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Your top ten favorite English movies of all time?

cast away
a good year
no country for old men, the blood diamond(tie)
the prestige
the gangs of new york, 3:10 to yuma(tie)
in bruges
saving private ryon
rocky 5
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
children of heaven(an iranian academy award nominated film)
Der Untergang

and though lord of the rings is one of my favourites, but it doesnt come close to even my best fifties!!, and titanic is the worlds greatest joke!!!, in my child hood, lol, i thought, tht story was true, but, lol!!!!

abt bourne series, its one of my all tym favourites, but it doesnt qualify to be in my top ten favourite list!!, i will not appreciate another fourth bourne movie, the bourne shuld remain a trilogy, i love jackie chan films too, esp the police story series

and lastly, i love documentaries, of national geographic and discovery!!!

mostly american movies, i find very dumb honestly, well, maybe man of unique taste and ull not agree with my taste, but thts how it is!!!
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stuart little:D
oh those cute lil whiskers:smitten:....and the driving,oh my God

but i still love Titanic:enjoy:
@su-47 >> I don't think movies with phsyco killers or plague scenarios are really horror movies. But yes Ring and Exorcist on the other hand are really scary.

BTW About "No country for old men". I was really looking forward to it because of the hype surrounding its release and then the reviews said how great the movie was! And when I watched it on DVD I felt like I just wasted my time. It was one of the crapiest movies I'v ever seen!
Am I alone in this? :what:

lol, , i think u have a bad taste, it was the world best directed movie in the world!!!, second, its story was adopted from a noval, it recieved four oscars!!!
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"a few good men" with jack nickelson and tom cruise. great military drama like "A Caine Mutiny", also a classic.
Last night I saw Charlie Wilson's War, it’s a good movie. Based on the true story, it is about a Texas congressman (played by Tom Hanks), a wealthy rightwing socialite (Julia Roberts), and a CIA agent, to launch the covert war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

As depicted in the film, Rep. Wilson pushed for money for Afghanistan reconstruction, but he was rebuffed.

Here is an interesting quote from the movie:

"Those things happened and they were glorious, and then we fucked up the end game". Congressman Charlie Wilson.
. Six Degrees of Separation
. Fight Club
. What's Eating Gilbert Grape
. Chocolat
. Blood Diamond
God father.
to kill a moking bird.
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
raging bull
Requime for a dream
pulp fiction
Shawshank Redemption
Fight club
The matrix
1. Perfume
2. Sent of a woman
3. Letters from Iojema (cant spell the word)
4. London
5. A walk to remember
this thread is forever or long life service please we know your all top 1000000000000000 movies now.:enjoy:
1. 3:10 to Yuma
2. V for Vandetta
3. Gladiator
4. Changeling
5. Master and Commander
6. Lord of the rings
7. Appaloosa
8. 300
9. No country for old man
10. Black Hawk Down

my list will go one to 200 movies, these are the few that i just won't stop watching when im free:cheesy::smokin:
Mine top 10 movies are:

Super 8
Fast & Furious 4
Green Lantern
Saw 5
Conan the Barbarian (1982)
300 Spartan
River Of Evil (1964)
American Pie Presents: The Book Of Love
Mine top ten Movies:
Gladi attar
Ong bak2
Fast & Furious
Sward of the war 2009
Lord of the ring
Lord of the ring2
Tactical force20
Spoils of War
Gold Mountain
Shawshank redemption
Road to Perdition
Inglorious Bastards
Lord Of the Rings trilogy.
Saving Private Ryan
Prince of Persia, Sands Of Time.
Pursuit of Happyness
Enemy of the state.
And i am blank.
Lawrence of Arabia .. 1962

Must watched movie .. i have seen in blue ray & the print was awesome ... 4 hour movie :whistle:
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