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Y-20 heavy transport aircraft News & Discussions


We need more pictures of it, to be sure it is not a photoshop..
Can you imagine the Y-20 with the Aviadvigatel PD-14 that have recently been testing on the upcoming Irkut MC-21.

Also, if China feels the pain regarding the engines for their Comac 919, should have the PD-14's.



Flight Testing took place on a IL-76.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Can you imagine the Y-20 with the Aviadvigatel PD-14 that have recently been testing on the upcoming Irkut MC-21.

Also, if China feels the pain regarding the engines for their Comac 919, should have the PD-14's.



Flight Testing took place on a IL-76.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Why would China choose to be a white rat of Russia, just like India?
Can you imagine the Y-20 with the Aviadvigatel PD-14 that have recently been testing on the upcoming Irkut MC-21.

Also, if China feels the pain regarding the engines for their Comac 919, should have the PD-14's.



Flight Testing took place on a IL-76.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)

PD-14 corresponds to CJ-1000 in the Chinese aero-engine family, not WS20.

PD-14 is not expected to produce any more thrust than WS20. It has a higher bypass ratio than WS-20 so it's going to be more fuel efficient, but I can't recall military application of a turbofan with higher than 7 bypass ratio.
Can you imagine the Y-20 with the Aviadvigatel PD-14 that have recently been testing on the upcoming Irkut MC-21. Also, if China feels the pain regarding the engines for their Comac 919, should have the PD-14's.
Can you imagine the IL-76 with the WS-20 that has yesterday made its maiden flight upon Xian Y-20. Also, if russia feels the pain regarding the engine development due to its serious lack of money, should have the WS-20's.
Why would China choose to be a white rat of Russia, just like India?
You have still immature jet engine industries dear
Can you imagine the IL-76 with the WS-20 that has yesterday made its maiden flight upon Xian Y-20. Also, if russia feels the pain regarding the engine development due to its serious lack of money, should have the WS-20's.
You still have immature jet engine industries dear, first make a decent low bypass turbofan, WS-10 have a relatively high bypass turbofan and your WS-15 project started in early 2000 and its still not finished, Russian have no money but they have lots of experience in turbofan tech, they are developing turbofan since mid 70s , then you were only copying old Russian/Soviet tubojets in that era
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You have still immature jet engine industries dear
You still have immature jet engine industries dear, first make a decent low bypass turbofan, WS-10 have a relatively high bypass turbofan and your WS-15 project started in early 2000 and its still not finished, Russian have no money but they have lots of experience in turbofan tech, they are developing turbofan since mid 70s , then you were only copying old Russian/Soviet tubojets in that era
again, pakistani
you MUST do the following in the below (for discussion on this forum)
first, STUDY in detail before you argue
second, READ my postings properly
third, RESPECT what others say
again, pakistani
you MUST do the following in the below (for discussion on this forum)
first, STUDY in detail before you argue
second, READ my postings properly
third, RESPECT what others say
Apply these rules on yourself first than talk, i am talking REAL FACTS NOT YOUR FANTACY STORIES
And one should know that the news is a real deal when both the venerable mainland China's bloggers Dafeng Cao and OedoSoldier tweeted the subject!!

Either one is already providing a good guarantee, when there are both of them, 100% manifests. ALL of these years I have never encountered a single miss of what each of them had posted!

And from Dafeng Cao @dafengcao on 2020.11.21:

4×WS-20 powered Y-20 made maiden flight today.

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From Rupprecht Andreas Deino @RupprechtDeino on 2020.11.21:

Allegedly the first Y-20B (?) powered by four indigenous WS-20 high-bypass turbofan engines has made its maiden flight (or was at least spotted for the first time).

(Image via @燃烧的哈尔科夫 from Weibo)

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From Henri Kenhmann at East Pendulum on 2020.11.21:

Much awaited in recent years, a Y-20 equipped with 4 Chinese WS-20 engines made its first successful flight this afternoon.

The roll-out of this device would go back to August this year. For the moment the thrust of the WS-20 is estimated at 142 kN.

Photo via 燃烧 的 哈尔科夫

Y-20 equipped with 4 Chinese WS-20 engines made its first successful flight on 20201121.jpg

And from a comment at the post:

"Is 142 kN any good?" -- "20% more than D30"

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And from OedoSoldier on 2020.11.21:

Y-20B transport plane with WS-20 engine made its maiden flight today

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The days of IL-76 transport jets in China is coming to an end since most of them are second hand refurbished ex-USSR era planes, there are not much airframe time left for them. By now there should be more Y20 than IL-76 in PLAAF service.

The stretched airframe version of Y20 (shown in previous Zhuhai airshow) should be the one on the horizon, now that the more powerful WS-20 engines are on line.
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