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Statements of the Scholars on the Egyptian Crisis


Jun 16, 2013
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"O people of Egypt, you have raised our heads after we've been ashamed of the act of the Gulf governments. So glad-tidings to you martyrdom, steadfastness, intimidating the enemies, and confusing the Jews and Christians with your affairs."

- Shaikh Shafi Al-Ajmi ‪Egypt‬

Today we can see in*******‪Egypt‬*******‪Shaam‬*******and other Muslim countries, a war between Islam and Kufr, between Shariah and secularism, so there is no place for stopping, so every person should look at which side he stands on because a man will be [resurrected] with those whom he love.

- Sheikh Sulaymaan al-'Alwaan

Distinguishing between the oppressor and the oppressed in Egypt is not a mystery except for an ignorant whose ignorance has become ingrained, or a person of hawā (vain desire) who is drowning in his hawā.

لا يخفى الظالم من المظلوم في مصر إلا على جاهل مستحكم الجهل، أو صاحب هوى غارق في هواه

- Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Tarefe

The Muslims of Egypt‬ have to show patience [Sabr], fortify themselves with Tawheed, show attachment to Allah, repent from the sins and defending the Tawagith and show enmity towards them, because this is the path to victory.

- Sheikh Sulaymaan al-'Alwaan


Just like the killing of a single Muslims is greater than the destruction of the Ka'bah, similarly saving his blood has a greater reward than expanding the Haram 100 times!

-Sheikh Dr Muhammad Yusri Ibrahim.

In ‪Egypt‬ the blood flows for the Sake of subjugating and enslaving the Muslims to the Tawagith, while we see the scholars of the Tawagith play with the religious texts, justifying the massacres and securing the rule of dictators.

- Sheikh Sulayman al-'Alwaan

While the ship is sinking, it's not wise to quarrel with the captain about wrong decisions (he) made!
Wait until you reach the shore.

~Shaykh Ahmad Jibril

Shaykh Su'oud Al-Shireem (hafizahuallah):

"Your happiness and gloating with what has inflicted your brother of calamities, killings, or oppression is an aspect and quality of Hypocrisy which your Heart has absorbed, for Allah mentioned the Hypocrites in the Quran and said of them: (... and if some [harm or] evil overtakes you, they rejoice at it) Al-Imran 3:120 Translation by Ibn Abbas Al-Misri

The one who remains silent while being capable of aiding the oppressed takes the same ruling as supporting the oppressor. It is narrated in the report [hadith qudsī], “By My glory and majesty, I shall take revenge against the oppressor and those who saw the oppressed and were capable of aiding them, but did not.”

الساكت القادر عن نصرة المظلوم في حكم المؤيد للظالم، فيُروى في الخبر: (وعزتي وجلالي لأنتقمن من الظالم وممن رأى مظلوما فقدر أن ينصره فلم يفعل)

- Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Tarefe

Countries abandoning Allah’s Shariah for fear of instability and to satisfy those who are far away, is the same argument put forward by the disbelievers of Quraysh:

{ وَقَالُوا إِنْ نَتَّبِعِ الْهُدَىٰ مَعَكَ نُتَخَطَّفْ مِنْ أَرْضِنَا }

“And they say, ‘If we were to follow*******the guidance with you, we would be swept from our land.’” [Al-Qaṣaṣ 28:57]

ترك الدول لشريعة الله خوفاً من عدم الاستقرار بها، وإرضاء للأبعدين هي حجة كفار قريش (وقالوا إن نتبع الهدى معك نتخطف من أرضنا)

- Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Tarefe


"Everyone who carried out or supported the massacre of Rabi'a Al-'Adawiyya, be it even with part of a word, he will fall under the warning of Allah:

"his reward is Jahannam (Hell) where he shall remain forever, and Allah shall be angry with him and shall cast curse upon him, and He has prepared for him a mighty punishment.""


Sheikh Naser Al-Omar.

Al-Sadat said: "Jamal [AbdulNassir] used to close the room on himself and me many times, and scream like an injured animal until he died." Al-Sadat's ending is also well-known.*******

{An appropriate recompense.} 78:26

- Shaikh Nassir al-Omar

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