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Via @岳书华摄影 from Weibo
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Finally we do not need import aero engine from Russian anymore,though AI322 and VK2500-03,maybe D136T in future, are still imported from Ukraine
Finally we do not need import aero engine from Russian anymore,though AI322 and VK2500-03,maybe D136T in future, are still imported from Ukraine
We no longer already need to import. The current Y-20 and H6K are using WS-18.

The extremely slow process of inducting and certify WS-20 is another great proof as they are no urgency to get it into service sooner.

The urgency might be from the possible replacement for C919 Leap-1 engine if really block off from supply. CJ-1000A is a higher requirement jet which may take longer time to induct. WS-20 is basically a CMF-56 core twin. It's risk and difficulty will be much lower compare to CJ-1000A.
ukraine freezes the assets of two Chinese conglomerates that have invested in Moto sich, and they probably won't return money to investors. Absolutely cannot believe the western snakes. China can only rely on itself

I will not put too much blame on Ukraine. It's more to do with US pressure on them. Plus they are dead broke, no way they can return the money.

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From the comment below this weibo, they seem to suggest a Y-20 with bigger diameter engine (lower left of picture)??


56 minutes ago from HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro

Today is I am going to drink beautiful again [心][Cheers][喜][给力][打call]

Pardon, which lower-left image?? The only image I see is this one above and it differs in no way from the regular Y-20A since it is the first prototype during its maiden flight on 26. January 2013.

In fact it is the same image:

Y-20 - maiden flight 26.1.13 - 15-3.jpg
Pardon, which lower-left image?? The only image I see is this one above and it differs in no way from the regular Y-20A since it is the first prototype during its maiden flight on 26. January 2013.

In fact it is the same image:

View attachment 689859
Sorry, I meant the lower left corner showing the engine.
One more image from 燃烧的哈尔科夫 via weibo.

Pardon, which lower-left image?? The only image I see is this one above and it differs in no way from the regular Y-20A since it is the first prototype during its maiden flight on 26. January 2013.

In fact it is the same image:

View attachment 689859
You r right, it does seem the same image, maybe both the pictures are fake or pretend to be what it is not.

Edit: Just found out that the first weibo post has been deleted.
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Sorry, I meant the lower left corner showing the engine.
One more image from 燃烧的哈尔科夫 via weibo.

You r right, it does seem the same image, maybe both the pictures are fake or pretend to be what it is not.

Edit: Just found out that the first weibo post has been deleted.

Wow ... here I would say that's it!

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