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Your thoughts on Bangladesh's position on Baluchistan


Apr 24, 2011
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Dear Countrymen,

Regardless of our political leanings and views, I am going to say and ask this only once in regards to what our honorable Information Minister Hasanul Haq Inu had said in regards to Baluchistan. I normally do not talk about Kashmir and Baluchistan.

Let's start by accepting the fact that Mr. Modi spoke of personal messages he had received from residents of Baluchistan during a national broadcast on their Independence Day.

Meanwhile since early July, India had been having trouble with the current problems in Kashmir where over 60 people had been killed, thousands injured and under a strict curfew. New Delhi has long accused Islamabad of supporting the insurgency over there.

The point here is that if Pakistan causes problems in Kashmir, India will deliver some serious hurt back at Pakistan.

It is understandable that India as the world's fastest growing economy want to be taken seriously on the world stage and long struggled to maintain a morale high ground over Pakistan ever since the beginning.

Mr. Modi's tough talk could backfire however. Pakistan had blamed India for the insurgency in Baluchistan despite scant evidence. Pakistan can alternatively find an audience to address this grief. Let's not forget that China has its ears to this reference. They have made significant investment in the troubled province as part of its goal to build a corridor that'll give access to the Arabian Sea. I'm sure they have other friends. Any form of escalation will hurt India more than Pakistan. A nation's prime minister by saying what he said would only paint his country and his people as less dependable and most of all less responsible and thereby tarnishing its international image - Especially if there is any escalation in an increasingly murky state of world affairs.

Additionally, by stating that Pakistan is the root of all problems in Kashmir is basically like exculpating oneself. Another risk to India is that it can lose sight of the actual problem in Kashmir. Couldn't it be other than foreign meddling, it can be due to the alienation of the people and land (yes, the whole thing) which India claims as its own?

So my fellow countrymen, how does Bangladesh fit in here? Your thoughts.

Yours truly.
I don't understand why Bangladesh needed to say anything about Balochistan at all. What interests is Bangladesh serving by saying such comments? Are they doing to please India? If so, they need to stop. No only likes a sycophant.

Their anti-Pakistan comments are also ill-advised. And their over the top pro-India comments is not doing anyone favors, not even India. India does not want to be perceived as controlling Bangladesh government. Yes, good and close relationship is a good thing between the two countries, but there are ways to do it without looking like a teenage girl with a crush on a pop idol.

Bangladesh needs to take a step back and reassess.
Balochistan (Land of Baloch) , Bangladesh (Nation of Bengal) these two are related with Pakistan (Land of the Pure). So Balochistan has something to do with Bangladesh. Baloch liberation activists get inspired by Mukti Bahini (Bangladeshi guerrilla)'s great victory over Pakistani armed forces with the help of Indian army. So having direct support from Bangladesh is very important and has significance on Baloch fighters.
Instead of talking about Rohinga issue, our politicians talk about balochistan issue. How lol...
I don't understand why Bangladesh needed to say anything about Balochistan at all. What interests is Bangladesh serving by saying such comments? Are they doing to please India? If so, they need to stop. No only likes a sycophant.

Their anti-Pakistan comments are also ill-advised. And their over the top pro-India comments is not doing anyone favors, not even India. India does not want to be perceived as controlling Bangladesh government. Yes, good and close relationship is a good thing between the two countries, but there are ways to do it without looking like a teenage girl with a crush on a pop idol.

Bangladesh needs to take a step back and reassess.
Why are you ignoring their own problem with Pakistan related to terror incident within their country? As of now Pakistan's bilateral relations with AF and BD are going south...no?
lol its like a asking a little kid about what he thinks about big boys. Bangladesh has virtually 0 say or signifance in international politics so it does not really matter. Btw Pakistan should sell more JF-17 to Myanmar so they can take care of these people. :lol: After JF-17 Myanmar will certainly take good care of Bangladesh.
Pakistan got its own medicine. They repeatedly made comments on BD affairs on behalf of BNP/Jamaatis and at last resort they even brought Turkey. They broke all kinds of diplomatic norm. Mr Inu reciprocated in a smart way. Its like BD didnt break its stick but message well reached. He made his own comment claiming govt's. Digging deep one will easily get it he has his own distance with the main BD govt also.
lol its like a asking a little kid about what he thinks about big boys. Bangladesh has virtually 0 say or signifance in international politics so it does not really matter. Btw Pakistan should sell more JF-17 to Myanmar so they can take care of these people. :lol: After JF-17 Myanmar will certainly take good care of Bangladesh.
Myanmar is a friendly country of Bangladesh unlike Pakistan-Afghanistan.:P
Balochistan doesn't concern us. Inu should be asked what he thinks About atrocities against Arakani Rohingyas next door.

Spot on...BD should be neither worries about Kashmir not even Balochinstan...You are a growing economy..Better to avoid all the useless issues and focus on the good job that you have been doing..
I think we should stand with our Pakistani brothers for the unity and stability of Pakistan and whole region. Any escalation of violence won't bring any good news for baluchisan but hamper the possible economic development there after completion of cpec. Beside if baluch people took the example of Bangladesh liberation war as inspiration I think they are fooling themselves. As we could get help and hide India easily which is not same for baluchistan and don't forget Pakistan army had to fought 1000 miles away from home without enough reinforcement and almost without any air support which is not for baluchistan. Any economic desparity should solved politically not by violence.
lol its like a asking a little kid about what he thinks about big boys. Bangladesh has virtually 0 say or signifance in international politics so it does not really matter. Btw Pakistan should sell more JF-17 to Myanmar so they can take care of these people. :lol: After JF-17 Myanmar will certainly take good care of Bangladesh.
Please do...I can't wait to see the Islamic JF-17s take out the Rohingya borthers of the Muslim Ummah...
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