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Your opinion about different countries (Like, Dislike, Neutral etc.)

I don't hate or dislike any country, only hate and dislike some regimes/governments.

Regimes I hate: Iran, Malaysia, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Zimbabwe.

Regimes/governments I dislike: Venezuela, Bolivia, Russia, all of the Africa beside Gabon, Botswana, Namibia and Kenya, all the Muslim world beside Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Kazakhstan.

Countries I like: USA, Canada, Colombia, Chile, India, Iran, China, Russia, Finland, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan.

Countries I love: Israel.
I don't hate or dislike any country, only hate and dislike some regimes/governments.

Regimes I hate: Iran, Malaysia, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Zimbabwe.

Regimes/governments I dislike: Venezuela, Bolivia, Russia, all of the Africa beside Gabon, Botswana, Namibia and Kenya, all the Muslim world beside Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Kazakhstan.

Countries I like: USA, Canada, Colombia, Chile, India, Iran, China, Russia, Finland, Uzbekistan, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan.

Countries I love: Israel.

You forgot UK. :mad:

You like Turkey ? :D


Why do you dislike Moldova ? aren't you guys basically same ?


All of your posts here are stupid and ignorant.
Here's mine....


  • gdpppppercapitaworldmap.png
    46 KB · Views: 98
I dislike Anglo-Saxon hegemony and unipolar world at all. Hope it will end soon.
home : india
like : japan , russia , france , south africa , brazil , south korea , nepal , bhutan, new zealand and west indies
dislike : pakistan
make fun of : sri lanka and saudi arabia
neutral : america , uk , italy , germany , canada , australia , china , bangladesh , turkey , afghanistan , argentina
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