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Our Best Look At China’s Re-Engined Y-20B Cargo Jet,China’s military transport aircraft powered by domestically produced WS-20 high-bypass engine


Nov 4, 2011
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Our Best Look At China’s Re-Engined Y-20B Cargo Jet,China’s military transport aircraft powered by the domestically produced WS-20 high-bypass turbofan engine​


New video has emerged of the latest, re-engined version of China’s Xi’an Y-20 military transport aircraft. The Y-20B, which is powered by the domestically produced WS-20 high-bypass turbofan engine, is a significant development compared to the earlier models, which relied on Russian-supplied Soloviev D-30KP-2 engines. What’s more, there are now indications that the improved Y-20B may now be in operational service with the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, or PLAAF.

The video in question appears to have been shown on the Military Report program, produced by the state-run CCTV-7 television channel, which is dedicated to People’s Liberation Army content. The report shows a Y-20B being loaded with cargoes that are later air-dropped under parachutes, an important mission for the type, reflecting how it could be used in an airborne assault role.

As to the claims that the Y-20B is now operational with the PLAAF, that certainly seems possible, although the aircraft in the video lacks serial numbers, so it could also be a pre-series example being used for operational trials. On the other hand, such identification markings could have been obscured for the type’s public appearance.

It’s a measure of the importance of the WS-20 turbofan that it was always planned to fit the Y-20 with these engines, to maximize its considerable potential as well as to remove reliance on a foreign engine supplier. In the case of Russia, and the supply problems that its war in Ukraine has brought, that is now a particularly important consideration.

In terms of output, the WS-20 is expected to produce around 31,000 pounds of thrust, compared to 26,450 pounds for the D-30KP-2, which equips the original Y-20A, which first entered operational service in 2016. Low-bypass engines, like the D-30KP-2 don’t produce the same level of thrust as high-bypass units of similar size and, furthermore, are significantly less efficient.

With this in mind, China aerospace observers were long awaiting a re-engined version of the Y-20 to appear although there were several false starts, with doctored and faked images emerging initially. Finally, as The War Zone reported at the time, seemingly definitive evidence of a Y-20 with WS-20s came in photographic form in late 2020. The aircraft was apparently conducting a test flight at Xi’an-Yanliang Air Base.

Even before the WS-20 became available, China was pouring considerable resources into a design that is very loosely analogous to the U.S. Air Force’s C-17 Globemaster III and which represents a huge advance over the aging array of less-capable transport aircraft previously used by the PLAAF. Before the Y-20 appeared, the PLAAF’s most effective transport was the Russian-made Il-76 Candid — also powered by the D-30KP-2 — but Beijing long struggled to source these in meaningful numbers, with only around 20 in use.

In particular, the production rate of the Y-20 has been noteworthy, with examples of the transport coming off the line at Xi’an at a prodigious rate.


No less than 20 Y-20s were noted at Xi’an-Yanliang Air Base in December 2019. PHOTO © 2019 PLANET LABS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRINTED BY PERMISSION
The importance of the Y-20B to the PLAAF’s broader modernization efforts also seems to be reflected in the pace with which the re-engining program has been run. At one point, it was predicted that the WS-20 might only become available in 2024 and then only in limited production. It remains to be seen whether the WS-20’s production rate will keep up with that of the Y-20, although if the PLAAF has declared the B-model operational, that suggests that there is at least a degree of confidence that the engines will be available in the required numbers.

Whether this acceleration is a case of the WS-20 having assumed a higher priority, or whether the engine faced fewer developmental problems than expected, the Y-20B now appears to be poised for service — with all the benefits that it will bring the PLAAF once fielded in numbers.

In the past, of course, China has battled with some serious difficulties in fielding modern turbofan engines, a problem that has dogged some of its fighter programs in the past. Now. however, most of those issues seem to have been addressed, with the WS-10 fighter engine, for example, now in widespread service.

As we have discussed before, the Y-20 plays a very important role in helping the PLA meet its wider ambitions, including deploying and sustaining forces over much greater distances, as befitting a true global power. As such, the Y-20 is able to transport cargo as big and heavy as the Type 99 main battle tank, and others.

The re-engined Y-20B will only increase the aircraft’s ability to transport significant amounts of equipment and supplies to forward areas, the kinds of missions that would be required to support any kind of sustained operations by the PLA in the wider Asia Pacific region.

The increased efficiency of the WS-20 will bring not only longer range, vital for supplying more far-flung outposts, including bases outside the Asia Pacific. The WS-20 should also bring improved field performance, which is very important for an airlifter like this that is also expected to operate from unimproved surfaces.

Even with the original D-30KP-2 engines, the Y-20 is able to move very useful loads, with a reported maximum payload of 132,000 pounds, which puts it well ahead of the 96,000 pounds carried by the PLAAF’s Russian-made Il-76 Candid airlifters.

Nevertheless, the Y-20 — at least with D-30KP-2 engines — still falls some way short of the capacity of the U.S. Air Force’s C-17, the payload of which tops out at 170,900 pounds. We don’t yet know to what degree the re-engined Y-20B might be able to close the gap with the C-17, although it will certainly help.

As well as its routine military work, the Y-20 has also already been used for humanitarian missions, notably in the response to the COVID-19 outbreak, when it carried medics and humanitarian supplies to the Chinese city of Wuhan. This is a mission we looked at in depth in this previous War Zone article.

Arguably the most tantalizing aspect of the Y-20B, however, is what other versions of the re-engined aircraft might yet emerge.

Xi’an has pitched a civilian cargo derivative of the Y-20, exhibited in model form as the Y-20F-100, already with WS-20 engines. Having a civilian version available with Chinese-made engines would be a major boost for potential operators. Meanwhile, the ongoing struggles of the Russian aerospace industry in the face of international sanctions could even see a civilian Y-20B fill the niche currently filled by the Il-76, especially for commercial chartered airlift.


A model of the civilian Y-20F-100 with WS-20 engines. VIA CHINESE INTERNET

The Y-20U aerial refueling tanker is already operational, with D-30KP-2 engines and would make an obvious candidate to receive WS-20s in the future. With the basic Y-20U already regularly supporting PLAAF missions into the highly strategic Taiwan Strait, the added payload capacity and efficiency of a re-engined version would clearly bring dividends.

Tanker capacity is something that the PLAAF badly lacks, with just three second-hand examples of the Soviet-era Il-78 Midas in use, together with tanker conversions of the H-6 Badger bomber. As the PLAAF increasingly flexes its muscle in the South China Sea and East China Sea, as well as in the Taiwan Strait, tanker support is vital, not least for any future military intervention against Taiwan.

There have also long been rumors of a new airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) platform based on the Y-20 airframe, perhaps to be designated KJ-3000. Here, again, the more efficient WS-20 powerplant would make a great deal of sense. While you can get the full lowdown on Chinese AEW&C developments in this feature, it’s worth noting that a radar-plane version of the Y-20 remains unconfirmed for now.

There are also unconfirmed suggestions that a wind tunnel model of the KJ-3000 has been tested and a photo of a model released in December 2022 — showing a Y-20B-based design — may speak to an AEW&C derivative. On the other hand, this model lacks the traditional rotodome for the main radar antenna, instead having a series of large radomes above and below the forward fuselage, as well as smaller fairings on the leading edges of the sponsons. This has led to speculation that it may relate to an airborne command post or long-range communications aircraft, perhaps to work with the PLAN’s ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs), like the U.S. Navy’s E-6B Mercury. That could make sense in light of recent developments, including the news that China is now keeping one SSBN on patrol at all times as a persistent second-strike deterrent.

Whatever the truth behind the model of the radome-equipped Y-20B, it seems the re-engined transport is now here to stay. There seems little doubt it will continue to expand the PLAAF’s previously neglected airlift capabilities and will likely start to appear in other variants in the future, too. Meanwhile, with the Y-20 reaching its potential, this is a major strategic advance for China and one that will only help it realize its ambitions of being the top global power.


WS20 installed for the first time, Yun 20 ushered in a more surging Chinese heart​

2023-04-08 21:56 HKT


Yun-20 to Tonga by air: if there is a WS-20, it may not need to take off and land three times on the way​

Not long ago, the Y-20 successfully performed an airlift mission to Tonga. This airlift mission is the most long-range airlift mission the Y-20 has performed so far: the total range is close to 25,000 kilometers, with three take-offs and landings on the way. This airlift mission was quite difficult for the Y-20: the maximum range of the Y-20 was only 7,800km, and it had to land three times in countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia and Fiji before flying to Tonga.

We can take a look at the C-17 with the F-117-PW-100 high bypass ratio turbofan engine. The maximum thrust of this engine reaches 18.5 tons, and the advantage of the large bypass ratio makes the maximum range of the C-17 reach 11,600 kilometers, which is more than half of the 7,800 kilometers of the Yun-20. Then we can imagine: when the WS-20 is installed on the Y-20, the Y-20 will perform the task of airlifting emergency supplies to Tonga - then, the Y-20 may not need to take off and land three times on the way. It may be enough once, and the cargo carried will increase.

WS-20 installed first flight photo exposure: the new Yun-20 achieves the same level as the US C-17​


Previously at the Zhuhai Air Show, the Y-20's display panel data was a maximum carrying capacity of 55 tons and a maximum range of 7,800km. It is more conservative than the maximum carrying capacity that everyone imagines for the Y-20 to reach 60 tons to 66 tons. This may be because of the D-30KP2 engine: this engine belongs to a medium bypass ratio turbofan engine, and its technical level remains in the 1960s, and it is now a "master" engine.


The maximum thrust of the D-30KP2 engine is 12.5 tons, and the WS-18 is a domestically improved production version of the D-30KP2 engine. The thrust of the WS-18 is 5000kg higher than that of the D-30KP2, reaching 13 tons, but the fuel consumption rate has dropped by 20%. Even so, because the WS-18 is still a medium bypass ratio turbofan engine, the range of the Y-20 still cannot be greatly improved.


The photo of the WS-20 engine installed under the wing of the Yun-20 was exposed not long ago. This is the first time that the Yun-20 has replaced all the four WS-18 engines under the wing with the WS-20 engine, so we can speculate that the WS-20 engine has been smooth. Through a number of tests, its safety performance has reached or even exceeded the index requirements, and it can be installed and used. This is the last threshold for the WS-20 to be installed under the Y-20 wing. Yun-20 will be able to gain a more surging Chinese heart!


Obviously, the full version of the Y-20 must have the WS-20 engine installed. The WS-20 engine will be lower than the existing WS-18 in terms of fuel consumption because it is a large bypass ratio turbofan engine, and its maximum thrust will be higher than that of the WS-18 engine. The WS-20 engine is also the "target" engine of the Y-20, so the Y-20 with the WS-20 engine installed will be able to completely match the C-17 strategic transport aircraft.

Let's take a look at the data of the C-17 strategic transport aircraft. Its maximum carrying capacity is 77 tons, the maximum take-off is 285 tons, and the maximum range is 11,600 kilometers. The four F-117-PW-100 engines carried have a single thrust of 17.4 tons and a total thrust of 69.6 tons. At present, the maximum load of the Yun-20 is only 55 tons, the maximum take-off weight is 220 tons, and the maximum range is 7,800 kilometers. The four WS-18 engines carried have a single thrust of 13 tons and a total thrust of 52 tons. The differences in all aspects are relatively obvious.


However, the Y-20 also has its advantages: in order to obtain relatively powerful performance with a relatively low total engine power, the Y-20 adopts a supercritical wing and a high-lift (lift) slip-back type that the C-17 does not have. The three-slotted flaps also use a large number of composite material skins on the fuselage and wings. Therefore, the overall lift of the Y-20 is higher and the empty weight is lower. To achieve a performance level comparable to that of the C-17 relatively easy. Due to the earlier design and various reasons, these are not available in the C-17.

This shows that if the maximum thrust of the WS-20 reaches 17.4 tons or more, the Yun-20 has the potential to surpass the C-17! It is speculated from various public information that the diameter of the outer duct of the WS-20 has reached more than 2.3 meters, while the diameter of the outer duct of the engine used by the C-17 is only 2.18 meters. This also shows that the air flow of the WS-20 engine at work will be stronger than the latter, so the WS-20 will be more fuel-efficient and have greater thrust!

Moreover, due to the external wing box design of the Yun-20, the wing height is higher than that of the C-17. Although the diameter of the external duct of the WS-20 engine is larger than that of the F-117-PW-100 external duct of the C-17 Diameter, but the height of the Y-20 engine from the ground is still higher than that of the C-17. Then we can boldly speculate that its take-off and landing performance in the field airfield environment will not be lower than that of the C-17!


The surging Chinese heart and the ingenious lift design everywhere make the Y-20's late-moving advantage more obvious than the C-17. When the WS-20 is installed, the maximum load capacity of the Yun-20 is likely to reach 66 tons and above, and the maximum range will far exceed the current 7,800 kilometers to more than 11,000 kilometers. The performance level is completely comparable to the C-17, and it is not a problem to be "equal" with the C-17: should only Americans have powerful strategic transport aircraft? With the continuous progress of China's aviation industry, it is no problem to catch up with its level!

However, we can put our sights further: 400-ton strategic transport aircraft. For the existing Y-20, it may only be a preliminary solution to the problem of domestic strategic transport aircraft. For example, super-large strategic transport aircraft such as An-124 "Ruslan" and C-5 "Galaxy" are treasures for all countries. Not only used for national defense, the An-124 strategic transport aircraft flowed out of the army after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, and it can also shine for the world in private companies. Super Universiade is very important to us, and the development of the national version of An 124 can be said to be urgent.

During the Cold War, the United States has always emphasized the "three-level transportation" in strategic air transportation, that is, the C-5 "Galaxy" super-heavy strategic transport aircraft carries a large number of materials to the front line, and then the C-141 "Transport Star" strategic transport aircraft transports them to the front line. Transfer to the frontline airport, and then the C-130 "Hercules" tactical transport aircraft will transfer these materials from the frontline airport to the field airport. After the birth of the C-17 strategic transport aircraft that emphasizes tactical take-off and landing capabilities, the work of the C-141 strategic transport aircraft and the C-130 tactical transport aircraft can be completed by the C-17 strategic transport aircraft. The C-17 is also compatible with some of the original air transport tasks of the C-5 super-heavy strategic transport aircraft, thereby simplifying the "third-level transport" into "second-level transport" or even "first-level transport".


@beijingwalker any news on the C919? I had heard they were supposed to have their first commercial flight last month, then something went wrong and we haven't heard anything since. Also any updates on the CJ-1000A?
From some Chinese media

hmm... this seems like a blog thats speculating, they seem to be implying that the plane won't fly with the LEAP engine anymore, and only fly with the domestic engine, but Idk if thats correct, b/c that would mean mass production would be delayed, and they already delivered the first jet to China Air, and there are other orders that would be delayed. Last I head the CJ-1000A was spotted being tested on the Y-20 test aircraft, it doesn't close to mass production yet, we havent even seen tests of it being fitted to a C919.
hmm... this seems like a blog thats speculating, they seem to be implying that the plane won't fly with the LEAP engine anymore, and only fly with the domestic engine, but Idk if thats correct, b/c that would mean mass production would be delayed, and they already delivered the first jet to China Air, and there are other orders that would be delayed. Last I head the CJ-1000A was spotted being tested on the Y-20 test aircraft, it doesn't close to mass production yet, we havent even seen tests of it being fitted to a C919.

There is both technical and political problems with the LEAP C. Also the CJ-1000 might be progressing fast enough that the technical and political risks of the LEAP C might have started to outweigh the risks associated with delay.
There is both technical and political problems with the LEAP C. Also the CJ-1000 might be progressing fast enough that the technical and political risks of the LEAP C might have started to outweigh the risks associated with delay.

They just did the very first test on the Y-20 testbed, it takes a while to do more tests, then they have to test it on the c919, then they have to get it certified(which again will take a lot of flight hours), then the mass production starts, its a long process, I definitely don't see the LEAP being abandoned, unless China wants to delay the C919 mass production to late 2020s.

You can never predict when something gets embargoed, but IMO its not likely that the embargo would happen, even Trump was against such a move, b/c it would be a significant loss for GE revenue. Not to mention it would jeopardize long term US/EU collaboration on future aero projects. Snecma might be more hesitant about it if there is a possibility that tensions cause it to miss out on sales to China.
They just did the very first test on the Y-20 testbed, it takes a while to do more tests, then they have to test it on the c919, then they have to get it certified(which again will take a lot of flight hours), then the mass production starts, its a long process, I definitely don't see the LEAP being abandoned, unless China wants to delay the C919 mass production to late 2020s.

You can never predict when something gets embargoed, but IMO its not likely that the embargo would happen, even Trump was against such a move, b/c it would be a significant loss for GE revenue. Not to mention it would jeopardize long term US/EU collaboration on future aero projects. Snecma might be more hesitant about it if there is a possibility that tensions cause it to miss out on sales to China.
Both Boeing and Airbus have their factories in China, embargo will only kill their own assets in China first.
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