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Yousuf Al Kardawi's Speech to Bangladesh

Lungi everyone knows you are a rajakar, no need to beat your drums and scratch your own back. After all by your own admission mukti bahini was a terrorist force.
I am not sure either. But someone who knows well about Army told me - there are only 10 tank regiments in Army each having 44 tanks. That makes 440! Another new regiment (44 MBT2000) was added recently. 700 tanks were bought in total but not all exist today!!
Is that someone related to BDmilitary? Does he have proof from ISPR or any other MIL's mouth pieces? Please don't get me wrong as I would be one of the happiest people to see the number is such but I don't want to keep my countrymen in foolish paradise by feeding them cooked up stories. BTW, I think that the number is false and would be grateful if someone can prove me wrong, thanks.

Same 2 Ya! Enjoy the year. Also happy new year to @DarkPrince @Armstrong
Happy New Year to Kobiraj, IDUNE, MBI, ZAKIR, EROL, AKASH, LUFFY, T-REX and other like minded but grand new year to my enemies like Iajdani, East watch as well.
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Just to throw this out there, I don't believe that to be pro-Ummah one must set aside national interest. I believe it is possible for one to do both at the same time but with some sacrifices of course. To do this, I believe Bangladesh should build strong(er) relations with Muslim countries first and foremost, then other countries. This can be done through economic, military, social, cultural, and edcuation agreements etc. Through this, Bangladesh and the whole Muslim world as a whole would grow closer together and become a precursor for a Caliphate. We already have the OIC, so now it's just a matter of each member state putting their mind towards this goal and actively working towards it.

I know that to some this may sound like a pipe dream or some absurd fantasy, but this is my opinion, and my belief in it is strengthened by my full faith in what my religion has to say about this matter.
I believe that this speech will have some sort of a negative effect on AL's image in the Muslim world as Bangladesh is after all a Muslim majority country and part of the Ummah (whether you believe in it or not). My guess is that this speech might raise questions as to why it was given in the first place upon which the current actions and crimes of AL will be exposed.

But at the end of the day, reaction to this speech depends of what kind of person you are. It depends on which of the groups defined by Eorl. If one is a Pro-AL/Pro-Bengali (the Joy Bangla type), he will view this another interference of the internal affairs of Bangladesh. If one is Pro-Muslim/Pro-Bangladeshi (the Bangladesh Zindabaad type), he will view this as something not out of the ordinary as the AL should both fear Allah and try Ghulam Azam fairly, if they are so bent on doing it, as rightly stated by the sheikh.

I personally a from the second group, I am a practising Muslim and believe that Islam is a integral part of being Bangladeshi. Just think about it, what are we without Islam? Just a "sovereign" piece of India/Bengal. Bangladesh and Pakistan did not separate because of Muslim Bengalis wanting to distance themselves from Islam or wanting to be closer to India. Our separation was engineered over a long time by India. Though I do not deny the mistakes of the West Pakistani elite which gave India that window, the problems of United Pakistan were far from being unrepairable. Also, I am not in any way ashamed of being Bangladeshi but at the same time, as a Muslim, I can't help but feel the separation as a disaster as our Ummah was cut into smaller pieces. Do I have a burning love for the people of Pakistan? Yes. But I share this same love for Egyptians, Saudis, Moroccans, Somalians, Malaysians, basically the whole Muslim world. But I have faith in this weak Ummah of ours, one day we will redeem ourselves and unite as one (first our hearts then our nations). All we need to do is be patient.

But then again, I may very well be a razakaar listening to a monkey caveman! :woot:

You articulated yourself politely and eloquently.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You acted in a civilized manner without insulting or swearing, there are some on this forum who should follow your example rather than carrying on swearing, abusing, cussing etc.
1. I can speak Arabic so I listened to this idiot's speech in Arabic and stopped watching his garbage at 3.08

2. This monkey is ignorant and knows nothing about Bangladesh or our history.

3. Ghulam Azam and Jamat are hated by the majority of Islamic scholars (Deobandis) in our country for their deviant Maudoodist beliefs (even many Pakistanis hate Jamat and Maudoodi who opposed the creation of Pakistan).

4. This caveman Qardawi would never give a speech like this about Turkey which is far more secular, or even Tunisia during the Ben Ali period, both countries where Hijab was restricted.

This is just an example of bullying by an Arab nationalist caveman and ignoramus.

Also for those who know Arabs well, he revels in his opportunity to lecture "ajaanib" (foreigners/non-Arabs) who are inherently regarded as inferior. His whole tone is condescending.

Watch the name-calling from "you know who" here, who support a "certain party".

Ironically none of these same guys who support this party and abuse members here, can even speak Arabic, whilst I can...lol.

To summarize the first few minutes he said to the effect:

"I am going to speak today to our brothers in Bangladesh, a big Muslim country. It separated from India to form a country to establish Islam, Pakistan. There was West Pakistan and East Pakistan. East Pakistan separated to become Bangladesh. You are part of the ummah do not distance yourselves from it. There is a secular government there which...bla, bla, bla (all sorts of exaggerated lies against the current government)."

Then just before 3.08 he says there are ulama arrested and named Ghulam Azam.

I stopped watching after that to this monkey in disgust.

Jamat have been pumping the Arab world and Arab leaders with anti-Bangladeshi garbage and for the first few years of Bangladesh tried to prevent us from getting recognition.

They are still causing problems for us and spreading their anti-Bangladeshi message of hate.

I have no problem with you disagreeing with the sheikh. However addressing a man of the stature of Sheikh Al Qaradawi in the manner that you have is grossdisrespect not only for his age but also his knowledge on religion. It is unbecoming of any serious poster to address such a knowledgeableman in that manner. The Sheikh is the grand Muftifor Europe and North America and is highly respectedworldwide. Tbis is not without reason.
My sincerest advice to all here is to disavree all you want, as is your right but do it with respect for the man and his knowledge.
Eorl ⚔;3752871 said:
You can not hate the ideology of Jamat in this way which has not done anything against BD after independence. They are a democratic party. If people vote them, they will come in power, otherwise, not, simple/

According to your way, anyone can hate the AL's ideology as like you hate Jamat's. AL's ideology seriously hurts a pro-Muslim Bangladesh's sentiment. A pro-Muslim Bangladeshi loves his country from his perspective, you can not hate them for that.

Your view toward Jamat is extreme, similar to AL minded people. That is the contradiction, that you claim yourself as pro-Muslim Bangladeshi and at the same time anti-AL also. You criticize AL for its failure, not for its ideology, Do you? Here is the gap in your claim. Besides, whoever, even a BNP supporter, oppose you, you label him as Razakar, another sign of AL type personality.

Jamat is a victim of fascist AL and intentionally badly portrayed by AL. In real life, I saw some Jamaties, I found them good person. So who misinterpret them I consider them as bad people or misinformed people/

About abusing you, they may use less harsh language towards them who are misinformed by AL and to the new comers.

So basically you encouraging their swearing, violating of forum rules, insulting of people.

However I cannot oppose their ideology?

Sorry but I am free to criticize Jamat e Islami (an organization whose senior members e.g. Sayeedi have been banned from Britain hatred for religious hate speech, and who have been linked to extremist pro-Al Qaeda groups).

Have a nice day.

I have no problem with you disagreeing with the sheikh. However addressing a man of the stature of Sheikh Al Qaradawi in the manner that you have is grossdisrespect not only for his age but also his knowledge on religion. It is unbecoming of any serious poster to address such a knowledgeableman in that manner. The Sheikh is the grand Muftifor Europe and North America and is highly respectedworldwide. Tbis is not without reason.
My sincerest advice to all here is to disavree all you want, as is your right but do it with respect for the man and his knowledge.

Asalamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu Araz.

JazakumAllah khair for your naseeha.

You are indeed correct. I commited an error when I described Qardawi with inappropriate language. This was partly as a consequence of Jamati thugs on this forum abusing me left, right and centre and swearing at me and insulting Bangladesh e.g. our flag, anthem etc, thus in my anger I lashed out at Qardawi due to constant Jamati provocation and abuse.

Qardawi is an Azhari scholar living in the gulf.

He must fear Allah because Islam tells us to not speak without knowledge and his intentions may arguably be good but he is grossly ignorant.

Ghulam Azam is not one of the great scholars of Bangladesh. Bangladeshi scholasticism is dominated by Deobandis like Mufti Ubaidul Haq (Allah yarhamhu) and mainstream Islamic scholars in Bangladesh consider Jamat as an anti-Sunni group with deviant beliefs and condemn Maudoodi.

Maudoodi has been condemned by both Deobandi and Salafee scholars alike.

Jamat i Islami is basically a South Asian variant of the Muslim brotherhood, who many Arabs and Arab governments have a problem with and see as a source of instability.

Jamat i Islami (like the Awami League and BNP) are corrupt and have stolen funds allocated to Rohingya refugees to fund their own pockets.

Amongst their ordinary rank and file there are indeed some sincere people of good character.

However their leadership are traitors, liars and enemies of Bangladesh.

I do not support the execution of Ghulam Azam as he is almost dead anyway and his execution will just make him a martyr.

The current regime in Bangladesh is corrupt and are misusing these trials (the wish of the Bangladeshi nation for alleged war criminals, alleged rapists, murderers and torturers to be tried) for their own selfish agenda and the whole trial has been conducted in an unfair way.

Hasina was herself a former political ally and coalition partner of Ghulam Azam (so if she "hates him that much, why did she do that?) and Ghulam Azam allied with Hasina (so if he is so noble as the Jamati thugs on this forum claim he is, why did he do that?)

I condemn both Hasina and Ghulam Azam, whereas Jamatis only consider Hasina.

Thanks for reading.

Allah yubarik feek.

- Hammer.
Lungi everyone knows you are a rajakar, no need to beat your drums and scratch your own back. After all by your own admission mukti bahini was a terrorist force.

Labong and other Indians, I do not want you to think I am some sort of secular liberal because if you saw the whole range of my views you would not think so and would feel mislead.

I fundamentally have no problem with India as a people or civilization (blasphemy to hate-filled anti-Hindu Jamatis) however my issues are with the New Delhi political establishment who do so many things against my country.

I am sure you on your side feel that you have issues with us and that we are at fault in certain things.

I fundamentally (aside from flame wars and defiant messages of how Bangladesh will defend itself till the last man, even be it a thousand years) wish for peace between our two countries because:

1. Bangladesh is a poor country and needs trade to develop.

2. We gain nothing from being hostile for no reason to India.

3. We can access a market of 1 billion + more than the EU itself.

India and China are "enemies" but are nearing trade of $100 billion, so Bangladesh and India should do the same.

The non-Indic world sees us both as inferior brown people (many Arabs - not all - despise south Asian Muslims and don't care if your Hindu or Muslim, you are still "Hindi", "miskeen", "inferior", not all Arabs and the gulf Arab states generally are good allies of ours) and would laugh at seeing two sets of "inferior" brown people fighting.

Jamatis however have a deep hatred for India and for Hindus and do not want peace with India ever, even if India were to be the best neighbour on earth as they believe in Zaid Hamid style views of an ultimate epic "Muslim v Hindu" conflict that will decisively end conflict in South Asia. These people cannot be reasoned with and if they have power are dangerous.

I in the past felt that Jamat i Islami should be banned, but feel that may not be wise as it may be impractical and counter-productive. What I have heard however is that covertly they have been infilitrated by our intelligence who (beyond the headlines keep them under control).

We Bangladeshis are a soft, gentle and peaceful nation that believe in peaceful co-existence, communal harmony and progress. We are proud Muslims but moderate.

Jamatis do not represent us or our nation in any way, shape or form.

This statement is evidenced by the very low number of votes they get in free and independent Muslim Bangladesh.

Thanks for reading.
@Loki i am not telling anyone to become pro Ummah, or leave their national interest for Ummah! You are certainly not Pro Ummah. Have i said anything to you ever??? You are one of my favorite posters even if you are showing a girl! Did i say anything? However, people have problem with me for being pro Ummah- insulting remarks like Razakar, Arab wanna be or etc etc... I have to defend my position.. Thats it! Iajdani and planet is not pro ummah, but they never insulted me for that. only eastwatch and hammer both had problems with my position... And i am entitled to my opinion. I will defend it anyhow!

You don't even pray, why are you beating drums of brotherhood? :what: as i said before, in Islam first comes you, then your family, then your neighbour(Just saw your previous quote, are you saying that Allah told you to make war cries about Ummah when you are not a practicing Muslim yourself?astounding, mate.). You mentioned me earlier saying that Muhammad(PBUH) shouldn't have had saved his neighbours but thats simple humanity. I am not against Pro-Islamic stance, i rather support it but i sure as hell, hate extremism. All of my post firstly were being referred to T-rex and Al-zakir to whom i am ehsan faramosh malun munafic for thinking about the raped victims of 71. I can't see my religion being given a bad name by the likes of these extremists. I didn't use a word against him until i was being continuously named
Secondly @Luffy 500 whats wrong with siding with hammer? the hypocrisy of some members in the forum are funny at the least.
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Is that someone related to BDmilitary? Does he have proof from ISPR or any other MIL's mouth pieces? Please don't get me wrong as I would be one of the happiest people to see the number is such but I don't want to keep my countrymen in foolish paradise by feeding them cooked up stories. BTW, I think that the number is false and would be grateful if someone can prove me wrong, thanks.

Happy New Year to Kobiraj, IDUNE, MBI, ZAKIR, EROL, AKASH, LUFFY, T-REX and other like minded but grand new year to my enemies like Iajdani, East watch as well.

Where to vote for the maturest post of the year? :D
You don't even pray, why are you beating drums of brotherhood? :what: as i said before, in Islam first comes you, then your family, then your neighbour(Just saw your previous quote, are you saying that Allah told you to make war cries about Ummah when you are not a practicing Muslim yourself?astounding, mate.). You mentioned me earlier saying that Muhammad(PBUH) shouldn't have had saved his neighbours but thats simple humanity. I am not against Pro-Islamic stance, i rather support it but i sure as hell, hate extremism. All of my post firstly were being referred to T-rex and Al-zakir to whom i am ehsan faramosh malun munafic for thinking about the raped victims of 71. I can't see my religion being given a bad name by the likes of these extremists. I didn't use a word against him until i was being continuously named
Secondly @Luffy 500 whats wrong with siding with hammer? the hypocrisy of some members in the forum are funny at the least.

So? I didn't reject praying. I am a sinner and next time i pray i seek forgiveness... And read Qada if possible. But you people are creating a mixture of islam and nationalism... I didn't say Arabs are our brothers. It was said by my prophet. Re check the last sermon. When an indian ridiculed it you thanked it. Though i don't like Arabs i am obliged to take them as my brother....
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So? I didn't reject praying. I am a sinner and next time i pray i seek forgiveness... And read Qada if possible. But you people are creating a mixture of islam and nationalism... I didn't say Arabs are our brothers. It was said by my prophet. Re check the last sermon. When an indian ridiculed it you thanked it. Though i don't like Arabs i am obliged to take them as my brother....

So you have it planned forgiveness of your intentional sins? :lol: Which part of nationalism did you see added in my Islamic views? I like to float in reality, my friend. I am not against brotherhood but i am not obsessed with it. And i will point out your hypocrisy again. You are obliged to take strangers as your friend but you are not even praying Fard let alone Sunnah. Praying is one of the 5 pillars of Islam and brtherhood is which? Thats coming from an adult :smitten: You are preaching something that you are neither following nor included in
So? I didn't reject praying. I am a sinner and next time i pray i seek forgiveness... And read Qada if possible. But you people are creating a mixture of islam and nationalism... I didn't say Arabs are our brothers. It was said by my prophet. Re check the last sermon. When an indian ridiculed it you thanked it. Though i don't like Arabs i am obliged to take them as my brother....

Very good sentiment, brotherhood and all, however it pains me to see you ridiculing Indian Muslims like ejazR and gang up against him just because he is not a traitor to the land he was born and loved its people. But at the same breadth you have no problem with Armstrong loving Jinnah and his ideology which is poles apart of the ummah thingy or Arabs loving their country, or turks loving Atatürk who abolished khalifate and banned most Islamic practices from public sphere.

Oh I get it, all Muslims are brother but some are more brother than others.

Now don't bomb us with your life story, it only proves you're a turncoat and yet to find a strong base to settle in.
Eorl ⚔;3752964 said:
I told about a scenario where we would see BAL would act as Dalal of India as like Jamat did as Razakar.

Anyway, we always have strategic, economical and mental war with India, and BAL people are at the side of India always.


1. In 2001, Hasina said to spare the land which was achieved by BDR, Dalali activity.
2. BAL does not protest dam construction and BSF killing, another, Dalali activity.
3. BAL facilitate India to business here illegally, ever we do not get the similar facility in India, a Dlali activity.
4. BAL bought the division among BD people, by putting hand with India, another Dalali activity.

If BAL is creating division among BD's then what about Jamaat and Razakars who are also doing the same.
Very good sentiment, brotherhood and all, however it pains me to see you ridiculing Indian Muslims like ejazR and gang up against him just because he is not a traitor to the land he was born and loved its people. But at the same breadth you have no problem with Armstrong loving Jinnah and his ideology which is poles apart of the ummah thingy or Arabs loving their country, or turks loving Atatürk who abolished khalifate and banned most Islamic practices from public sphere.

Oh I get it, all Muslims are brother but some are more brother than others.

Now don't bomb us with your life story, it only proves you're a turncoat and yet to find a strong base to settle in.

Ridiculing ejazR should not be done, but of course, refuting him in a civilized matter should not be a problem. If you ask me, from what I've seen, India seemss to be the kind of state where if one is not either pro-Hindu, radically pro-India he is a traitor. Or if one sees himself as a Muslim first then Indian he is also a traitor. The same does not seem to apply for Hindus who see themselves as Hindu first then Indian.

In regards to Jinnah and Ataturk. Jinnah was not an "Islamic" leader but a Muslim leader, he had a good goal but he himself was not exactly an exemplary Muslim. But nonetheless he should be commended for leading South Asian Muslims to a new homeland and helping to instill the Two-Nation theory. Ataturk, on the other hand, was a clear enemy of Islam (no, I am not saying he was waajib ul qatl) and though I am not a Turk and cannot speak on behalf of them, I will say that, in my opinion at least, should not be looked up to. But then again, it all depends on one's ideology.

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