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Yeni Şafak: NATO plans to attack Turkey in 2018


Jun 7, 2017
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Yeni Şafak: NATO plans to attack Turkey in 2018
November 19, 2017

The Yeni Şafak daily, a staunch supporter of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the government, on Sunday said NATO plans to attack Turkey in 2018.

In its lead story, the daily claimed that a recent NATO enemy chart scandal during a drill in Norway was part of the alliance’s planned attack on Turkey.

The image of Atatürk, the founder of Turkey, was displayed by a technician as a target during a NATO military exercise in Norway held between Nov. 8 and Nov. 17. In a second incident an alliance officer posted defamatory comments about Erdoğan on an intra-NATO social media site. The technician and the military officer were later sacked, and Ankara withdrew 40 soldiers from the drill.

“The scenario that targets Turkey cannot be evaluated as a ‘personnel mistake.’ Feto [a derogatory term coined by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) to refer to the Gülen movement] and the US military have put a scenario of attacking Turkey into practice. It was a scenario,” the daily said.

“The real scenario is to show Turkey as an enemy of NATO by spreading fabricated views about President Erdoğan. Make Erdoğan a target in NATO countries by showing Turkey as being against NATO. And conduct an operation like July 15 [coup attempt] in Turkey in 2018 with Feto and the US.”

The daily also claimed that the US and NATO use the F35 jets purchase to stop Turkey from buying a Russian S-400 air defense system. If the F35 jets are not delivered to Turkey on time, Ankara will respond by removing the AN-TPY 2 radar that was set up in Malatya province in 2012 as part of a NATO missile defense system.

The ultranationalist Aydınlık daily on Sunday called for the closure of NATO bases in Turkey. The newspaper, which is known for its pro-Eurosianist line, on Saturday had called on the Turkish government to leave NATO.

Both Islamist and ultranationalist/Eurosianist circles in Turkey have been pushing the idea of closing NATO/US bases in Turkey and leaving the alliance.

On Nov. 5, the Star daily, a strong supporter of Erdoğan, said NATO had started a new military drill in the Mediterranean to surround Turkey. “The US, Germany and Greece have launched a missile drill called Artemis to attack ‘an enemy in the East’,” the newspaper said in its lead story.

“The US, which selected terrorist organizations the PKK/PYD [Kurdistan Workers’ Party/ Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party] for an alliance and equipped them with heavy weapons, has taken another step against Turkey that became pretty clear following the coup attempt on July 15 [2016]. Washington, which has imposed a covert weapons embargo on Turkey, and Germany, which talks about ‘occupying Turkey,’ have launched a joint missile drill in Greece,” the daily claimed.

Yeni Safak news paper and the information presented in it are not even worthy to be used as an *** wipe but the site that you used ( Turkish Minute) is nothing else but a fake news media created by God knows who.

I looked around their web site... didn’t see names of the authors of the articles or telephones, emails for contact etc. 99% of things written in it were anti- Erdogan and anti- Turkey though.
Turkey has been under military level attack via proxies since 1984!!!! What have the Turkish folks thinking???? Turkey will take the half of Cyprus - a part of the Cradle of the Western Civlization - and, they will remain silent!!!!
You quoted a troll news site congrats.
Troll posters? I didn't know that. I searched a little and I learned that the 'news' site is indeed conservative/nationalistic, pro Erdogan and sometimes anti semitic/LGBT.

I also assumed that this article was more of an 'prediction' or 'political commentary' in some kind. Something like Bloomberg?


I looked around their web site... didn’t see names of the authors of the articles or telephones, emails for contact etc. 99% of things written in it were anti- Erdogan and anti- Turkey though.
I did find their email via their Patreon, but I am not sure I can post emails of people here on PDF, because I am afraid of breaking the rules
Only US can attack Turkey.

Without US, what would little “NATO” against Turkey?:lol:

Oh Bulgaria and Greece will attack Turkey lmaoo!!

Turkey is one of the most powerful military in the NATO itself. Without full fledge US military backing, NATO can’t do jackshit against Turkey militarily...especially on its mainland.

Europe just does not possess enough military power to launch a mass invasion of a country the size of Turkey with one of the most powerful militaries on planet defending it.

And Turkey is more important for the US than 90% of “NATO” countries
Troll posters? I didn't know that. I searched a little and I learned that the 'news' site is indeed conservative/nationalistic, pro Erdogan and sometimes anti semitic/LGBT.

I also assumed that this article was more of an 'prediction' or 'political commentary' in some kind. Something like Bloomberg?
Not troll posters but the sites reporting is no different than trolling, there is hardly anyone taking this paper serious.
Certainly time to kick the occupiers out of Cyprus.
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