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Your thoughts on Bangladesh's position on Baluchistan

Why drag Modi? Well he is the one who initiated it, no? But sure he can. But then, there's also the matter of professional politics. And that isn't one of them.

Initiated what? Poking nose into another country's internal affairs? That was started by Pakistan much before and also brutally manifested as seen in the Mumbai terror attacks. So no Modi didn't initiate squat, he is checking to see if Pakistan responds to the eye for an eye philosophy.

This is all very different to a Bangladeshi minister making a comment outside of his own purview of responsibility.

That cannot be applied to a PM who has complete purview under every ministry and then some.
Initiated what? Poking nose into another country's internal affairs? That was started by Pakistan much before and also brutally manifested as seen in the Mumbai terror attacks. So no Modi didn't initiate squat, he is checking to see if Pakistan responds to the eye for an eye philosophy.

What India accuses Pakistan is India's issue. I trust that you didn't read and understand my original post properly. Otherwise, you would have objected earlier.

This is all very different to a Bangladeshi minister making a comment outside of his own purview of responsibility.

That cannot be applied to a PM who has complete purview under every ministry and then some.

Did I say that Mr. Modi doesn't have 'purview'? You clearly underestimate.

No matter how noble, support for violent third party groups have consequences in the long term for their beneficiaries. They are unpredictable and cannot be controlled. The pain, the injustices and suffering can last generations. The same would apply to Pakistan and its Muslim brethren, the U.S. and so would it apply to India as well. Especially if you are not a first world country, you are thoroughly screwed.
Pakistan got its own medicine. They repeatedly made comments on BD affairs on behalf of BNP/Jamaatis and at last resort they even brought Turkey. They broke all kinds of diplomatic norm. Mr Inu reciprocated in a smart way. Its like BD didnt break its stick but message well reached. He made his own comment claiming govt's. Digging deep one will easily get it he has his own distance with the main BD govt also.
India has also done the same by giving Pakistan their own medicine. Balochi people's human rights and their aspirations.

I think we should stand with our Pakistani brothers for the unity and stability of Pakistan and whole region. Any escalation of violence won't bring any good news for baluchisan but hamper the possible economic development there after completion of cpec. Beside if baluch people took the example of Bangladesh liberation war as inspiration I think they are fooling themselves. As we could get help and hide India easily which is not same for baluchistan and don't forget Pakistan army had to fought 1000 miles away from home without enough reinforcement and almost without any air support which is not for baluchistan. Any economic desparity should solved politically not by violence.
Why fighting mate when we can call for their wishes and aspirations!!! Balochi people are proud of their secularism, their distinct language and culture. Their wishes and aspirations should be taken note and care of.
Balochi people are proud of their secularism, their distinct language and culture
bro no offence but have you ever met a balochi
they are hardcore muslims and real conservative
i know
i have lived in Balochistan
hell they are brave no doubt
that is why they make up more percentage of Pak Army with respective to their total population then any other province
P.S they lead the Kargil offensive according to Indian officials
and are parent body of SSGs
In our religion, it is forbidden for Muslim men to have relationships with women who are not their wives.

I have read comments from Awami League supporters about Punjabi men's extraordinary sexual capability.

The intention behind the film was to show West Pakistani men as some kind of sexual beast.
Even as the good guy, the Baloch soldier was having an illicit relationship with a Bengali girl.

In other words the Pakistani man is a fornicator and adulterer. Thats the gist of the film I got.

I believe love can diminish hate. We are Muslims and the spreading of love between Muslim brothers will eventually destroy hate.

Besides, Islamic brotherhood is Allah's instruction. So its not like we have a choice anyway.

Btw there are many Bengali Muslim brothers, here on this forum, who defend us. So how can you say that the love is one-sided?
BUT when a Bangladeshi Muslim got a chance to become PM of whole Pakistan .. they suddenly became not Muslim enough !

bro no offence but have you ever met a balochi
they are hardcore muslims and real conservative
i know
i have lived in Balochistan
hell they are brave no doubt
that is why they make up more percentage of Pak Army with respective to their total population then any other province
P.S they lead the Kargil offensive according to Indian officials
and are parent body of SSGs
Bengali muslim are also hardcore Muslim .. right ?
Bengali muslim are also hardcore Muslim .. right ?
cant say
never lived with one
they live a thousand kilometer away
they can be all they want to be for all i care
cant say
never lived with one
they live a thousand kilometer away
they can be all they want to be for all i care
so why they were declared not muslim enough to form govt of United Pakistan?
Neither BD nor India's statements matter about Baluchistan.

India is ranting about Baluchistan after failure to control situation in IOK.

BD gave a lone statement to please India.
so why they were declared not muslim enough to form govt of United Pakistan?
:lol: thats nice
or perhaps u r stupid but if it it was sarcasm it was gud
you see Balochs are in govt
ever heard about sarfraz bugti
@idune @Al-zakir @Arefin007 @MBI Munshi Enjoy!

OK if you say so. I have not seen the movie so I cannot comment.

Maybe other members can... @Anubis @kobiraaz @Loki have you heard of/seen this movie?

Nili boy get a job and take a break for once.

I do not care about what happened 40 years ago. It's gone and done. Closed chapter.

What's matter to me is NOW. It's bloody cow Mata Bharat has become our headache. We need a remedy from this unwanted uninvited headache. Pakistan is our partner finding this remedy.

Why drag Modi into your assertion? Modi is a PM, he covers every facade and realm of the Indian govt and can comment on any damn thing he pleases including foreign policy and human rights in another country .

Modi is a low life thug, mastermind behind Gujarat massacre. He is up to no good for sure.
Baluchistan is Pakistan's internal matter.
Kashmir is a matter between India and Pakistan.
I don't really care either way, we shouldn't be involved.
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