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Pakistanis are reducing in their ranks. The Arabs are getting better with time. In fact an ex-PAF instructor I know very well who wrote an entire syllabus for their OCU, said the best aggressive students he's had as fighter pilot trainees were Emiratis. Their motor skills were far better than any of the Pakistani pilots he had instructed.


Pakistani instructors gave their hearts and souls to them to get better---.

The emiratis just did not reach that plateau by themselves---.

Pakistani instructors gave their hearts and souls to them to get better---.

The emiratis just did not reach that plateau by themselves---.
Tell me something different, I'm aware of that sir. And now their own instructors are giving more heart than the former Pakistanis.

Interesting, brilliant, awesome. Does this mean that PAF F-16s successfully managed to take down F-22s?

We will never know, but it is possible, given the comment.
WVR combat F-22 is sitting duck against F-16 but in BVR scenario and stealth there is no chance for F-16 or any other fourth gen jet.
WVR combat F-22 is sitting duck against F-16 but in BVR scenario and stealth there is no chance for F-16 or any other fourth gen jet.
F-22-----sitting duck? F-22 is a beast and is extremely hard to beat in both wvr and bvr.
WVR combat F-22 is sitting duck against F-16 but in BVR scenario and stealth there is no chance for F-16 or any other fourth gen jet.

F-22A is superior in WVR engagement situation as well. If one is operating without radar reflectors then any F-16 variant is toast before it have a chance. Even two at a time.
What a way to tap yourself on the back.. There was never any doubt that PAF pilots are good and PAF F 16s are also good. However, IAF is no less, even the Bisons have performed well and surprised many in war games.
We know Bisons are excellent. One came for tea last year.
These ungrateful Arabs will come back to us one day.
Not quite. They've become pretty self sufficient in terms of flight training and producing quality pilots of their own. The Pakistanis and other expats who went there basically worked to get out of the job.

Training is valuable at any level. Like PAF would be nothing without USAF, RAF and more recently TuAF. And the same goes for them vice-versa that picked up various training experiences.
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