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Your views on Gay Marriage

Are you gay?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 18.0%
  • No

    Votes: 73 82.0%

  • Total voters
Again, it does not matter because I do not have strong beliefs on anything all the religious crap turns me down and only logic prevails.. in this case logic says I will enjoy myself and that is more than enough :chilli:
That is a very hedonistic way to live and to believe one so correct is pretentious. One should try to be more munificent and pragmatic and try to mitigate the ills that one may fall into. One must avoid parsimony and live a pious life
I don't know why this thread is making me lolz so much.
Who cares if gays get married ? What's it to anyone else ? Mind your OWN business. Besides, let them go through divorce and lose half their sh!t like straight guys have been doing for years. One dose of that and they won't think marriage is so hot.
Loosing half is prevalent only in the most developed civilizations, there are others which need to catch up..
8, wtf?

More and more are hopping out of the closet.
What are your views on it? Unnatural, natural, wrong, right?

who cares? why should the straight people be concerned about what the gays do and dont? If the gays dont bother to talk/worry about us, why should we be pain in their backside by talking about them every time. Live your life and let others live their lives.

OH, JESUS CHRIST !!! We got a fire and brimstone koran-thumper, here !!
Being iconoclastic shall not help you in your life, you know. Impudence and impertinence is not insuperable if one does not have the insularity to be proud. One just ends up with idiosyncrasies
I don't know why this thread is making me lolz so much.
Because it's supposed to?

Mind your own friggin' business, right IceHole ?:cheers:
What an inane comment. How intractable and insolent. Yet, it is also abstruse but lacks the acridness you wanted to inject in it.
That is a very hedonistic way to live and to believe one so correct is pretentious. One should try to be more munificent and pragmatic and try to mitigate the ills that one may fall into. One must avoid parsimony and live a pious life
Im not against any religion, being a Hindu there is no set rule I have to follow, the Gita advices that I follow which i feel right and according to me logic is always right whereas blind belief without reason is not.. go figure!
I do not get why people here are being so disputatious. They are resorting to circumlocutions, being unable to express what they want to one's face. How I deprecate this attitude being adopted
I do not get why people here are being so disputatious. They are resorting to circumlocutions, being unable to express what they want to one's face. How I deprecate this attitude being adopted
See for your type it is always black and white, either you want something or you do not.. You forget that there is a third option which say "I do not give a damn" the faster you accept the better... :agree:
@bouncing betty

You mind your business, I wasn't even talking to you kiddo.

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