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YouTube blocked in Pakistan

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There is nothing called bad publicity in media. This controvery will increase the curiosity among people to see what is causing this wave of opposition. hence, more people will see it and that will enable other directors to make such movie, especially those who are struggling and want fame to get more work.

When fatwa was issued against Salman Rushdie, sale of his book "Satanic Verses" sharply increased. Before fatwa, in his interview to a US channel, he said that he would have been more critical about this topic. If he had done that, he would have been dead by now.
i dont think the world lives in white or the black side ,its the (inbetween) grey area which creates a balance, many societies are not so tolerant to accept everything.

as you said their are videos about jesus, krishna too but the impact is different thus creates an exception. i think youtube should self-regulate these things if not questions will raise.

There is no exception either you ban everything or nothing, you can't pick and choose.
Sure....But a lot of haram will come their too....and thus it wont remain halal for very long!

But then you'll have the power to screen off the Kafirs. No kafir no haram.

nope... noo nooo.. noooo.. :fie:

Im not trolling with the pic or supporting or opposing the decision but wanted to post this pic since the day Asim put this as his avatar when India blocked some anti national sites... was waiting for the day Pakistan blocks something over something..

We blocked some blogs and few pages here and there also the youtube video on religious insult.

But to block the entire youtube which is still a source of information, entertainment and education for millions of Pakistanis is a HUUUUGEEE achievement. Bravo :feminist:
Very good decision to block YouTube and they should also block all the product from google in pakistan and islamic country . google will realize their mistake and remove the video or loose lots of subscriber from these country i promise you its a big chunk.
Buddy I have seen similar videos on YT even before this one was made so why did nobody speak out before? why now?

because mostly people never saw those videos..neither we search this type of videos..but this particular movie was made papular by those who released this and they feel proud..if they dont get punishment..it ll encourage others belong to any religion.dont you think?
I have seen the video.

Didn't cause me to riot or hurt anyone.
Good decision. Now need of the hour is to keep it shut to the point, youtube changes its policy. It would be more nicer if other countries join in too.
good public should now cool down and stop road shows
Buddy I have seen similar videos on YT even before this one was made so why did nobody speak out before? why now?

Well if someone is speaking out or blocking it now...why is it irritating you??
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