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Z-10 & Z-19 Combat Helicopter News & Discussion

New engine,new rocket pod:


19 rockets counted。:coffee::D

直十武装直升机配备新19管火箭巢 与阿帕奇相当_军事频道_凤凰网
Let me put it this way:

China now has the engines to build a heavy attack helicopter such as the Apache。

”Will China build it“ is a different question。:D

So, that's why you need us to test it out in battle :D

I've seen drawings of WZ-12, related?

No ... why on earth do all think that with each and every new image a new engine must be installed ?

I can only ask my question and rise my point again: How should an engine be in China in serial production, if the engine it is originally based on - namely the Ardiden 3C is not ready in Europe yet ????

I' surely eager to learn, but so far I only heard rumours - and to admit most of them simply fan-boy's chatter - that the WZ-16 is ready .... but so far no official link or any other reliable source.

To remind in regard to the Adiden 3C itself: The 3C-version as the latest member of the Ardiden-family is not even listed on the Turbomeca-HP, a first ground run – NOTE: not a test on an actual helicopter – was only done in November 2013 and You really believe reports that serial production started then already in China in 2014 ??? Simply NEVER.

Request Rejected
Turbomeca completes first ground run of Ardiden 3C - 11/28/2013 - Flight Global
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No ... why on earth do all think that with each and every new image a new engine must be installed ?

I can only ask my question and rise my point again: How should an engine be in China in serial production, if the engine it is originally based on - namely the Ardiden 3C is not ready in Europe yet ????

I' surely eager to learn, but so far I only heard rumours - and to admit most of them simply fan-boy's chatter - that the WZ-16 is ready .... but so far no official link or any other reliable source.

To remind in regard to the Adiden 3C itself: The 3C-version as the latest member of the Ardiden-family is not even listed on the Turbomeca-HP, a first ground run – NOTE: not a test on an actual helicopter – was only done in November 2013 and You really believe reports that serial production started then already in China in 2014 ??? Simply NEVER.

Request Rejected
Turbomeca completes first ground run of Ardiden 3C - 11/28/2013 - Flight Global

When WS-10A completed all trial run. Did China AVIC make a big whooha about serial production of the turbofan?
I think you are expecting too much for China regarding transparency of China military. Same as WZ9 turboshaft, so nobody knows much news about the engine. Its development and start is still a mystery. But we do know domestic turboshaft is not a big problem since a decent number of WZ-10 gunship has enter service.

Another theory about new turboshaft installed is China willing to export this gunship. More in line and better version for domestic use has come up. I will say the cooperation with France for WZ16 turboshaft is more for civilian market since Embargo against China is still enforced. Military version will be another one but sharing close spec with it.
Agreed, but we all agree that the WZ-16 is in fact based on the Ardiden 3C if not a Chinese-build version of the same. So how can the Chinese version be already in serial production and installed in an improved Z-10 version, if the European original one is not ready yet ! That simply does not make sense ... especially since we do not even have a report about a WZ-16's test run in China nor a reliable source stating that it is ready. All we have are rumours ...

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