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Xinjiang attack masterminded by terrorists trained in Pakistan: China

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Lets be mindful that within Pakistan, in Pakistani society, there are large numbers of people who are willing to sacrifice even Pakistan, some even armed forces, to their Islamist vision, so they will have zero problem to sacrifice Pakistan's relationship with China or anyone else - to them, Pakistan is only a step, a way station on their way to their khilaifat and terror filled social program.
Here is the difference.

Pakistan helps to extradite ETIM militants back to China whenever we ask. However, they do not provide this service for India, because India never took the time to be friends with Pakistan.

Which is why China is ranked as "low risk" on the Terrorism Risk Index, and India is ranked as "high risk".

SO you are saying, that Pakistan extradites terrorists operating from its soil to China but not to India.. No debate there. ;)
SO you are saying, that Pakistan extradites terrorists operating from its soil to China but not to India.. No debate there. ;)

So you are saying India exports terrorists to Pakistan?:cheesy:
Terrorists coming into Pakistan's tribal areas from other countries are not only a threat to China, but most of all to Pakistan. Pakistan has been the biggest victim in the WOT in Afghanistan, with terrorists infiltrating into Pakistan's tribal areas. China is doing the right thing by saying this, & the Pakistani Establishment realizes the threat posed by these groups to the country as well. Pakistan has done well in its current operations in the tribal areas, but efforts must be ensured that all terrorist groups are eradicated from the soil of Pakistan, & terrorists cannot flow inside Pakistan's tribal areas from Afghanistan & elsewhere. Pakistan must make the FATA a part of mainstream Pakistan, governed by Pakistani law. No more Pashtunwali, & no more the 'Wild West' as it's been known as. I applaud China, & I hope Pakistan keeps getting the encouragement it needs to eradicate all the terror groups from its tribal areas. So far, the operations in the tribal areas are going well, & the good work needs to be kept up.
Lets be mindful that within Pakistan, in Pakistani society, there are large numbers of people who are willing to sacrifice even Pakistan, some even armed forces, to their Islamist vision, so they will have zero problem to sacrifice Pakistan's relationship with China or anyone else - to them, Pakistan is only a step, a way station on their way to their khilaifat and terror filled social program.

Sir, hats off to you.

You have the guts to speak out the truth irrespective of the "attitude" of a majority of your countrymen and country women.

The Indian Sub-Continent needs more of your kind.

May your tribe prosper.

Best of Luck.
You're right though, that all of these militant elements should be shut down without mercy, including their source of funding and ideology from overseas.
You r abs right. India, america, pakistan have failed in doing this. let china show the world how its done. Good luck. You care less about religious sentiment, thats powerful weapon!
Terrorists coming into Pakistan's tribal areas from other countries are not only a threat to China, but most of all to Pakistan. Pakistan has been the biggest victim in the WOT in Afghanistan, with terrorists infiltrating into Pakistan's tribal areas. China is doing the right thing by saying this, & the Pakistani Establishment realizes the threat posed by these groups to the country as well. Pakistan has done well in its current operations in the tribal areas, but efforts must be ensured that all terrorist groups are eradicated from the soil of Pakistan, & terrorists cannot flow inside Pakistan's tribal areas from Afghanistan & elsewhere. Pakistan must make the FATA a part of mainstream Pakistan, governed by Pakistani law than Pashtunwali, & no more the 'Wild West' it's been known as. So I applaud China, & I hope Pakistan keeps getting the encouragement it needs to eradicate all the terror groups from its tribal areas. So far, the operations in the tribal areas are going very well, & the good work needs to be kept up.

And to you too Sir, like muse, Hats Off.
So you are saying India exports terrorists to Pakistan?:cheesy:

Nahin Sir.. I was reiterating that Pakistan is helping nab the terrorists in its territory who operate against China, but does not provide this good neighbourly service to India :D
Nahin Sir.. I was reiterating that Pakistan is helping nab the terrorists in its territory who operate against China, but does not provide this good neighbourly service to India :D

That is because China does not want to shun Pakistan, & gives it encouragement to take action, supporting Pakistan instead of abandoning it. India on the other hand, wants to isolate Pakistan from the world, & has not been ready to even talk with Pakistan, until recently. Pakistan has always been willing to resolve issues with India, but there has been no development from India's side. Which has been in India's (& Pakistan's) loss, as confirmed by several statements of high ranking Indian officials.
Nahin Sir.. I was reiterating that Pakistan is helping nab the terrorists in its territory who operate against China, but does not provide this good neighbourly service to India :D

chinese claims are very credible...and china wont blame pakistan if that wasnt the reality....but same cannot be said for india...
Nahin Sir.. I was reiterating that Pakistan is helping nab the terrorists in its territory who operate against China, but does not provide this good neighbourly service to India :D

we will ''provide this service to india'' when the indians learn on how to cooperate and conduct a joint-investigation; rather than sabre-rattling, resorting to empty jingoism, and mistaking ''prose'' as evidence.

the same way, we will expect the same from indians WRT terrorism that took place against Pakistan/Pakistanis.

what you say?
Friends, we say it's China's problem or Us problem or Indian problem, we would be telling lies -- it is only Pakistan's problem -- yes, some of our Pakistani friends will object, after all why single them out? Because Pakistan's failure to control it's territory and because Pakistan's promotion of Islamist ideas within it's own society and the Pakistan army's training of proxies.

Some say that Pakistan armed forces leadership were cynical, that they never believed this Islamism thing and only used it - but this is unsatisfying because it's misdirection, it's obfuscation - if during the Afghan war, the Pakistani leadership only used Islamism as a tool, their reliance on this tool became greater during their effort to promote Jihad in Kashmir and with their effort to defeat Najibullah government in Afghanistan - however, at the same time, the Pakistan army was indoctrinated with Islamist ideas and these ideas were propagated through out society.

So, with weak control over their own territory, the Pakistan army gave sections of Pakistan to islamists to control and administer, they then invited and Pakistan government allowed, Islamist militants from all over the world to make Pakistan the "epicenter, the headquarters of International Islamist terror - see, there is a reason why almost all Islamist terror is linked with Pakistan, that link is that the government and society have long nurtured these Islamist terrorists, the government and society have promoted these ideas --- that today the brother ally, China has been made a victim, means very little, after all, if Islamist are willing and ABLE to label other muslims of Pakistan as APOSTATES, then to attack China is nothing for them - Chechans have attacked Russia from Pakistan, the East Turkestan movement has attacked China and Junadallah have attacked brother - and of course attacking India is par for the course ---- friends, the root of all this evil, is Islamism.

The month of Ramazan is starting and some say that we are attacking Islam, these people do not know the difference between Islam and islam-ism and we can only feel sorry for them because so great is the difference between Islam and Islam-ism that entire universe can be accomodated in this difference, but these blind cannot see -- so great is their indoctrination - How can something whose very root is "peace" be the same as "terror"??

In Pakistan, the apologists of Islamism say that it is a ideology that binds, that unites Pakistanis - but everyday these Islamists kill Muslims because they do not approve of their sects, they do not approve that they are government employees, they do not like that they don't speak arabic, that they do not do what the Islamists want them to do --- If this is unity, I say lets have none of it.
You r abs right. India, america, pakistan have failed in doing this. let china show the world how its done. Good luck. You care less about religious sentiment, thats powerful weapon!

It will be something for the SCO to look into that's for sure.
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we will ''provide this service to india'' when the indians learn on how to cooperate and conduct a joint-investigation; rather than sabre-rattling, resorting to empty jingoism, and mistaking ''prose'' as evidence.

the same way, we will expect the same from indians WRT terrorism that took place against Pakistan/Pakistanis.

what you say?

Even the ex-Afghanistan spokesman in Kabul in an interview on Indian TV admitted that India is running secret prison cells inside Afghanistan, & using Afghanistan as a proxy land. It is pretty clear that India is creating a lot of problems inside Balochistan. It is best if Pakistan & India can resolve all outstanding issues, but India needs to be cooperative in that, which it hasn't been.


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Friends, we say it's China's problem or Us problem or Indian problem, we would be telling lies -- it is only Pakistan's problem -- yes, some of our Pakistani friends will object, after all why single them out? Because Pakistan's failure to control it's territory and because Pakistan's promotion of Islamist ideas within it's own society and the Pakistan army's training of proxies.

its a bilateral problem. Nobody who is anybody (army or civlian) in Pakistan told Uighurs to begin a campaign of violence against Han Chinese. That is beyond ridiculous, mate.

it's Pakistan's problem because yes --- they are coming into our country to learn bomb-making and such (if reports are to be believed). So first we need to shut down these shacks and dens where such activity is going on. Nobody ever denied that in Pakistan --or should deny it.

it's China problem for obvious reasons. They have an interest NOT to see internal unrest ---knowing that there are a lot of stakeholders out there who would love to see China face such problems; it is groups like Amnesty International who profit off of human misery!

I appreciate your honesty, but you are putting all the blame on Pakistan and that is not fair.

Some say that Pakistan armed forces leadership were cynical, that they never believed this Islamism thing and only used it - but this is unsatisfying because it's misdirection, it's obfuscation - if during the Afghan war, the Pakistani leadership only used Islamism as a tool, their reliance on this tool became greater during their effort to promote Jihad in Kashmir and with their effort to defeat Najibullah government in Afghanistan - however, at the same time, the Pakistan army was indoctrinated with Islamist ideas and these ideas were propagated through out society.

Pakistan Army recruits and takes men/women from all provinces, from all districts/villages, from all income groups. These people have different ideas, sometimes they may seem alien to one another, but it is the common bond and feelings of divine, sacred duty to the nation (an Islamic Republic) that unites them as a force

At times yes --we used Islam for political purposes. But it was in our existential interests to see to it that the communist regime and their Afghan lackeys who rolled the red-rug for them -- were neutralized. Pakistan's territory was in danger; and the soviets were pro-indian (armed them to the teeth in both wars). So it's really a no-brainer.

the problem is only that these people who fought against USSR were not rehabilitated. They were abandoned. A more ''nationalistic'' rather than ''religious'' approach would make sense --but it's Afghanistan we were dealing with. There is no concept of nationalism there, because Afghans allowed themselves to become so factionalized.

as for Kashmir -- we didnt need to do much. Most of the fighting against the occupation forces in the Disputed territory was a purely Kashmiri phenomenon. Though it is true we offered moral support to the Kashmiri freedom fighters.

So, with weak control over their own territory, the Pakistan army gave sections of Pakistan to islamists to control and administer, they then invited and Pakistan government allowed, Islamist militants from all over the world to make Pakistan the "epicenter, the headquarters of International Islamist terror

when ''reconciliation'' (such as in Swat) failed, the army went in and cleaned up the place....the Army prefers non-confrontation with its own citizens.

but these religious extremists have proved time and time again, you cant negotiate with them. At least not from a perceived position of weakness. And that is why, the fight continues.

And it will take time, Muse.

- see, there is a reason why almost all Islamist terror is linked with Pakistan, that link is that the government and society have long nurtured these Islamist terrorists, the government and society have promoted these ideas ---

just remember that they werent ''terrorists'' decades back...but only when they turned against NATO and turned against Pakistan. We were short-sighted decades ago on WHAT will materialize by allowing these nameless people (many of them stateless too) to remain in our country.

that today the brother ally, China has been made a victim, means very little, after all, if Islamist are willing and ABLE to label other muslims of Pakistan as APOSTATES, then to attack China is nothing for them

Very true point....
but Pakistan wont allow those groups to flourish...and it wouldnt ever be in our interests to allow that

those so-called ''Islamists'' you talk about are just jahhils and nothing else

- Chechans have attacked Russia from Pakistan

Chechna issue is a Russian problem; not our problem....all we need to do is kick out anyone who is in the country illegally.

by the way, Chechens have attacked PAKISTAN too! Time and time again, we have arrested and/or killed Chechen militants in the FATA region.

, the East Turkestan movement has attacked China

they are not ''based'' in Pakistan...and whoever claims that they are, needs to get their heads checked

and Junadallah have attacked brother -

Jundollah is an Iranian organization.....run by Iranians, their fighters are Iranians of Baluch ethnicity. It is a foreign-funded operation, being used to destabilize Iran and create rift between neighbours. To some degree, it's worked.

and of course attacking India is par for the course ---- friends, the root of all this evil, is Islamism.

the root of all evil is poverty and illiteracy

The month of Ramazan is starting and some say that we are attacking Islam, these people do not know the difference between Islam and islam-ism and we can only feel sorry for them because so great is the difference between Islam and Islam-ism that entire universe can be accomodated in this difference, but these blind cannot see -- so great is their indoctrination - How can something whose very root is "peace" be the same as "terror"??

politics and religion; and political-religion is always dangerous....whether its ''Islamism'' or zionism, or hindutva....makes no difference.

In Pakistan, the apologists of Islamism say that it is a ideology that binds, that unites Pakistanis - but everyday these Islamists kill Muslims because they do not approve of their sects, they do not approve that they are government employees, they do not like that they don't speak arabic, that they do not do what the Islamists want them to do --- If this is unity, I say lets have none of it.

the worst part about such people is that they blame and point fingers everywhere else; they do their ''rallies''......... but they fail to openly condemn the terrorism that has been waged (whether against the state, whether sectarian in nature, etc.) --which has killed SCORES of Pakistani people, damaged property, and made Pakistan look bad.

so on the larger scheme of things, i agree with many points you make.
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