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I also wonder where are the wreckages of the other AMRAAMS which were supposedly dodged...ideally, they should have run out of fuel (since they had hit nothing) and fallen down on earth....must be somewhere...

Nobody noticed, but MKI's production run of 272 ended this year, IAF currently has 260 in service, till date they have 11 crashes and special 12th. And they have recently ordered 12 to make up the number to 272 for 14 squadron strength. That 12th jet was written off on 27th feb.
Nobody noticed, but MKI's production run of 272 ended this year, IAF currently has 260 in service, till date they have 11 crashes and special 12th. And they have recently ordered 12 to make up the number to 272 for 14 squadron strength. That 12th jet was written off on 27th feb.
That is the problem with conspiracy to lie- it is going to get more and more difficult for the IAF to get away with it simply due to the sheer number of records and people that need to be manipulated to hide the situation.

How many people are involved in the Indian military structure that knew of day to day IAF operations including accidents, personnel deaths and procurement - that will show the reality.

OCCASION...The ATLC 2013 Multi-National Exercise in Al-Dhafra

PARTICIPANTS.....United States with F-22, F15E, E-3A aircraft, United Kingdom with EF-2000 and E3A aircraft; France with Rafael aircraft, United Arab Emirates with M-2000, F-16 Blk 60 aircraft Pakistan with F-16 Blk 52 + aircraft, and Jordan with F16 MLU aircraft.



It didn't start well at all for the PAF as In the first week / initial days of the exercise, they took multiple hits, however at the end of the first phase of the exercise, they managed to salvage some pride and kept the score 50/50... Once the PAF Boys realised what they were up against and the tactics the Rafales, Typhoons and Eagles have adopted.... they regrouped, debriefed, re-planned and went on the offensive. Second week around the Chief Umpire made a special visit to the PAF camp as the PAF Falcons messed everyone up. Don't believe me? Ask the French Chief Umpire whose comments were:
can you please post the full article?
Marvelous. Waisay I still remember what our F6s and Mirages did to new US F15s in late 70s and early 80s.
Goes both ways. We normally don't hear from the other side, and often it is attractive to hear the part where they aced well. Otherwise there are stories.......and not very favourable ones. Point is to learn from one another in these exercises, less to do with how well they do in terms of kills. PAF's tactics are also being discussed after these exercises....
Goes both ways. We normally don't hear from the other side, and often it is attractive to hear the part where they aced well. Otherwise there are stories.......and not very favourable ones. Point is to learn from one another in these exercises, less to do with how well they do in terms of kills. PAF's tactics are also being discussed after these exercises....
And please tell us when was the last time PAF released a statement or officially made any claims to such effects...in fact half of the time as in OP, we are not even aware of these exercises taking place or the equipment involved.
can you please post the full article?

Author 36th Wing - Gioia del Colle (BA) - Magg. Francesco Napoli


On Wednesday 18 December, the participation of all personnel in Italy ended, the participation of the Italian Air Force in the Advanced Tactical Leadership Course (ATLC), organized by the Air Warfare Center (AWC) in Al Dhafra, United Arab Emirates .

The course had as its topical moment the graduation, carried out on 12 December, which saw the attribution of the qualification of Mission Commander / Force Proection Leader to a pilot of the Italian Air Force, in the presence of the Chief of Staff of the Emirates Air Force United Arab Emirates and the Military Embassy Employees at the UAE.

The multinational exercise, which lasted about 40 days, saw the participation of Air Force personnel with 3 Eurofighter aircraft, 2 from the 36th Wing and 1 from the 4th Wing, and was carried out with the primary purpose of qualifying pilots such as Mission Commander / Force Protection Leader of complex missions, such as COMAO (Composite Air Operation). Furthermore, the activity has allowed us to carry out training flight activities in an international context in air combat missions (Air Combat Training) in scenarios with and without "visual contact" (Within Visual Range and Beyond Visual Range).

The three aircraft flew about 90 hours, including transfers, with both 36th Wing of Gioia del Colle, the 37th Wing of Trapani and the 4th Wing of Grosseto flying.

Several countries participated in the exercise: United States, with F-22, F15E, E-3A aircraft, United Kingdom, with EF-2000 and E3A aircraft; France, with Rafael aircraft, United Arab Emirates, with M-2000, F-16 Blk60, Pakistan aircraft, with F-16 Blk52 + aircraft, and Jordan, with F16 MLU aircraft.

The redevelopment of the structures took place in the second decade of November with the aid of a KC-767 aircraft, which supplied the aircraft in flight along the route, while the personnel recovered thanks to the transports carried out by the 8th Gruppo Volo 14th Wing of Pratica di Mare (Rome) with carrier KC-767A, which reached the air base of Al Dhafra, taking off from the Brindisi airport detachment, and with a C-130J of the 46th Air Brigade of Pisa.

This made it possible to bring vehicles, materials, spare parts and equipment useful to provide the necessary technical support to the Eurofighter (Typhoon) aircraft.

In particular, the staff of the Brindisi Detachment carried out the operations that allowed the loading of materials and vehicles in the Air Terminal Operation Center (ATOC) of the Salento Department, with the contribution of the staff arrived in support from the 3rd Wing of Verona Villafranca, coordinating with the Customs Agency - Territorial Operative Section of Brindisi.

The activity carried out in Brindisi, moreover, was made possible thanks to the equipment made available by the airport company of the airport of Brindisi "Aeroporti di Puglia" (AdP), with which for years there has been active collaboration in the area of available resources , both of ground handling vehicles and personnel, in order to guarantee the performance of the essential activities of a specific competence with significant cost savings.
And please tell us when was the last time PAF released a statement or officially made any claims to such effects...in fact half of the time as in OP, we are not even aware of these exercises taking place or the equipment involved.
I won't as majority of them (pilots and engineers) are not happy with this forum regarding certain things. Cheers !!!
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Your DG ISPR will not make any impulsive tweet like this unless there is credible basis to make such claims. As we have always maintained, PAF lost a twin seater fighter jet which was the 2nd crash inside Pakistan. At first, in over-confidence they expected it to be a Su-30 but eventually when the fog drew out and realization came, it was promptly covered up to save morale and avoid further escalation/losses. If a Su-30 was really shot down then the Mig-21 that you built a whole museum around would completely fade in background while the celebrations for shooting down the first Su-30 would be at least 10x of the revelry credited to Abhi's Mig 21.

I fail to understand - what is the relationship between getting a lock and firing a BVR missle and not dropping the drop tanks? What is the benefit? From what I understand - it will make the Mig slightly more faster and agile but these attributes hardly make any difference when you are so heavily outnumbered and anyway your targets are in a different league of agility and speed. Its just like a Honda City trying to race with a Porshe or a Ferrari, the City can lose the extra seats to become lighter but it cannot hope for any considerable advantage in competition.

Abhi was definitely being a little suicidal chasing the PAF package while being jammed - but he did get a lock and fired his missiles, and onlookers as well as DGISPR among others have reported 2 planes crashing simultaneously.

you Indians need to explain why Christine fair didn’t believe your story ..
I will at least give him the credit for not lying on the media. In India killing three crows in Balakot means killing three hundred terrorists and losing a Bison means shooting down an F16 etc . All i can say Indians have very serious ISSUES.

Hey man, black crow lives matter. They were still Pakistani and therefore died a valiant noble death :pakistan:
The DG ISPR has clearly explained this as fog of war with multiple sources reporting on the same incident, however your concern should be as where did the IAF personal pulled the AMRAAM wreckage from and how could Abhinandan have engaged in any battles with his drop tanks still attached.

Abhinnandan's kill
I won't as majority of them (pilots and engineers) are not happy with this forum regarding certain things. Cheers !!!

We are not here to trigger any anger or to breach security at all. If it is the matter, let's talk about what they have regarding certain things so we can definitely work it out and avoid any issue as such in future. Want me to send PM or a group chat to be precisely?

OCCASION...The ATLC 2013 Multi-National Exercise in Al-Dhafra

PARTICIPANTS.....United States with F-22, F15E, E-3A aircraft, United Kingdom with EF-2000 and E3A aircraft; France with Rafael aircraft, United Arab Emirates with M-2000, F-16 Blk 60 aircraft Pakistan with F-16 Blk 52 + aircraft, and Jordan with F16 MLU aircraft.



It didn't start well at all for the PAF as In the first week / initial days of the exercise, they took multiple hits, however at the end of the first phase of the exercise, they managed to salvage some pride and kept the score 50/50... Once the PAF Boys realised what they were up against and the tactics the Rafales, Typhoons and Eagles have adopted.... they regrouped, debriefed, re-planned and went on the offensive. Second week around the Chief Umpire made a special visit to the PAF camp as the PAF Falcons messed everyone up. Don't believe me? Ask the French Chief Umpire whose comments were:

defence.pk has become a main platform for info sharing. Here are the Youtube guys.

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