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Your opinion about different countries (Like, Dislike, Neutral etc.)

@500 said Uzbekistan, so I think he is a bukharan jew. ;)
dude all those area belongs to turkmens before even today bukhara is fully turkmen city and jews in that city run from merv to bukhara same for bahai and others they run cuz they wanted to get away from southern danger but we stayed and fight :D
I don't blindly hate or love an entire country, but I can roughly say

Home: Turkey
Like: Azerbaijan, Bosnia, Japan, Korea, Pakistan
Dislike: I have some negative views about some countries but don't know in in dislike level
what about turkmenistan ? :p:
This is my opinion:

@ghara ghan
EDIT: just updatet a bit ;)
You made sout eastern part of Turkey red. :butcher:
Actually, that is where Bahoz lives. ;) :lol:
Whenever you kicked their a$$ out of there, I would change that color to blue, immediately ;) :lol:
Mate, this part is also Republic of Turkey and the Kurds are citizen of Republic of Turkey, millions of Kurds living peacefully in there and they are part of our Nation. :tup:
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