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Yousuf Al Kardawi's Speech to Bangladesh

Yusuf al-Qaradawi (Arabic: يوسف القرضاوي Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī‎; or Yusuf al-Qardawi; born 9 September 1926) is an Egyptian Islamic theologian. He is best known for his programme, al-Sharīʿa wa al-Ḥayāh ("Shariah and Life"), broadcast on Al Jazeera, which has an estimated audience of 60 million worldwide.

Yusuf al-Qaradawi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This man is a great scholar and speaker of Islam and has served Islam all of his life and has written some good books on Islam May ALLAH bless him
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Very good sentiment, brotherhood and all, however it pains me to see you ridiculing Indian Muslims like ejazR and gang up against him just because he is not a traitor to the land he was born and loved its people. But at the same breadth you have no problem with Armstrong loving Jinnah and his ideology which is poles apart of the ummah thingy or Arabs loving their country, or turks loving Atatürk who abolished khalifate and banned most Islamic practices from public sphere.

Oh I get it, all Muslims are brother but some are more brother than others.

Now don't bomb us with your life story, it only proves you're a turncoat and yet to find a strong base to settle in.
He is clearly confused about his own ideology :lol: sometimes he boasts about there being a road in a Muslim country named after Ataturk, next thing you know, he beats the drums of Brotherhood. And then i am the munafiq because i agree with an Indian who speaks more sense :D
Ridiculing ejazR should not be done, but of course, refuting him in a civilized matter should not be a problem. If you ask me, from what I've seen, India seemss to be the kind of state where if one is not either pro-Hindu, radically pro-India he is a traitor. Or if one sees himself as a Muslim first then Indian he is also a traitor. The same does not seem to apply for Hindus who see themselves as Hindu first then Indian.

I give it to you that Indian Hindus have it easier than Indian Muslims because India is the only predominantly Hindu country, however Islam first or country first is a moot question since Islam is not a tangible entity, rather question should be - so called Muslim countries first or India first. So a Bangladeshi is free to be patriotic towards his country, a Pakistani is free to choose Pakistan first over say Afghans or Somalians but when an Indian Muslim does the same you gang up against him! Hypocrisy much?

In regards to Jinnah and Ataturk. Jinnah was not an "Islamic" leader but a Muslim leader, he had a good goal but he himself was not exactly an exemplary Muslim. But nonetheless he should be commended for leading South Asian Muslims to a new homeland and helping to instill the Two-Nation theory. Ataturk, on the other hand, was a clear enemy of Islam (no, I am not saying he was waajib ul qatl) and though I am not a Turk and cannot speak on behalf of them, I will say that, in my opinion at least, should not be looked up to. But then again, it all depends on one's ideology.

Nationalism is haram bro. Don't talk like those secular Awami thugs. Creating new country by breaking existing and thus dividing existing Muslim population by three is Bidaah. Ask the deobandis if you don't believe me. ;)
Labong and other Indians, I do not want you to think I am some sort of secular liberal because if you saw the whole range of my views you would not think so and would feel mislead.

I fundamentally have no problem with India as a people or civilization (blasphemy to hate-filled anti-Hindu Jamatis) however my issues are with the New Delhi political establishment who do so many things against my country.

I am sure you on your side feel that you have issues with us and that we are at fault in certain things.

I fundamentally (aside from flame wars and defiant messages of how Bangladesh will defend itself till the last man, even be it a thousand years) wish for peace between our two countries because:

1. Bangladesh is a poor country and needs trade to develop.

2. We gain nothing from being hostile for no reason to India.

3. We can access a market of 1 billion + more than the EU itself.

India and China are "enemies" but are nearing trade of $100 billion, so Bangladesh and India should do the same.

The non-Indic world sees us both as inferior brown people (many Arabs - not all - despise south Asian Muslims and don't care if your Hindu or Muslim, you are still "Hindi", "miskeen", "inferior", not all Arabs and the gulf Arab states generally are good allies of ours) and would laugh at seeing two sets of "inferior" brown people fighting.

Jamatis however have a deep hatred for India and for Hindus and do not want peace with India ever, even if India were to be the best neighbour on earth as they believe in Zaid Hamid style views of an ultimate epic "Muslim v Hindu" conflict that will decisively end conflict in South Asia. These people cannot be reasoned with and if they have power are dangerous.

I in the past felt that Jamat i Islami should be banned, but feel that may not be wise as it may be impractical and counter-productive. What I have heard however is that covertly they have been infilitrated by our intelligence who (beyond the headlines keep them under control).

We Bangladeshis are a soft, gentle and peaceful nation that believe in peaceful co-existence, communal harmony and progress. We are proud Muslims but moderate.

Jamatis do not represent us or our nation in any way, shape or form.

This statement is evidenced by the very low number of votes they get in free and independent Muslim Bangladesh.

Thanks for reading.

Well articulated Hammer, I agree it's not the brotherhood or love for Muslims all over the world, but hatred towards Indians in general and Hindus in particular, which binds the Jamatis together. I don't ask you to be secular or liberal but only ask you to be pragmatic. Pragmatism seems to be an alien idea to PDF-BDS.
I give it to you that Indian Hindus have it easier than Indian Muslims because India is the only predominantly Hindu country, however Islam first or country first is a moot question since Islam is not a tangible entity, rather question should be - so called Muslim countries first or India first. So a Bangladeshi is free to be patriotic towards his country, a Pakistani is free to choose Pakistan first over say Afghans or Somalians but when an Indian Muslim does the same you gang up against him! Hypocrisy much?

Nationalism is haram bro. Don't talk like those secular Awami thugs. Creating new country by breaking existing and thus dividing existing Muslim population by three is Bidaah. Ask the deobandis if you don't believe me. ;)

To answer the both paragraphs: I see your point and it is shameful to hear how he has been treated. But at the same time, as Muslims in today's world, we are not supposed to be nationalists as nationalism goes against Islam. This is not to say that Muslims should throw away their passports and say that they are from a non-existant united Muslim state, not at all. This simply means that a Muslim should not fall into the foolishness of putting his nation first at the cost of the Ummah (sorry, but especially if he is from a majority non-Muslim state). In regards to Muslims staying away from nationalism, this is so that one does not become too prideful of being from a certain state, even if it is a Muslim-majority state, and believe his state and its people to be the best.

Also, as Muslims, when the government of our country (whether of a Muslim-majority or non-Muslim-majority state) takes a good initiative that does not go agaisnt our faith, we are obliged to co-operate. But the opposite also applies, if a state takes an initiative that goes against Islam, Muslims are obliged to appoint someone to advise the leader(s) of the country in private to avoid fitna. I realize this advising process is easier is Muslim-majority countries with Muslim heads of state, but Muslim leaders in non-Muslim-majority states with non-Muslim heads of state should also voice their concerns about the initiative and try their best.

I know this may seem somewhat off-topic, but I hope you can see how it applies to Muslims regarding avoiding nationalism while at the same time not cutting oneself away from the government of that country entirely, whichever country it may be.
To answer the both paragraphs: I see your point and it is shameful to hear how he has been treated. But at the same time, as Muslims in today's world, we are not supposed to be nationalists as nationalism goes against Islam. This is not to say that Muslims should throw away their passports and say that they are from a non-existant united Muslim state, not at all. This simply means that a Muslim should not fall into the foolishness of putting his nation first at the cost of the Ummah (sorry, but especially if he is from a majority non-Muslim state). In regards to Muslims staying away from nationalism, this is so that one does not become too prideful of being from a certain state, even if it is a Muslim-majority state, and believe his state and its people to be the best.

Also, as Muslims, when the government of our country (whether of a Muslim-majority or non-Muslim-majority state) takes a good initiative that does not go agaisnt our faith, we are obliged to co-operate. But the opposite also applies, if a state takes an initiative that goes against Islam, Muslims are obliged to appoint someone to advise the leader(s) of the country in private to avoid fitna. I realize this advising process is easier is Muslim-majority countries with Muslim heads of state, but Muslim leaders in non-Muslim-majority states with non-Muslim heads of state should also voice their concerns about the initiative and try their best.

I know this may seem somewhat off-topic, but I hope you can see how it applies to Muslims regarding avoiding nationalism while at the same time not cutting oneself away from the government of that country entirely, whichever country it may be.

As you are a Canadian citizen, and I guess a law abiding one at that, so I guess you are paying tax and filling Canadian coffers, which is then used to arm NATO soldiers to kill your ummah brother. Shouldn't you practice what you preach move to middle East and be a member to Islamic brotherhood and work for ummah?

Also by being patriotic Bangladeshi or patriotic Pakistani, are you not subscribing the very thing you called haram. Since by becoming patriot you are making these nation states strong and thus preventing khalifate.

Either you guys are affiliated with hizb tahir, Islamic brotherhood etc and working against respective govt or just plain hypocrite.
He is clearly confused about his own ideology :lol: sometimes he boasts about there being a road in a Muslim country named after Ataturk, next thing you know, he beats the drums of Brotherhood. And then i am the munafiq because i agree with an Indian who speaks more sense :D
He is not confused you need to listen to his majority of lectures than decide weather he is confused or not
Very good sentiment, brotherhood and all, however it pains me to see you ridiculing Indian Muslims like ejazR and gang up against him just because he is not a traitor to the land he was born and loved its people. But at the same breadth you have no problem with Armstrong loving Jinnah and his ideology which is poles apart of the ummah thingy or Arabs loving their country, or turks loving Atatürk who abolished khalifate and banned most Islamic practices from public sphere.

Oh I get it, all Muslims are brother but some are more brother than others.

Now don't bomb us with your life story, it only proves you're a turncoat and yet to find a strong base to settle in.

Abir, i don't reply to Indians normally! There is no benefit in debating with them, my life story was for Armstrong, we are friends/brothers... I didn't insult EjazR, I hope you remember it well, i invited him to another forum to discuss with more knowledgeable people! That was it... Now Shooo this thread is not about indians. We are not discussing indians.. Its you who are obsessed with Bangladesh!

Ummah has failed.. My heart cries to see so many shia brothers being killed in pakistan :(

So you lost faith in it??? Do you stop praying if your prayers are not answered?
He is clearly confused about his own ideology :lol: sometimes he boasts about there being a road in a Muslim country named after Ataturk, next thing you know, he beats the drums of Brotherhood. And then i am the munafiq because i agree with an Indian who speaks more sense :D

1. I didn't support or like Ataturk!! I showed that turk how close the two countries are...

2. I never called you Munafiq/Kafir. Its a dangerous sin. Why are you lying??
He is not confused you need to listen to his majority of lectures than decide weather he is confused or not

I wasn't talking about the scholar(i was talking to a member) but from what he said, i already know that he spoke of a matter where he has very little knowledge about which is prohibited in Islam.

Quoting riasat khan "2009: Throughout history, Allah has imposed upon the Jews people who would punish them for their corruption...The last punishment was carried out by [Adolf] Hitler. By means of all the things he did to them – even though they exaggerated this issue – he managed to put them in their place. This was divine punishment for them...Allah Willing, the next time will be at the hand of the believers."

Look what he said--^ seems morally acceptable to you?

1. I didn't support or like Ataturk!! I showed that turk how close the two countries are...

2. I never called you Munafiq/Kafir. Its a dangerous sin. Why are you lying??

1. why do you want to be brother of a country where secularism prevails by showing them that there is a road in the name of their secularist fighter?

2. I was pointing out @Al-zakir @T-Rex @M_Saint who don't even have the decency of discussing a matter without going personal, good thing two of those extremist are in USA, please don't come here.
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Iajdani as one Bangladeshi nationalist to another.

I think we Bangladeshi nationalists have failed at promoting Bangladeshi nationalism to the Arabs.

Their whole perception of Bangladesh has been hijacked by Jamat and their thugs, who are spreading hatred of our country to morons like Qardawi and Arab dictators and "scholars". I think our government should do this.

1. Create a team of fluent Arab-speakers, well presented and with good communication skills (not necessarily Maulanas, though legitimate ulama are not a problem). Even secular (not anti-religious) but articulate Arabic speakers would be fine.

2. Create books/leaflets/DVDs written in high quality Arabic explaining the history of Bangladesh and the role of Jamat as well as the rejection of Jamat and Maudoodi by mainstream Sunni scholars.

Explain how Jamat were against the creation of Pakistan itself.

Correct all the lies promoted by Jamati thugs against our country.

It is imperative we do this.

This is the thanks I get for giving a relatively detailed paraphrasing of what this Qardawi guy says.

Errmm...ok thanks.

Thanks for the insults too.

Anyway I'm out of this thread.

I'm sick and tired of all this gang-bullying of me.

If you notice I'm the only one on topic here, whilst others are all attacking me personally and how I should be reported.

Why is it imperative that we as Bangladeshis should go to such length in order to please some unruly morons, who treat people of other 3rd world countries like dirt? Saudi Arabia has no monopoly over Islam nor does Jamaat.
As you are a Canadian citizen, and I guess a law abiding one at that, so I guess you are paying tax and filling Canadian coffers, which is then used to arm NATO soldiers to kill your ummah brother. Shouldn't you practice what you preach move to middle East and be a member to Islamic brotherhood and work for ummah?

Also by being patriotic Bangladeshi or patriotic Pakistani, are you not subscribing the very thing you called haram. Since by becoming patriot you are making these nation states strong and thus preventing khalifate.

Either you guys are affiliated with hizb tahir, Islamic brotherhood etc and working against respective govt or just plain hypocrite.

patriotism and Caliphate are not mutually exclusive..... One can be a pro caliphate and a patriot. Here is a BNP ally legal political party of Bangladesh Bangladesh Khelafat Majlish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , Part of 18 party alliance 18 Party Alliance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia One doesn't need to be a hizbt tahrir to become pro caliphate.
Why is it imperative that we as Bangladeshis should go to such length in order to please some unruly morons, who treat people of other 3rd world countries like dirt? Saudi Arabia has no monopoly over Islam nor does Jamaat.

It is not. An Arab doesn't have any superiority over non Arab!! Bilal philips who is black and Zakir Naik who is indian are also respected like Yousuf Al Kardawi! If anyone is Arab wanna be here, its Hammer!
It is not. An Arab doesn't have any superiority over non Arab!! Bilal philips who is black and Zakir Naik who is indian are also respected like Yousuf Al Kardawi! If anyone is Arab wanna be here, its Hammer!

*cough cough* @Al-zakir.. *cough*
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