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Your opinion about different countries (Like, Dislike, Neutral etc.)

LIKE/LOVE- Russia, Israel, Iran, Afganistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Oman, France, Germany, Turkey, Maldives, China, Singapore, Thailand, Bangladesh(except Jamatis lols), South Africa.
DISLIKE- No country.
NEUTRAL- rest all.
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Homeland: Pakistan

Like: Canada, Italy, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey, Germany, South Korea

Dislike: India, Israel, Afghanistan

Neutral: USA, UK, France and all others.
I don't hate or dislike any country, only hate and dislike some regimes/governments.

Regimes I hate: Iran, Malaysia, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Zimbabwe.

Regimes/governments I dislike: Venezuela, Bolivia, Russia, all of the Africa beside Gabon, Botswana, Namibia and Kenya, all the Muslim world beside Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Kazakhstan.

Countries I like: USA, Canada, Colombia, Chile, India, Iran, China, Russia, Finland, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan.

Countries I love: Israel.

Now thats called Israeli diplomacy :lol:
Dislike: Moldova,Russia,Hungary,Italy,UK,The Netherlands,Germany,South Africa,Zimbabwe,Ukraine

Like: Serbia,France,Australia,New Zeeland,Poland

Neutral: All of the rest.

I expected atleast a like for Turkey from you to be honest..
which counties do u like......??
whats your opinion on India....:undecided:

On India....The country itself I have no opinion but the people! You find a vast diversity!

When I was in UK, many of my university mates were Indian...and 1 particular guy from Delhi ...nice soft spoken and really polite never actually saw him angry ...always saw him smiling...whenever he invited us Muslims to his birthday party or any other gathering...he would make sure the food is halal and cook himself (on his on birthday)....nice fellow

In fact he asked us to sit in 1 of the rooms and his other friends who were either drinking or smoking we asked to stay in other rooms....

Then I also know jerks who dont give a crap about other's feelings and what not and openly talk about which girls they have slept with like that proves anything...oh wait it does...how manner-less and disgusting 1 can be (not attributing this to a particular nation) just letting ya know I know many Indians...

There is 1 thing I cant tolerate about PDF Indians is their blindness when it comes to crap happening in their country! Why cant you ever admit that yes we did a mistake! I openly call people of Pakistan who give stupid fatwahs, ask for stupid dowry or child marriage or any stupid thing as what it is : stupid...Cant Indians say a wrong as a wrong? Must they support every shit just because it is Indian?

But like I said you guys are diverse...My only hatred is for the blind people rest is all ok....

As for India as a country...dont know never been there :)

Like: Pakistan, Brasil, Japan and USA.

Love: Turkey, Italy and the Netherlands

Neutral: the rest
:blink: cant understand Italy...
thanks for your opinion......
much appreciated .....:)

there are all kind of people in a nation good and bad.....so, u will find a mix. of them every where..
as for your your child marriage or dowry thing goes I can say that in todays world hardly any one in india will stand with it.....
though dowry is still there in society...I cannot deny it....but its a lost cause and is loosing its charm in the todays cosmopolitan world......

Rome is a beautiful city, I like the Italian football one of best competitions in the world and i love the pizza.


Rome is a beautiful city, I like the Italian football one of best competitions in the world and i love the pizza.
Their food is bland :sick: the little leaves they put in and call it spices is errmm...
home : india
love: canada
like: America, Russia, Europe,gulf countries, east asia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, china
indifferent: rest of the countries
dislike: none

Rome is a beautiful city, I like the Italian football one of best competitions in the world and i love the pizza.
City is a beauty and ful of potholes :blink:

I like the fact everything is nearby and you can literally walk to most of the touristic sites or take a metro or a tram or God forbid a bus (I did this one and man my brain shook inside my skull when the bus flew over the potholes :blink:

thanks for your opinion......
much appreciated .....:)

there are all kind of people in a nation good and bad.....so, u will find a mix. of them every where..
as for your your child marriage or dowry thing goes I can say that in todays world hardly any one in india will stand with it.....
though dowry is still there in society...I cannot deny it....but its a lost cause and is loosing its charm in the todays cosmopolitan world......
Did I talk about child marriage and dowry? :blink: I must be worse tired than I thought :blink:

I don't hate or dislike any country, only hate and dislike some regimes/governments.

Regimes I hate: Iran, Malaysia, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Zimbabwe.

Regimes/governments I dislike: Venezuela, Bolivia, Russia, all of the Africa beside Gabon, Botswana, Namibia and Kenya, all the Muslim world beside Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Kazakhstan.

Countries I like: USA, Canada, Colombia, Chile, India, Iran, China, Russia, Finland, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan.

Countries I love: Israel.
You like Turkey ? :D
Family issue but i wont say anything more, besides why not, we also dont hate Jews, and many Israelis are making holiday safely in Turkey.

Sure our regimes have problems but screw it, is there any regime we dont have problems nowadays? :D
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