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Zaid Hamid CIA Asset

Thats funny. Have you even watched any of Zaid Hamid's talks

I am thoroughly familiar with Zaids ideology and preaching’s. Why does a secret think tank need to broadcast and parade it’s ideology to the general public, all strategies are kept top secret very few people even within organization have knowledge of them.

Zaid Hamid is not Anti-American. He already said in an interview, he doesn't hate America, he just wants foreign countries not to interfere in Pakistan's personal business. He's Pakistani and has every right to care about his country.

Actions speak louder than words, (what has he been preaching lately) all terrorist call themselves peace loving humanists, but we know the reality. That’s a contradictory statement on his part, America is interfering in Pakistan so he is anti-American. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Media is free. There's freedom of speech now in Pakistani media.

Media is free but it doesn’t give them the right to yell fire in a crowded room. They need to carefully examine the consequences which seep into the general public as result of their actions.

I don’t think he's Anti-American, he is just against American policies, and even some Americans themselves are against their government's policies

Nations interact between polices not people.

HAHAHAHA Then why does he have a Pakistani accent when speaking in English (check the above video), and why is his Urdu so perfect. Zaid Hamid is 100% Pakistani.

If you study the entire video carefully you can tell he’s covering up his American accent with Indian one. (No Indian or Pakistani speaks such grammatically correct English)

As far as mastering a language, I’ve lived all my life in the west I just spoke to a guy in India this guy sounded exactly American, he had me fooled .

More about Zaid Hamid:

Zaid was born in Karachi, in 1964. His father, Col. (Retd) Zaman Hamid has served in the Pakistan Army. Zaid's early life was spent in Karachi, where he obtained his BE degree from NED University, in 1980s.

Zaid Hamid - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

More about Gasht


Gahst was born in Lahore, in 1980. His father, the king of England, Hennery the II served in the Royal Army. Gasht early life was spent in Lahore, where he obtained his BE degree from Punjab University, in 1990s.

Also would a CIA agent be banned from Facebook (an American website):

this is the millionth time he’s been banned from some service we need to hear about, it’s not actually the ban which is important rather spectacle created afterwards , but if you were to carefully review such claims you would know that Zaid’s website Brasstacks is open and countless streaming videos on YouTube and etc... are unblocked
very good attempt :lol:.... changing flags would not help as alot of PDF members do not drink .. we know what he is and we know who you are try your ideas on bharat rakshak and you will get alot of thanks this idea would not be bought on PDF cheers
no.... he is a typical pakistani "defence" analyst

sort of but i doubt that dude is Pakistani ...he is funny tough saying some hilarious stuff :lol:
this thread would have made alot more sense if posted on 1st of april...:lol:
he is new and maybe believes that pdf is full of idiots and we will buy his product.....
very good attempt :lol:.... changing flags would not help as alot of PDF members do not drink .. we know what he is and we know who you are try your ideas on bharat rakshak and you will get alot of thanks this idea would not be bought on PDF cheers

Yes we know who he (Zaid Hamid) is and why this thread is started.:flame:
and next thing what ever Zaid Hamid is we dont care about him we only care what he says for Pakistan, Islam and Pakistani people to get safe from zionest agenda(I personaly like him v much like other pakistani patriot) :pakistan::pakistan:

I was trying to be Politically Correct laymen terms he’s white American ( north America whites are referred to Anglo, caucasian, etc.. )

you can tell by his Urdu accent. If a French or other non-native was speaking Hindi you can identify it isn't his native tongue ( he hides it by speaking in sharper tone but you can tell ) plus the biggest give away is his facial appearance, need i say more..

:rofl::rofl: stop your comedy here.

Only you Indian origion people like caucasian.

And dont worry about his facial appearance because by that standard you might declare me also a White American :rofl:



Get a life you Indians will never refrain from such tactics.
very good attempt :lol:.... changing flags would not help as alot of PDF members do not drink .. we know what he is and we know who you are try your ideas on bharat rakshak and you will get alot of thanks this idea would not be bought on PDF cheers

heheheheh actualy they are having inborn complex aka identity cirisis which they show on forums lolzz
I don't think you can change it and rebuttal for what ? no one apart from yourself thinks that way.

It was a response to an earlier remark.

don't need to refute something which is completely absurd to start with, CIA does not recruit people to talk against them and disclose their hidden agendas by making them public, but yeah labeling someone like Zaid Hamid to be one of their own makes sense for all the wrong reasons.

It is well known fact CIA funds and supports its enemies to fuel its agendas and motives. Right before 9/11 America was supporting the Taliban as one operative put it best, “my enemy’s enemy is my friend" (Iran/northern alliance) This was why ISI chief Mahmud Ahmed was in Washington debriefing the CIA of Pakistani/Taliban current progress.

Ever heard of the term opposing interest working together for the achievement national interest

You want to understand how the CIA operates: I’ll delve into their well-known tactics and accomplishments

CIA is covertly supporting the Taliban through funding of Karzai’s criminal brother who funnels the funds to the Taliban: public knowledge

Before the invasion of Iraq guess what was lambasted in the major media outlets that Saddam is a threat and he hates Americans freedom and supports al-Qaida and has WMDs, this was open public knowledge, no one refuted this, the CIA was churning out all kinds of imaginative WMD’s, on moving trucks and what not, sponsored by expat Iraqi scientists which was complete sham. Essentially they created an enemy and jeopardised national security if Saddam attacked on grounds of mutual threat.....

The video reveals CIA had planned to attack American homeland and hold Cubans responsible and invade the island, which later President Kennedy scrapped, sounds familiar now, if they can attack their own homeland to achieve their aim, installing sophisticated political nut-jobs who preach Islamization and jihad doesn’t sound too far-fetched

At some point the massive atrocities and sly scheme do reach public domains as in the case of Cambodia and Vietnam where they were covertly funding vein cong by procuring heroin supplies from them

hidden agendas by making them public, but yeah labeling someone like Zaid Hamid to be one of their own makes sense for all the wrong reasons

Zaid hamid has never revealed his agenda rather we need to questions his motives?

As for my loyalites, long after zaid hamid has disappeared my families soul love body and sacrifices will remain in this great land.

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yet another blind zaid hamid follower..zaid hamid has infected so many pakistanis...now only ALLAH will save pakistan from downright destruction

Oh please spare us of Hindutva advices.

I am not blind like Indians who are resorting to such cheap tactics against Zaid Hamid
Zaid hamid has never revealed his agenda rather we need to questions his motives?

The only agenda and motive is to unite Pakistanis against CIA, RAW and neo-liberal supporters like of CIA like you who are spreading propaganda against Pakistan, Islam and Pakistan Army.

Dude come up with proofs or otherwise as they "Put up or shut up"
SOMEONE has said ..when you become annoying and at some stage your say will fall on deaf ears..
thanks for coming jana lets have a crack on it.... so haven't we just discovered a hilarious yet cheap neibourhood tactic?
What I think about the Pakistani flags of Gasht, KillZardari:
that can be best described with a conversation between Amzad Khan (actor) and some other actor in a movie scene...

AK: yaar, aaj kal duniya seedhi ho gayee hay

Other: kya keh rahe ho bhai...duniya to aaj kal ulti ho gayee hay, jahan dekho har koi ulte kaam kar raha hay...

AK: nahee yaar, pehle seedhi thee phir ulti hui, ab ulte ko aur ulta kar diya to seedhi ho gayee

Guys, isn't this a standard tactic of both Indians and Pakistanis to assume each others flags and do nasty things on the internet to make the other side look bad...? False-Flag on the internet.. lol
What I think about the Pakistani flags of Gasht, KillZardari:
that can be best described with a conversation between Amzad Khan (actor) and some other actor in a movie scene...

AK: yaar, aaj kal duniya seedhi ho gayee hay

Other: kya keh rahe ho bhai...duniya to aaj kal ulti ho gayee hay, jahan dekho har koi ulte kaam kar raha hay...

AK: nahee yaar, pehle seedhi thee phir ulti hui, ab ulte ko aur ulta kar diya to seedhi ho gayee

Guys, isn't this a standard tactic of both Indians and Pakistanis to assume each others flags and do nasty things on the internet to make the other side look bad...? False-Flag on the internet.. lol

:) its Gasht, KillerZardari and MuZamm|L a.k.a Dr. s[1]n

All three in one

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