. Zaid Hamid wants the same Shariat courts in Pakistan that decide on which school to blow up and how many witnesses that require.


You mean Lael Shahbaz Qalandar RA was a freemesson too who used to wear Red and Red flag hosts on his shrine? Is that your reason your proof your backing of Zaid being Freemesson? :rofl:

You don't even half know this guy and are committing sin by putting allegations without even slightest proof. If you have proofs of your allegations, put it here in the forum right away and if not, you are disgracing yourself more than others ever can.

You rightly run from Islamic Courts that will penalize for speaking lies and you should.:lol:

i don't really understand why we peoples are so much obsessed with colours?

I mean Thunder Omni Role just raised his finger on Zaid Hamid's red hat? Some peoples consider Black colour as being bad.

What is this, i never understood these colour boys
Not that i am trying to defend a guy, but the thing is if ZH did anything wrong he will be caught by God, As its only Allah who knows who has committed sins or not, why in the world are u people trying to conclude if hes guilty or innocent, lets just say we all do accept he is purely innocent so will that be a final verdict :disagree: . some how i couldn't resist pondering upon this question that why Muslim world is in trouble because some think that it is their prime duty as a good Muslim to criticize or pin point those who they perceive as are deviant from their religion. Such mentality is the back bone of all the problems believe me, Taliban want to eliminate TV, Music, liberty of women etc just because they think its the right thing to do, similarly some people here think that they are good Muslims if they will criticize ZH, but apparently actions of such critics only show the lack of faith they have in Allah, because if the are true Muslims they shouldn't worry about others sins, as a true Muslim, believes in the judgment day where there will be the most merciful and most impartial judge of all. so i think we should give credit to ZH for being so bold in reprobating those who intend to harm Pakistan, if he did any thing wrong, for that we should have trust in God.
pura din dimag ka dahi ho gaya tha par dimag ekdam fresh ho gaya pura article padh ke ..lol...thanx for such nice article
What percentage of patriotic Pakistanis here & elsewhere r NOT indian media viewers...!!! very very little,,, whether they admit or not...

What a lame thing to discredit someone.

It's like watching cricket match of India with Australia... u can still be hard-core Pakistani...

episode No. 5, 904
fan either entered when announcement was being made or he was typical indian news channel forgerer... who were able to discover a "jalalabad" in Pakistan...
the fan said that he first thought it was a conspiracy, but after noticing the genuine red cap of Hamid, he was astonished
what!!!:rofl: "Conspiracy" :rofl: Typical indian news channel style...

Yeh he for sure would keep his red cap on all the time...:no:
fan name = Abdul Karim
Typical pet name by indian forgerers for Pakistanis... Like in mumbai attck there were lots of Abu's & Abdul's... same in anti-Pak indian movies...

What you think you fool Mossad, CIA, Raw agent Qasim alive in our minds, hearts and lungs so oh you shut up!’ he added.
this "fan" was either a pedistal-fan or ran from some psychiatric hospital...

Hamid accepted that he sometimes watches Indian soaps and that even though he is of the opinion that Hindus are paleed (dirty), there is no harm in watching them on TV because they can’t touch you and can’t cast their shadow over you.
:taz::bounce::chilli:No comments... & no need to go any further... :wave:
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I think after having so much of discussion about Chacha Zaid Hamid we might need a dedicated section for Mr Hamid in this forum :rofl:

Everybody loves him here :D
why Admins make one sticky thread for Mr Hamid. We have dozens of threads talking about samething
We do that now and then. ZH keeps popping up now and then. He has a movement of dumbasses, but its one heck of an organized movement.
We do that now and then. ZH keeps popping up now and then. He has a movement of dumbasses, but its one heck of an organized movement.

Please Ban Zaid Hamid from this forum :hitwall: i am fed up reading about him. Give Supari to Chota Don and kill him if you wish to. We want peace :cry: not Ghazwa-e-Hind
oh Maulvi saab

which Khilafat allows girl to be beaten by Law :flame::flame::flame:

I don't know i hear strange things here everyday

Why will the girls be beaten? tell me?

and its funny to see you peoples prefer the Law of Man rather than the Law of Allah despite calling yourself a Muslim :rofl:

What really is khilafat btw? Shariah is not only to give punishments to peoples?
Lets, see the Taliban did. Saudi Arabia does, Iran does. It happened in Pakistan's Swat. What makes you think Khilafat-e-Rashideen of Zaid Hamid's would be any different?

Freedom of speech? No.
Music? No
Dance? No.
Right to vote? No
Women on TV? No
Fashion? No
Freedom to preach religion? No

For some people like Zaid Hamid Islam is making Muslims into sara hua pakora. Everything is a Kill joy. Kambakhti is good.

These Mullahs are very happy in turning everything about Pakistan into a kill joy.
The person looks to be raising the question regarding Zaid Hamid's link to the "Yousuf Kazzab" who was given death sentence by a Pakistani court for blasphemy. I like Zaid Hamid's point of view but came to know first time that he defended a person like Yousuf even after islamic scholars from various schools of thought gave verdict against him and even Pakistani court found him guilty of blasphemy. Yousuf Kazzab was later shot dead by a person in a jail.
I am curious to know Zaid Hamid's relations with that Kazzab, whether it was just a simple relationship or he was the follower of Kazzab's point of view.
Zaid Hamid must clear it as soon as possible as it's becomes very vital for a person of his stature as general muslims will go away from him as everyone knows that how much even a non practising muslim loves last prophet of Allah Almighty.
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Clear and present danger

Belief in conspiracy theories focusing on Pakistan is not only new, it is on the increase judging by the content of public blogs and TV talk shows.

One comes across a staggering number of people who are unwilling to look inward, instead placing all the blame on any combination of the CIA, the Federal Reserve, Mossad, RAW, the US, etc.

One natural reaction to this is to dismiss conspiracy theories as a folly present in every society. Still, in developed countries conspiracy theorists and their subscribers remain at the fringe.

In Pakistan’s context, conspiracy theories are on a different scale with different implications. Going by blogs, television and anecdotal conversations with educated and illiterate people, I would surmise we are talking about a frighteningly large proportion of the mainstream. Indeed, it is common to blame the Hindus and Jews for Pakistan’s security problems; the US, Blackwater and CIA for suicide attacks. And there is a total absence of introspection.

Why is the problem on such a large scale in Pakistan considering there are parallel demagogues in other countries? Why is the Pakistani public more susceptible than its western counterparts?

The answer can only be based on common sense since studies on the issue do not exist. The country is underdeveloped, lacks a decent social and physical infrastructure, its people don’t have access to economic or educational opportunities. Living in a war theatre, they face food and water insecurity and see themselves as victims.

Victims of whom, though? Not of themselves, no not even in part, but of the perfect villain (the US, Israel, India…), they are told by our local demagogues. And the reason? Pakistan is a Muslim country, and all the villains are waging a war against Islam. These conditions make for a fertile ground for the breeding and dissemination of conspiracy theories.

Once the black and white of it has been established, and the foreign culprits, states and agencies identified and accepted as the villains, any cooperation by the government with the evil forces is seen in the same light. This extends to fighting terrorism. Well-known proponents of conspiracy theories are continuously reducing complex geopolitical issues the country is in the middle of to simply a matter of Islam vs the West (also Israel and India). And on this canvas depicting the epic battle between Islam and the West/Zionism, our political and military leadership is being painted as ‘agents’ of CIA and the US.

The implications are grave. The common man is being prevented from seeing homegrown jihadism as a fundamental part of the problem. A housewife recently phoned in to a popular television programme on a day that a suicide bomber killed scores and, piously expressing her grief without condemning the act, said, ‘but first tell me who is behind all this?’ This attitude is typical.

As the spectre of imminent doom (the Taliban’s entry into Buner) receded some months ago, thanks to the current government and the armed forces undertaking to decisively push back the extremist insurgency, people started to lapse into their dimly lit comfort zone of conspiracy theories. Why? Because neither have the enabling conditions changed, nor have the leaders and proponents of conspiracy theories been confronted.

Demagogues like Dr Israr Ahmed and Zaid Hamid are playing the game unchecked and unchallenged. The political and military leadership, including President Asif Zardari, Interior Minister Rehman Malik and army chief Gen Parvez Kayani, is being painted as a traitor for fighting militancy. The implication is that by pitting the public against these symbols of the state, and the state’s battle with militancy, conspiracy theorists are turning the public against the state itself.

This is not the Pakistan of yesterday when great games were played and deals struck behind the public’s back, when the media was largely gagged and underdeveloped and, therefore, public opinion did not matter. If a war had to be fought, it was fought, and only sold as a jihad later on to the unknowing public, as Gen Ziaul Haq did in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

Today public opinion matters, as was evident in the case of Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry’s reinstatement, the demise of the National Reconciliation Ordinance, the repeal of governor’s rule in Punjab and the current reshuffle of some members of the federal cabinet. For this reason, the implications of conspiracy theories pitting the public against the state on a wide scale are grave.

In the media, there are two parallel universes operating, seemingly unaware of the existence of the other. That section of the media and analysts that carries on a rational debate on issues completely ignores conspiracy theorists. The other section, made up of specific anchors, columnists and programmes, carries on with these theories as if a rational world does not exist.

There are rare exceptions, for example Dawn columnist Nadeem Paracha’s solid response to Zaid Hamid’s theories, or Fasi Zaka’s excellent pieces on the subject about a year ago. But sadly, their words would have only reached the already converted.

The widespread culture of conspiracy theories, increasingly taking on an anti state complexion, is the ticking time bomb of today. It cannot be ignored. The two parallel universes of the Pakistani media must collide, and it is the rationalist section that must catalyse the confrontation — it is not in the interest of the other to do so.

It is imperative that space is reclaimed from conspiracy theorists, for the security of the state is threatened by it. Conspiracy theories are a clear, present and internal danger and the media must take direct action. For only the media and rational elements within civil society, be they defence analysts, politicians, lawyers, retired or serving servicemen, retired judges, cabinet ministers or ambassadors, can fight it. Such credible rationalists from civil society must be invited by the media to help fight this monster. This is an enemy that the security agencies cannot fight off.

Elements in our political leadership, like Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah of the PML-N and Senior Minister NWFP Bashir Ahmed Bilour of the ANP, would also do well not to fan the ‘blame India’ trend for the sake of political expediency. Unfortunately, India is an easy target as it provides a ready excuse for security lapses, absolving to an extent the provincial and federal governments of the responsibility to ‘do more’.

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Clear and present danger
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