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Zaid Hamid CIA Asset

I don't think its something so bizarre like CIA agent, he is just another one of our "analysts" looking for his 15 minutes of fame. His style is fearmongering. Scare Pakistanis and shoot out hundred conspiracy theories.

I would even listen to him if he started presenting at least SOME proof for any of his theories.

For example he comes about and says "Blackwater bombed the market in Peshawar". What proof do you have? Yes Blackwater existing in Pakistan and blackwater bombing the market in Peshawar are two different things.

His theory about Blackwater assassinating Benazir. What proof does he have?

And these are HUGE statements. In most countries he'd be arrested for falsifying such statements without proof.

I think he is inflicted with the foot in mouth disease of most Pakistani TV personnel. No one questions him, that hey you said this about this but it turned out to be something else. For example he said the Mumbai attacks were orchestrated by RAW but it turned out to be Lashkar-e-Tayyaba. Why doesn't anyone go and question him... How come you lied?

The thing is when you start questioning him Zaid Hamid's style is to start shouting and scream louder than the other guy. His nostrils would flare up and the other guy would just shut up seeing a mad man on the other side.

I think only Admins can ban anyone.

Why ban him? He provides much needed humor in an otherwise heavy forum...

I live few miles from the Canada border, can u tell me what weed variety u can get there ?

I think our man is smoking some high grade Colombian stuff.

Zaid hamid is a CIA agent.

How do we know you are not a CIA agent? Put here to discredit Zaid Hamid.

Or maybe I am a CIA agent ;) trying to discredit you and save my fellow agent Zaid Hamid...

My head hurts...
A thought just crossed my mind -

Can we have a separate thread on ZH and decide, let's say, a 'collective opinion' of the forum about ZH? Every thread tends to get divided between ZH supporters and ZH haters. If we can have a separate discussion, we can decide ZH's credibility for once and all. :what:
A thought just crossed my mind -

Can we have a separate thread on ZH and decide, let's say, a 'collective opinion' of the forum about ZH? Every thread tends to get divided between ZH supporters and ZH haters. If we can have a separate discussion, we can decide ZH's credibility for once and all. :what:

This forum has more Indians than Pakistanis so how come Indians are authority to decide credibility of anyone or for that matter even who we are to issue a decree of credibility about anyone here.

On the other hand you and everyone has the right to reject any analysis by Zaid Hamid or anyone else, if you dont agree reject it, if you agree do so otherwise.

Simple as that.
Its also a fact that Indians come on any thread related to mr Zaid Hamid and we get usual abuses and senseless comments because you hate him.

If he is not credible than why Indians are so obssesed with him just move on and do not throng the thread if you think its not worth to give him any weight.

And i am amused you guys were on his FB page in massive numbers lolzz its shows how much phobia you guys have.

This forum has more Indians than Pakistanis so how come Indians are authority to decide credibility of anyone or for that matter even who we are to issue a decree of credibility about anyone here.

If this forum can have collective opinion about the President of Pakistan, then why not Zaid Hamid?

On the other hand you and everyone has the right to reject any analysis by Zaid Hamid or anyone else, if you dont agree reject it, if you agree do so otherwise.

Actually, I'm tired of rejecting his claims. I'm really impressed by his capacity of talking nonsense at such frequency.

Simple as that.
Its also a fact that Indians come on any thread related to mr Zaid Hamid and we get usual abuses and senseless comments because you hate him.

How many Pakistani members you need to accept that they love ZH as much as Indians?

If he is not credible than why Indians are so obssesed with him just move on and do not throng the thread if you think its not worth to give him any weight.

Going by this logic, we should not ban anyone on this forum. If a member is not worth attention, just ignore him!

And i am amused you guys were on his FB page in massive numbers lolzz its shows how much phobia you guys have.


Phobia? Hmm, may be!

As they say, "nangey se khuda darey!!" ;)
What is this Indian obsession with Zaid Hamid?

Poor old Bharat Verma must be hating Zaid Hamid that even his own countrymen are ignoring him and watching ZH instead :)
because he makes us feel proud that how much frustrated and irritated our enemy is with us. it makes us feel great that our enemy dreams of doing all sorts of things and cant do a sh!t.... :cheers:

Man after hearing him i really feel proud of India. Man Pakistan needs such a moron to convince people that they are something else people would have lost their identity...:rofl:

Now you know why we laugh at the Indian media. :)
What is this Indian obsession with Zaid Hamid?

Poor old Bharat Verma must be hating Zaid Hamid that even his own countrymen are ignoring him and watching ZH instead :)

Two reasons:-

First - He is very entertaining.

Second (serious one) - He is instilling hatred in the hearts of Pakistanis against Indians by providing baseless arguments and twisted facts.

Now let us look at a similar situation from Pakistan's point of view: A 5 minute video containing inflaming statements of an immature 13 year old girl made thousands of Pakistanis crazy and ultra critical. Despite the fact, that few Indians supported her views.

On that parameter, when we compare a 45 year old, really popular 'defence analyst' spewing out venom against India in his innumerable videos, don't you think Indians have proven to be extremely patient?

P.S. No one in India knows about Bharat Varma, or barely even cares about him, but yes, I did love the way he made Hamid Gul look like a fool on some Pakistan's own TV channel.
What is this Indian obsession with Zaid Hamid?

Poor old Bharat Verma must be hating Zaid Hamid that even his own countrymen are ignoring him and watching ZH instead :)

though everyone knows movies are just fictions still we enjoy them.. so is zaid's stories.. he is a gud story teller.. for me it's a gud pop corn TV show whenever i feel bored and don't know what to do.....
What is this Indian obsession with Zaid Hamid?

Poor old Bharat Verma must be hating Zaid Hamid that even his own countrymen are ignoring him and watching ZH instead :)

Bharat have had Nightmares according to zeeeeee news:lol:
though everyone knows movies are just fictions still we enjoy them.. so is zaid's stories.. he is a gud story teller.. for me it's a gud pop corn TV show whenever i feel bored and don't know what to do.....

Then stop complaining:sniper:
Now you know why we laugh at the Indian media. :)

oh then you should also laugh at british american and whole world media. cuz these days what ever is in Indian media is on british media in couple of days.

at least indian mediad do not lay the claim that he is amar singh

and above all

indian muslims and lower castes are with pakistan we should declare war on india. they will fight from our side

man you guys should have done that thinking about the uprising within india for your support............ :rofl:

After listening to him each Indian realizes how much identity crisis you guys have and how much you guys have been screwed.... thats the secret behind watching him....
He is instilling hatred in the hearts of Pakistanis against Indians by providing baseless arguments and twisted facts.

In that case, I stand corrected. The Indian equivalent of Zaid Hamid is not Bharat Verma, but Times of India, Rediff, NDTV, etc, etc.

In fact, most mainstream Indian media would qualify as jingoistic tabloid, in the same league as Bharat Verma or Zaid Hamid.

though everyone knows movies are just fictions still we enjoy them.. so is zaid's stories.. he is a gud story teller.. for me it's a gud pop corn TV show whenever i feel bored and don't know what to do.....

That's the problem right there. Most Indians have lost the ability to distinguish between Bollywood sensationalism and TOI/Rediff sensationalism.
Bharat have had Nightmares according to zeeeeee news:lol:

Dude, you might know that Pakistani channels are not allowed in India-- so only way Indians can learn about ZZH is the internet.
Here is search statistics for Zaid Hamid from Google:

View attachment ed5ed283dbe191618a2dc355bbc36f81.jpg

And ZZH is not a Pakistani name that appears often in India (maybe a couple of times during the Mumbai incident). Decide for yourself. :hitwall:

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