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As matter of fact yes, they still holding Chinese passport and recognized as Chinese citizen around the world include your country, dare you government say otherwise?, sure you entitle to have your opinion but we entitle our too.

Why are you speaking about that. where did I say they are not chinesE????

Is it a threat. Doesn't work either. China is already on ISIS list and a terrorist attack target. What worse it could be. I believe China will eventually eliminate all terrorists by banning the veil and bear and in turn kick the Wahabbi out of China.

If you want , be my guest.
FYI those terro in EUrope and America... wasn't with their beard or veil... half of them were not even practicing islam... :) have fun

When you will understand that those Terro are not Muslims, and therefore Muslims are not the target. you will get ride of them. But meanwhile be Happy with it :)

ME tho' the same as you, by targeting radical muslims or else , they could get ride of them... they were wrong and now, they are tracked as criminal and not Religious fanatics... and that's why they are getting ride of them. Bc they ar enot seen as muslims anymore, therefore no pity...
Why are you speaking about that. where did I say they are not chinesE????

If you want , be my guest.
FYI those terro in EUrope and America... wasn't with their beard or veil... half of them were not even practicing islam... :) have fun

When you will understand that those Terro are not Muslims, and therefore Muslims are not the target. you will get ride of them. But meanwhile be Happy with it :)

ME tho' the same as you, by targeting radical muslims or else , they could get ride of them... they were wrong and now, they are tracked as criminal and not Religious fanatics... and that's why they are getting ride of them. Bc they ar enot seen as muslims anymore, therefore no pity...
Some of terrorists may be not practicing Islam. But almost all of them have muslim background. You and me both know what role the religion played among them. And for your information, unlike weak western countries, China is very tough. Chinese people normally are very kind but with strong will when facing serious problems. Terrorism philosophy may terrify some westerners. It will never terrify Chinese.
To be fair with you only IRAN+KSA impose veil. ONLY 2 COUNTRies... So yep 99% do not impose such thing.
BTW IRan is getting ride of it for foreigner, only KSA is still with it. :)
ANything to say?

Seems the veil gave you headache... :( putting all the problem on that..; while we speak about oppression for some...

ANd yet you are still speaking about foregners... our subject was on Muslims chinese...

You see, you lost your argument, first you call China as oppressive against Muslim and prevent them PRACTICE "FULLY" HIS RELIGION and when I ask how Muslims nations treat non-Muslim just take the veil as example, you're skating :rofl:... if you're man enough you should go and policing any Muslim nation from have oppressive policy against non-Muslim unless you're playing the double standard game.

and you still own me an answer if your country is willing to shoulder all terrorist responsibility if we don't take preventive measure?

Sure you're very smart, you just want to confine the discussion about Chinese Muslim so we can't counter with reciprocity questions, you think yo gonna shield yourself this way? :lol:
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You see, you lost your argument, first you call China as oppressive against Muslim and prevent them PRACTICE "FULLY" HIS RELIGION and when I ask how Muslims nations treat non-Muslim just take the veil as example, you're skating :rofl:... you're man enough you should go and policing any Muslim nation from have oppressive policy against non-Muslim unless you're playing the double standard game.

and you still own me an answer is your country is willing to shoulder all terrorist responsibility of we don't take preventive measure?

Sure you're very smart, you just want to confine the discussion about Chinese Muslim so we can't counter with reciprocity questions, you think yo gonna shield yourself this way? :lol:

You are being childish... but Whatever, I will answer your Q one last time.

Iran accept every religion, you have jews and christians and other religion in that country, same for KSA, yes you have jews , christians in that country, THEY ARE respected, they are not a lot, but there is.
SO yes NON-MUSLIMS have no problems in those countries, they are not killed or send to jail. ( they are target somtimes by those cancer terro, who are being tracked like rats by us) YOu may find it impoossible or crazy... but there is CHURCHES AND SYNAGOGUES in those both country and in any Muslim country around the world... WHat media portray are those fanatical groups mostly AQ/ISIS related and therefore the simpleminded one, like "you" (maybe) think all muslims are like them ( come visit and open your mind, maybe smthing will change with your behavior)

Second. I shoulder nothing, since I am not a part of them, AND your preventive measure are not good for that kind of problems. you preach the greatness of China gov, but one thing they lack is seeing what happening in other countries with similar problems. Restricting a practice will not give you peace, it will only fuel things. the only solution is to work with those "muslims" by accepting their beliefs and letting them do it and work with them to fight TOGHETER that cancer.

And last. YOu want to have ties with us, whatever it's today or tomorrow, you need to understand one thing. Our nations are changing, our power is shifting, and one thing for the future is, if you want to stay friends you have to respect those who share our belief. It's like if I ask you if you will respect me if I spit on your brother or sister.?

Anyway. Have Fun.
You are being childish... but Whatever, I will answer your Q one last time.

Iran accept every religion, you have jews and christians and other religion in that country, same for KSA, yes you have jews , christians in that country, THEY ARE respected, they are not a lot, but there is.
SO yes NON-MUSLIMS have no problems in those countries, they are not killed or send to jail. ( they are target somtimes by those cancer terro, who are being tracked like rats by us) YOu may find it impoossible or crazy... but there is CHURCHES AND SYNAGOGUES in those both country and in any Muslim country around the world... WHat media portray are those fanatical groups mostly AQ/ISIS related and therefore the simpleminded one, like "you" (maybe) think all muslims are like them ( come visit and open your mind, maybe smthing will change with your behavior)

Second. I shoulder nothing, since I am not a part of them, AND your preventive measure are not good for that kind of problems. you preach the greatness of China gov, but one thing they lack is seeing what happening in other countries with similar problems. Restricting a practice will not give you peace, it will only fuel things. the only solution is to work with those "muslims" by accepting their beliefs and letting them do it and work with them to fight TOGHETER that cancer.

And last. YOu want to have ties with us, whatever it's today or tomorrow, you need to understand one thing. Our nations are changing, our power is shifting, and one thing for the future is, if you want to stay friends you have to respect those who share our belief. It's like if I ask you if you will respect me if I spit on your brother or sister.?

Anyway. Have Fun.

Lol this sound like a black mail to me, if I understand what you're trying to say is this: there is no peace if we don't give what they want within our country, the only solution is to back down and comply to what their belief :lol:.

No you're wrong, we want tie not necessary with all Muslim countries but with moderate Muslim countries that not putting their nose into Chinese internal business affaire. For over millennium, China had never back down to Muslim's will and that's why China still remain an majority non-Muslim nation.

And they're not your brother nor sister, not even close, you just show solidarity in the name of Islam but if anything happen, you will get away of any responsibility such as terror attack and claim that is an isolated case has not thing to do you.

what a false flagger :rofl:
Lol this sound like a black mail to me, if I understand what you're trying to say is this: there is no peace if we don't give what they want within our country, the only solution is to back down and comply to what their belief :lol:.

No you're wrong, we want tie not necessary with all Muslim countries but with moderate Muslim countries that not putting their nose into Chinese internal business affaire. For over millennium, China had never back down to Muslim's will and that's why China still remain an majority non-Muslim nation.

And they're not your brother nor sister, not even close, you just show solidarity in the name of Islam but if anything happen, you will get away of any responsibility such as terror attack and claim that is an isolated case has not thing to do you.

China during millennium... didn't have those borders... you were only on central+ east cost...
Your border are new since last century... you took this part, and make it your own, like the TIbet area... So when you take something at least give it some respect.

And let's be clear. The one you have ties and do not open their mouth are not moderate... they are the rdicals.. :)

And yes , if you want good relationship the first condition is mutual respect for both of us, whatever it's on cultural/economical or religious ground... It was like that for century btw ME and China. it's since the soviet era and your commy ideology that all changed...

And last. WHatever muslims around the World is my brother and sister. Accept it or not I don't really care. even Die Hard Pakistanis extra Pro-China, will say the same. :)

Anyway. Let's end here. it's useless, it's not like you have any kind of power in your own country.
China during millennium... didn't have those borders... you were only on central+ east cost...
Your border are new since last century... you took this part, and make it your own, like the TIbet area... So when you take something at least give it some respect.

And let's be clear. The one you have ties and do not open their mouth are not moderate... they are the rdicals.. :)

And yes , if you want good relationship the first condition is mutual respect for both of us, whatever it's on cultural/economical or religious ground... It was like that for century btw ME and China. it's since the soviet era and your commy ideology that all changed...

And last. WHatever muslims around the World is my brother and sister. Accept it or not I don't really care. even Die Hard Pakistanis extra Pro-China, will say the same. :)

Anyway. Let's end here. it's useless, it's not like you have any kind of power in your own country.

You can say whatever you want , but it won't change how we conduct our internal affairs!
China during millennium... didn't have those borders... you were only on central+ east cost...
Your border are new since last century... you took this part, and make it your own, like the TIbet area... So when you take something at least give it some respect.

And let's be clear. The one you have ties and do not open their mouth are not moderate... they are the rdicals.. :)

And yes , if you want good relationship the first condition is mutual respect for both of us, whatever it's on cultural/economical or religious ground... It was like that for century btw ME and China. it's since the soviet era and your commy ideology that all changed...

And last. WHatever muslims around the World is my brother and sister. Accept it or not I don't really care. even Die Hard Pakistanis extra Pro-China, will say the same. :)

You want to talk about Mutual respect, we can handle that, if you're capable to handling reciprocity approach than we will have no problem: how about this tell all Muslim nation to remove all religious restrictions on all non-Muslim in their respect countries such wearing veil, drinking alcohol...we will do the same to respect Muslim's will in our country... fair deal?

You can label any one as your brother and sister, we don't really care but if you should be held accountable as well for your artificial relation.
You want to talk about Mutual respect, we can handle that, if you're capable to handling reciprocity approach than we will have no problem: how about this tell all Muslim nation to remove all religious restrictions on all non-Muslim in their respect countries such wearing veil, drinking alcohol...we will do the same to respect Muslim's will in our country... fair deal?

You can label any one as your brother and sister, we don't really care but if you should be held accountable as well for your artificial relation.

Those restriction of non-muslims do not exist in ALL muslim world except 2... Iran/KSA. And even in those 2 you can drink and do drugs... . Meanwhile every other muslims nation there is no restriction on non-muslims... If any problems happen on non-muslims it will not be from the GOV, but from maybe few fanatics/stupid groups, who are being chased , jailed by the police...
Those restriction of non-muslims do not exist in ALL muslim world except 2... Iran/KSA. And even in those 2 you can drink and do drugs... . Meanwhile every other muslims nation there is no restriction on non-muslims... If any problems happen on non-muslims it will not be from the GOV, but from maybe few fanatics/stupid groups, who are being chased , jailed by the police...

There is no exception, deal or not deal since we're talking about mutual respect between Muslim and Non-Muslim world. Personally I have not problem with Muslim at all, it's just question of reciprocity...accept what we're in your countries and we will do the same.
But in THe ENd , you either took what you hated or supported what you hated at first... :)
N-Korea is a burden today... You became commies and Vietnam is not that friendly ..; :)
I just want you guys to know. China is a tough country and Chinese are not as weak as you thought. Don't mess up with China.
There is no exception, deal or not deal since we're talking about mutual respect between Muslim and Non-Muslim world.

Well come to KSA, you will be able to drink/drug yourself and copulate as you wish... same for Iran, as a foreigner you will get nothing. ofc don't do it on public street...
tbh even none foreigners are doing so for a long time... in those 2 "special" country...

In the End whatever non-muslim or muslim thingy you want to put... Your gov will not respect, neither give more grounds to religious practice. It's a communist ideology, where atheism is the core and "Same a everyone" the motto. Why? simple, they want to stay in power with that type of ideology... The problem is that it's shiffting, more and more conversion is made in China like christianity and mostly in top middle class... .

From the last numbers China could be by the End of the Century the country with one of the biggest Christian community or Muslim Community and the answer will be to see where ties / allies/enemies will be in the coming decades...
You want to talk about Mutual respect, we can handle that, if you're capable to handling reciprocity approach than we will have no problem: how about this tell all Muslim nation to remove all religious restrictions on all non-Muslim in their respect countries such wearing veil, drinking alcohol...we will do the same to respect Muslim's will in our country... fair deal?

You can label any one as your brother and sister, we don't really care but if you should be held accountable as well for your artificial relation.

Bro, unfortunately "Mutual respect" can never be found in their "religious fanatic" dictionary
Like my professor in my college taught us something interesting is that the term "Religious Caste System" which label and classify "Human with religion ONLY" similar to how the Indians "Caste System" work
According to "Religious Fanatics Caste System" there are "NO nationalities", human being must be classify by religion only
Example will be "Like if you're not a believer of their religion, you're expendable and considered "NON Human and EVIL" by default
To all my Chinese bros ans sister, please don't waste your time reasoning with those religious fanatics, because they've already "made up their mind" you're wrong and evil and they're the always "Right and Holy" due to their "Religion Superiority" over us the so-called "Non believers" before your engagement with them even started.
Bro, unfortunately "Mutual respect" can never be found in their "religious fanatic" dictionary
Like my professor in my college taught us something interesting is that the term "Religious Caste System" which label and classify "Human with religion ONLY" similar to how the Indians "Caste System" work
According to "Religious Fanatics Caste System" there are "NO nationalities", human being must be classify by religion only
Example will be "Like if you're not a believer of their religion, you're expendable and considered "NON Human and EVIL" by default
To all my Chinese bros ans sister, please don't waste your time reasoning with those religious fanatics, because they've already "made up their mind" you're wrong and evil and they're the always "Right and Holy" due to their "Religion Superiority" over us the so-called "Non believers" before your engagement with them even started.

You should go back to college then... where did you see we argued about "Religion"??,
Well come to KSA, you will be able to drink/drug yourself and copulate as you wish... same for Iran, as a foreigner you will get nothing. ofc don't do it on public street...
tbh even none foreigners are doing so for a long time... in those 2 "special" country...

In the End whatever non-muslim or muslim thingy you want to put... Your gov will not respect, neither give more grounds to religious practice. It's a communist ideology, where atheism is the core and "Same a everyone" the motto. Why? simple, they want to stay in power with that type of ideology... The problem is that it's shiffting, more and more conversion is made in China like christianity and mostly in top middle class... .

From the last numbers China could be by the End of the Century the country with one of the biggest Christian community or Muslim Community and the answer will be to see where ties / allies/enemies will be in the coming decades...

As I repeated again if you want to have fair deal, I believe all non-Muslim will agree with me for reciprocity: you want to defend Muslim cause with within our nation, we will defend non-Muslim cause within Muslim nation, I think you have no problem with that?

China will never tilt toward Islam or Christianity, most likely we will pacify both and unite all together with Buddhism to form an new " GOD believer" :D that we will no longer be tormented for choosing side.

When all attempt fail, prepare to be assimilated any resistance is futile.:p:


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