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Say whatever you like, India won the cricket world cup 2 times and till today there is no answer on who were the 2 pilots and 2nd fighter jet that crashed inside Pakistan, as reported by your own DG ISPR.
The DG ISPR has clearly explained this as fog of war with multiple sources reporting on the same incident, however your concern should be as where did the IAF personal pulled the AMRAAM wreckage from and how could Abhinandan have engaged in any battles with his drop tanks still attached.
The DG ISPR has clearly explained this as fog of war with multiple sources reporting on the same incident, however your concern should be as where did the IAF personal pulled the AMRAAM wreckage from and how could Abhinandan have engaged in any battles with his drop tanks still attached.

I also wonder where are the wreckages of the other AMRAAMS which were supposedly dodged...ideally, they should have run out of fuel (since they had hit nothing) and fallen down on earth....must be somewhere...
I also wonder where are the wreckages of the other AMRAAMS which were supposedly dodged...ideally, they should have run out of fuel (since they had hit nothing) and fallen down on earth....must be somewhere...
More than that they discovered the AMRAAM wreckage within 24 hours but still no sign of the black box from the helo they shot down.
I also wonder where are the wreckages of the other AMRAAMS which were supposedly dodged.
The face expression of the IAF guys holding the wreckage tells the whole story.
Hum phly staimna bacha rahy thy.game ke end ke liye .is liye easy le rahy th:pakistan::cheers::D:pakistan:
The DG ISPR has clearly explained this as fog of war with multiple sources reporting on the same incident, however your concern should be as where did the IAF personal pulled the AMRAAM wreckage from and how could Abhinandan have engaged in any battles with his drop tanks still attached.
Your DG ISPR will not make any impulsive tweet like this unless there is credible basis to make such claims. As we have always maintained, PAF lost a twin seater fighter jet which was the 2nd crash inside Pakistan. At first, in over-confidence they expected it to be a Su-30 but eventually when the fog drew out and realization came, it was promptly covered up to save morale and avoid further escalation/losses. If a Su-30 was really shot down then the Mig-21 that you built a whole museum around would completely fade in background while the celebrations for shooting down the first Su-30 would be at least 10x of the revelry credited to Abhi's Mig 21.

I fail to understand - what is the relationship between getting a lock and firing a BVR missle and not dropping the drop tanks? What is the benefit? From what I understand - it will make the Mig slightly more faster and agile but these attributes hardly make any difference when you are so heavily outnumbered and anyway your targets are in a different league of agility and speed. Its just like a Honda City trying to race with a Porshe or a Ferrari, the City can lose the extra seats to become lighter but it cannot hope for any considerable advantage in competition.

Abhi was definitely being a little suicidal chasing the PAF package while being jammed - but he did get a lock and fired his missiles, and onlookers as well as DGISPR among others have reported 2 planes crashing simultaneously.
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@Your DG ISPR will not make any impulsive tweet like this
ISPR is a most responsible organisation to share official stance of the armed forces of Pakistan. So whatever it said is meant to said and shared.
@relationship between getting a lock and firing a BVR missile and not dropping the drop tanks.
when a fighter plane enters the war zone, it immediately get rid of all unnecessary load which can make it susceptible to get hit easily. You can say this is SOP for fighter pilots but may nit be with IAF pilots.who want to get hit only. Mirrage and JF-17 were Inside India near to his plane, while F-16 were inside Pakistan. Abhi let nearer planes to go away while aiming at farthest one with WVR
Your DG ISPR will not make any impulsive tweet like this unless there is credible basis to make such claims. As we have always maintained, PAF lost a twin seater fighter jet which was the 2nd crash inside Pakistan. At first, in over-confidence they expected it to be a Su-30 but eventually when the fog drew out and realization came, it was promptly covered up to save morale and avoid further escalation/losses. If a Su-30 was really shot down then the Mig-21 that you built a whole museum around would completely fade in background while the celebrations for shooting down the first Su-30 would be at least 10x of the revelry credited to Abhi's Mig 21.

I fail to understand - what is the relationship between getting a lock and firing a BVR missle and not dropping the drop tanks? What is the benefit? From what I understand - it will make the Mig slightly more faster and agile but these attributes hardly make any difference when you are so heavily outnumbered and anyway your targets are in a different league of agility and speed. Its just like a Honda City trying to race with a Porshe or a Ferrari, the City can lose the extra seats to become lighter but it cannot hope for any considerable advantage in competition.

Abhi was definitely being a little suicidal chasing the PAF package while being jammed - but he did get a lock and fired his missiles, and onlookers as well as DGISPR among others have reported 2 planes crashing simultaneously.
DG ISPR was wrong on the number of pilots in custody. But no Viper has been down, I'm sorry but showing an AMRAAM wreckage instead of an actual aircraft part is bollocks at best, the Indian AF were brought down as a joke by engaging in a politically motivated stunt. Had Abhinandan been killed, chances are they would have abandoned him as well. What kind of government is running the show in India.....

The Su-30 will be a claim, the MiG-21 is a confirmed kill. Need more info, ask about the Su-30 that tried to recover to land back at an IAF base near Kashmir on the morning of 27th Feb.

Drop tanks in the case of the MiG-21 had to be dropped if to engage in a "dogfight", and that is where the Indian media is confused on what BVR and WVR engagements are. Personally I wish the Su-30 was also recovered in Pakistan, had the pilots been deceased they would have been treated with a lot more respect than their former service would have.

Bring out Abhinandan for a damn interview, his integrity would be in shades of grey, if he were to give out answers in favour of the supposed scenario.

And on a sidenote, these 26th and 27th Feb events discussions are becoming boring.
Your DG ISPR will not make any impulsive tweet like this unless there is credible basis to make such claims. As we have always maintained, PAF lost a twin seater fighter jet which was the 2nd crash inside Pakistan. At first, in over-confidence they expected it to be a Su-30 but eventually when the fog drew out and realization came, it was promptly covered up to save morale and avoid further escalation/losses. If a Su-30 was really shot down then the Mig-21 that you built a whole museum around would completely fade in background while the celebrations for shooting down the first Su-30 would be at least 10x of the revelry credited to Abhi's Mig 21.

I fail to understand - what is the relationship between getting a lock and firing a BVR missle and not dropping the drop tanks? What is the benefit? From what I understand - it will make the Mig slightly more faster and agile but these attributes hardly make any difference when you are so heavily outnumbered and anyway your targets are in a different league of agility and speed. Its just like a Honda City trying to race with a Porshe or a Ferrari, the City can lose the extra seats to become lighter but it cannot hope for any considerable advantage in competition.

Abhi was definitely being a little suicidal chasing the PAF package while being jammed - but he did get a lock and fired his missiles, and onlookers as well as DGISPR among others have reported 2 planes crashing simultaneously.

Let's bury this debate once and for all.

This is what your BS DHOANA has to say about F-16 Kill

A classic example is the World War I Jutland naval battle, in which the British lost more ships and sailors but prevented the Germans from achieving their military objective. So you don’t measure by bean counting. We lost a MiG-21, but Pakistan lost an F-16 that we cannot prove. . Abhinandan Varthaman was flying a MiG-21 Bison that does not have non-cooperative target recognition capability which the Su-30 or other modern aircraft have got. So he on his own cannot confirm that he shot down an F-16.


All in all Abhinandan cannot confirm he shotdown F-16, IAF is saying they dont have proofs of F-16 Kill. Then how the hell you are saying with 100 percent certainty that F-16 was shotdown? Where is the proof that missile was fired?
I also wonder where are the wreckages of the other AMRAAMS which were supposedly dodged...ideally, they should have run out of fuel (since they had hit nothing) and fallen down on earth....must be somewhere...

Only IAF can show piece of an AMRAAM to the world to claim that an F-16 is down but will never explain where did they find such piece that too within hours yet never shown the wreckage of those allegedly dodged AMRAAMs. Only IAF can do that... only IAF.. and so their Military can find Big Foot somewhere in north. ... Only Indians can do that I must say.
All in all Abhinandan cannot confirm he shotdown F-16
I will at least give him the credit for not lying on the media. In India killing three crows in Balakot means killing three hundred terrorists and losing a Bison means shooting down an F16 etc . All i can say Indians have very serious ISSUES.
Your DG ISPR will not make any impulsive tweet like this unless there is credible basis to make such claims. As we have always maintained, PAF lost a twin seater fighter jet which was the 2nd crash inside Pakistan. At first, in over-confidence they expected it to be a Su-30 but eventually when the fog drew out and realization came, it was promptly covered up to save morale and avoid further escalation/losses. If a Su-30 was really shot down then the Mig-21 that you built a whole museum around would completely fade in background while the celebrations for shooting down the first Su-30 would be at least 10x of the revelry credited to Abhi's Mig 21.

I fail to understand - what is the relationship between getting a lock and firing a BVR missle and not dropping the drop tanks? What is the benefit? From what I understand - it will make the Mig slightly more faster and agile but these attributes hardly make any difference when you are so heavily outnumbered and anyway your targets are in a different league of agility and speed. Its just like a Honda City trying to race with a Porshe or a Ferrari, the City can lose the extra seats to become lighter but it cannot hope for any considerable advantage in competition.

Abhi was definitely being a little suicidal chasing the PAF package while being jammed - but he did get a lock and fired his missiles, and onlookers as well as DGISPR among others have reported 2 planes crashing simultaneously.
There were a dozen different videos of Abhi's shoot down and eventual capture were circulating at the time, more so the locals reached him before the PA soldiers who saved him....so don't you think or rather don't want to believe that if a second aircraft had crashed or pilot captured, that would have also been filmed by someone out there....in fact the first witnesses claimed seeing two jets on fire, one came down on Pakistani side while the other they claimed went very fast towards India.
Even with Abhi's MiG, the Indian warlords tried to cover up by claiming, it went down due to malfunction and Abhi's parachute drifted towards Pakistan, hell his several ton MiG must have been heartbroken that it also followed it's pilot in a breeze....the fact is losing the MiG may not have been a big deal but the SU-30 loss sent shockwaves in the IAF. And they had to create a sensation to cover the humiliation, so nothing less than imaginary shooting down of an F-16 would be acceptable, even if the claimed shooter doesn't want to know about it....as the poor guy didn't even know where he was or what hit him.
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There were a dozen different videos of Abhi's shoot down and eventual capture were circulating at the time, more so the locals reached him before the PA soldiers who saved him....so don't you think or rather don't want to believe that if a second aircraft had crashed or pilot captured, that would have also been filmed by someone out there....in fact the first witnesses claimed seeing two jets on fire, one came down on Pakistani side while the other they claimed went very fast towards India.
Even with Abhi's MiG, the Indian warlords tried to cover up by claiming, it went down due to malfunction and Abhi's parachute drifted towards Pakistan, hell his several ton MiG must have been heartbroken that it also followed it's pilot in a breeze....the fact is losing the MiG may not have been a big deal but the SU-30 loss sent shockwaves in the IAF and they had to create a sensation to cover the humiliation so nothing less than imaginary shooting down of an F-16 would be acceptable even if the claimed shooter doesn't want to know about it....as the poor guy didn't even know where he was or what hit him.
Also not to mention, the 2 chutes theory has been simplified as when a pilot ejects from the MiG-21 there are 2 parachutes, one for the pilot and the other for the ejection seat.

The AMRAAM wreckage is from the Su-30MKI that fell on the Indian side. Yet the Indian media think AMRAAM and F-16 are the same.
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