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Your thoughts on Bangladesh's position on Baluchistan

Balochistan is a part of Pakistan as long as the Baloch consider themselves to be Pakistanis...Kashmir should be independent.

Shouldn't the natural extension be Kashmir is a part of India as long as the Kashmiris consider themselves to be Indian?

Why the inconsistency?
Why does Mr Inu care about Baloch?

According to the Awami League the Balochi, Pashtun and Punjabi soldiers of Pakistan Army killed 3 million innocent people and ran around East Pakistan with their pants down.

So shouldn't Mr Inu hate Baloch people, as per his own standards?
According to the Awami League the Balochi, Pashtun and Punjabi soldiers of Pakistan Army killed 3 million innocent people.

What was % of Balochi and Pathan in Pak fauj esp officer corps in 1971 eastern theatre?
What was % of Balochi and Pathan in Pak fauj esp officer corps in 1971 eastern theatre?

I dunno. But they must have been significant enough for Bangladeshis to make a movie (Meherjaan) about a Baloch soldier's love affair with an East Pakistani girl.

Bangladeshi Information Minister makes some stupid comments (I have seen that video where he was being fed words by a black skinned lady) and Pakistan should be worried about them. Sorry bangalis or Bangladeshis or whatever you are ....................... you exist but you are not that important you know .................... Your stupid comments went unnoticed don't try acting big and relevant ................ just remain what you are ....... a satellite state of India ............... eat fish and enjoy your borrowed independence.

You should learn to distinguish between Bengali people (who are our brothers in Islam) and the Bangladeshi government and their supporters who are Indian stooges.
I dunno. But they must have been significant enough for Bangladeshis to make a movie (Meherjaan) about a Baloch soldier's love affair with an East Pakistani girl.

Well love affair and atrocities (rape murder) are two different things.

They could have subtly done that to hint that non-Punjabi forces (minority) were decent folk compared to evil majority Punjabi/mujahir elite (i.e the typical Bangladesh propaganda stemming from their inability to understand what makes a multi-ethnic country tick).
You should learn to distinguish between Bengali people (who are our brothers in Islam) and the Bangladeshi government and their supporters who are Indian stooges.

Do you see any protests by Bangalis against their government or against comments of that stupid minister? .................. no? then they are same.
Do you see any protests by Bangalis against their government or against comments of that stupid minister? .................. no? then they are same.

Precisely. This is what sits badly with many BD members on this forum. They do not like the reality.
Do you see any protests by Bangalis against their government or against comments of that stupid minister? .................. no? then they are same.

Read this opinion poll. 50% of Bangladeshis have a good view of Pakistan. (The percentage may be higher among Bengali Muslims once you exclude Bangladesh's 10% Hindu minority). Moreover Bangladeshis usually support Pakistan over India in cricket matches, confirming that they still feel the bond of Islamic brotherhood with us.

Pakistan got its own medicine. They repeatedly made comments on BD affairs on behalf of BNP/Jamaatis and at last resort they even brought Turkey. They broke all kinds of diplomatic norm. Mr Inu reciprocated in a smart way. Its like BD didnt break its stick but message well reached. He made his own comment claiming govt's. Digging deep one will easily get it he has his own distance with the main BD govt also.

That may be true. It was a distasteful move by Pakistan's Foreign Office to issue a statement. What is this diplomatic norm you say?

Another thing, what Mr. Inu did is actually the job of the foreign ministry. Information ministry is responsible for formulation of rules & regulations, administration relating to media and press as well as release of government information. Simply put, it is not his job. Now however way you justify it, that is called unprofessional politics. This similarly could be said about Modi's gambit.

That being said, instead of saying of formulating a policy on a country's long running insurgency, there are better ways to address that move.
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Read this opinion poll. 50% of Bangladeshis have a good view of Pakistan. (The percentage may be higher among Bengali Muslims once you exclude Bangladesh's 10% Hindu minority). Moreover Bangladeshis usually support Pakistan over India in cricket matches, confirming that they still feel the bond of Islamic brotherhood with us.


Cricket matches are no scale to measure love shown towards others ................ I support Indian team over all white teams that does not mean I have love for India. And going by your standards Bangalis must hate us from the core of their hearts when they make a simple cricket match with us a matter of honor. Public holidays announced jubilation and emotion.

We showed enough one sided love to many for many years, and in return they consider us lesser of Muslims or in some cases pure evil. So I personally won't respect anyone who takes sides against my country, it has nothing to do with Islam as their freedom movement or independence was all politics this too is all politics, don't try bringing religion to it.
This similarly could be said about Modi's gambit.

Why drag Modi into your assertion? Modi is a PM, he covers every facade and realm of the Indian govt and can comment on any damn thing he pleases including foreign policy and human rights in another country .
lol its like a asking a little kid about what he thinks about big boys. Bangladesh has virtually 0 say or signifance in international politics so it does not really matter. Btw Pakistan should sell more JF-17 to Myanmar so they can take care of these people. :lol: After JF-17 Myanmar will certainly take good care of Bangladesh.
Do not forget these same kids gave a bloody nose to the big boy in 1971.

Well love affair and atrocities (rape murder) are two different things.

They could have subtly done that to hint that non-Punjabi forces (minority) were decent folk compared to evil majority Punjabi/mujahir elite (i.e the typical Bangladesh propaganda stemming from their inability to understand what makes a multi-ethnic country tick).

In our religion, it is forbidden for Muslim men to have relationships with women who are not their wives.

I have read comments from Awami League supporters about Punjabi men's extraordinary sexual capability.

The intention behind the film was to show West Pakistani men as some kind of sexual beast.
Even as the good guy, the Baloch soldier was having an illicit relationship with a Bengali girl.

In other words the Pakistani man is a fornicator and adulterer. Thats the gist of the film I got.

Cricket matches are no scale to measure love shown towards others ................ I support Indian team over all white teams that does not mean I have love for India. And going by your standards Bangalis must hate us from the core of their hearts when they make a simple cricket match with us a matter of honor. Public holidays announced jubilation and emotion.

We showed enough one sided love to many for many years, and in return they consider us lesser of Muslims or in some cases pure evil. So I personally won't respect anyone who takes sides against my country, it has nothing to do with Islam as their freedom movement or independence was all politics this too is all politics, don't try bringing religion to it.

I believe love can diminish hate. We are Muslims and the spreading of love between Muslim brothers will eventually destroy hate.

Besides, Islamic brotherhood is Allah's instruction. So its not like we have a choice anyway.

Btw there are many Bengali Muslim brothers, here on this forum, who defend us. So how can you say that the love is one-sided?
Do not forget these same kids gave a bloody nose to the big boy in 1971.

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@idune @Al-zakir @Arefin007 @MBI Munshi Enjoy!

In our religion, it is forbidden for Muslim men to have relationships with women who are not their wives.

I have read comments from Awami League supporters about Punjabi men's extraordinary sexual capability.

The intention behind the film was to show West Pakistani men as some kind of sexual beast. Even as the good guy,
the Baloch soldier was having an illicit relationship with a Bengali girl.

In other words the Pakistani man is a fornicator and adulterer. Thats the gist of the film I got.

OK if you say so. I have not seen the movie so I cannot comment.

Maybe other members can... @Anubis @kobiraaz @Loki have you heard of/seen this movie?
I believe love can diminish hate. We are Muslims and the spreading of love between Muslim brothers will eventually destroy hate.

Besides, Islamic brotherhood is Allah's instruction. So its not like we have a choice anyway.

Enough love shown in the name "Because we are Muslims". You very well know how hard it is to remain a Muslim these days, so I won't waste time loving someone all the while when that other one spends time in bed with an infidel.

I would say again it is all politics and nothing to do with being Muslim. Don't bring in Islam to give them a benefit of doubt.

If you are feeling Muslim brother love there are plenty of Muslims in Pakistan who need our love more than any Bangali or Afghani.

Btw there are many Bengali Muslim brothers, here on this forum, who defend us. So how can you say that the love is one-sided?

Who is who on this forum, I won't believe that easily.
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