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Xinjiang Police Files


Sep 10, 2020
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Some individuals involved in jihadism were probably being investigated. What explains other Muslim-majority ethnic groups in China having no problems?

You Pan-Islamists are a problem for Pakistan sorry. It's not like any of you care about the Uyghur terror groups operating in Pakistan and committing havoic.

One thing Pakistan needs is to somehow get rid of pan-Islamists and other jihadists alike.
Why US is so nervous about UN Human rights chief's truth seeking visit to Xinjiang and pulled out all stops to stop it and discredits it after failing to do so? What US is worried about? And yesterday, on the same day that the chief visited China, some "secret files" was being "leaked" by some "unknown sources", conincidence? Does US believe everyone has no brains like themselves?
Some individuals involved in jihadism were probably being investigated. What explains other Muslim-majority ethnic groups in China having no problems?

You Pan-Islamists are a problem for Pakistan sorry. It's not like any of you care about the Uyghur terror groups operating in Pakistan and committing havoic.

One thing Pakistan needs is to somehow get rid of pan-Islamists and other jihadists alike.
Lol stay burning.
East Turkistan mujahideen will be victorious soon In Sha Allah. I stand with Haqq and my nationality and identity is Islam.
Uyghur mujahideen will defend themselves and emerge victorious with the help of Allah.



Yesterday, on the same day that the chief visited China, some "secret files" was being "leaked" by some "unknown sources", conincidence? Does US believe everyone has no brains like themselves?
Muslims if you have any ghairat left, speak up against Taghut Chinese who oppress your Uyghur brothers.
Our relation with Uyghurs is through religion which makes us brothers.
Our relation with Chinese is solely due to business and don’t forget what your so called iron friend’s businesses do in Pakistan. Our relations with Chinese is only about money and interests.
Uyghurs, our relation with them is one of brotherhood that no amount of money can end.
Fear Allah and don’t support Taghut in its oppression against your own brothers.

Mods probably gonna delete my thread and posts might even ban me but I’ll always side with Haqq.
Makes me quite ill that a significant portion of the police personnel involved in running these detention centers are ethnic uygurs. I can understand if the shinajin h*n do it but how does an uygur justify his participation in such criminality?
Their like zombies. They were average Uyghur’s who were sent to these camps and brainwashed and tortured for years to the point they forgot their true self and became a false person Chinese made them. Years of torture, drugging, brainwashing them made them forget their true self and turned them into brain dead ccp zombies.
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