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Your opinion about different countries (Like, Dislike, Neutral etc.)


Like-Brazil, Russia, Japan---due to their cultures...
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Did you really red the Israel or Palestine.. :D

home : india
like : japan , russia , france , south africa , brazil , south korea , nepal , bhutan, new zealand and west indies
dislike : pakistan
make fun of : sri lanka and saudi arabia
neutral : america , uk , italy , germany , canada , australia , china , bangladesh , turkey , afghanistan , argentina
Not surprised.. :disagree:
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@ghara ghan

I have sympathy towads all Turkic countries, but people is still a mystery for me, I don't know the thoughts of an average central asian about Turkey and Turks :)


Is a female ? I thought DENO was the only female here and I still have doubts over it :D


Cool, Turkish jews are bros, I like them, wish there was more of them here, they would make good money for country :D does your wife speaks Turkish ?

Also whats wrong with all these Chinese hating or disliking Turkey ? we're like at the otherside of world what the hell is wrong ? I remember reading something about Taiwanese schools teaching about Turks as negative as possible, may be its the same case at China.

We're even making military trade agreements with you despite western whining, be cool with us :D
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You like Turkey ? :D


Why do you dislike Moldova ? aren't you guys basically same ?


All of your posts here are stupid and ignorant.

Yes we are that's why I dislike the existence of a statal entity called Moldova when it should be part of Romania.I don't dislike the people.
I expected atleast a like for Turkey from you to be honest..

Well "like" is a broad term and for me personally it means "strongly sympathetic" for a variety of reasons not just a simple good feeling.So,altough i honestly like Turkey because after the last war we had against it in 1878 we had normal,friendly relations(that's some 135 years) the countries i have in my list of "likes" come with some other reasons:

So,ok,Australia,New Zeeland are quite simplistic really-i like what they achieved,as in standard of living,progress so far away from their immigration bases.

France-altough many of today's french people are quite racist against us,historically the french were the romanians biggest supporters-in 1859 when the Romanian Principalities got united for the first time,France was our biggest backer.During WW1 the french military mission was essential for our Military and,likewise,in the following Peace Treaty France backed our Unification in 1919 all the way,even against US opposition.

Serbia-The only immediate neighbour we never had a war against.That says much,especially in the Balkans.
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