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Xinjiang attack masterminded by terrorists trained in Pakistan: China

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China does not tolerate anything that causes instability and they have no qualms in putting down such activities with an iron hand and crush it underfoot.

China has no time for Political Correctness and also does not care what the international community or nations have to say or do.

Yes, it is admirable in a way.

I heard that in China they execute criminals and donate their organs to those who need them most.
The Russians went at full force against the Chechens, China is much more cunning if China went at full force against the Uighers it would probably be worse then the chechens.

the North Caucuses region is still a warzone......

horrible example
Turkey also Supports the Uighers due to some Pan Turkic Ambition ,Turkish PM Erdogan likens Xinjiang violence to 'genocide'.
BTW i just realized i became a senior member while commenting in this thread
now i can delete my own posts....how cool :)
The US constantly remarked about how someone amongst the Pakistani government, army and other national institutions would have known that Bin Ladin was hiding. The similitude with China is non existent, as China has not mentioned the terrorists and state institutions in the same breath.

Before OBL is killed, US was also not openly blaming PA/ISI for the same there were all Tora Bora etc. These direct blaming came in the picture when OBL was killed and that too near PA HQ. Except typical blaming of India and Pakistan to each other when an incident takes place, rest of the world dont claim anything unless enquiry completes. This is the reason China is also not openly saying but not denying as well.
As an individual who hails from Pakistan, I would like to apologize to China and other countries who have suffered from terrorists who have been trained or supported in Pakistan.

Its not the fault of the common person or the nation itself but its those treacherous Islamist bastards who created this menace of terrorism in the name of Islam with the Americans and the coward Sauds.

Namely these people and groups include Gen Zia and his ilk, JI (Jamaat-e-Islami), JUI (Jamaat-e-Ulema-Islam), yada yada yada.

You all know them by now and you know what happened in the 80's when the "God's Soldiers" fought the Jihad against the Soviets so that America could give the Soviets their Vietnam.

Unfortunately I lost my country to these bastards but I am fighting back in every way I can, you can help too by destroying their ideology.

Their centre is Saudi Arabia, their backing is in the Gulf and their supporter is America.

We are just the playground.
It could be because the Islamic countries are not concerned about the Muslims there.

Or that the news does not trickle out.

News trickles out...we arent in the Dark Ages or something. Ease of information exists in Muslim world especially with internet.

However, as we saw in 2008 -- it was Uighurs who started the trouble, not the Han Chinese. If they started compromising law & order needlessly, and engaging in target killings -- then isnt it right to act against trouble-makers?

And Uighurs were not quite a separate country as Tibet was before 1950, when the PLA marched in.

Tibet is part of China....regardless of ''marching in'' or not

kind of like how Junagadh --regardless of ''marching in'' --- is part of hindustan ;)
Abu Zolfiqar

I have appended links before about

1. Changing the demography,

2. Muslims not being allowed loudspeakers.

3. Mullahs selected by the Govt.

4. Sermons are first cleared by the CCP apparatchik and then being allowed to be preached on Friday.

5. Uighurs are being sent to other parts of China so that they remain a minority there and cannot create problems.

6. Children below 18 yrs of age not allowed in Mosques.

7. Children below 18 yes of age, not allowed Islamic religious education.

8. Uighurs forced to not observe Roza as it is not secular.

9. Uighurs who do not know Mandarin cannot get white collar jobs even in Xinjiang.

I don't wish to hunt for these links but you could check in the Tibet thread or the other ones on Xinjjiang.
As an individual who hails from Pakistan, I would like to apologize to China and other countries who have suffered from terrorists who have been trained or supported in Pakistan.

No need to apologize T-Faz.

The attacks were carried out by Chinese nationals (Uighurs) on Chinese territory.

We failed to prevent these militants from exiting the border, and failed to prevent them from coming back in.

The responsibility lies entirely on our shoulders. But don't worry, these mistakes will get sorted out very quickly.
We can fairly say how China handles Terrorism the world Admires and Human rights group can F**k Off for defending terrorists.
No need to apologize T-Faz.

The attacks were carried out by Chinese nationals (Uighurs) on Chinese territory.

We failed to prevent these militants from exiting the border, and failed to prevent them from coming back in.

The responsibility lies entirely on our shoulders. But don't worry, these mistakes will get sorted out very quickly.

The point here is that Pakistan was used as a training ground for these terrorists and without a training ground, there will not be any terrorism.

If people get hurt because of something that is dwelling in my house then its my responsibility to keep my house in order.

If I were the leader which is impossible because these people will never let it happen, I would sincerely apologize to every nation with humility and I will bring the perpetrators down, even if it means going after some other countries.

Enough is enough you know, tomorrow God forbid someone else get killed in these attacks, then it will become a reason for distanced relations between ourselves.
Enough is enough you know, tomorrow God forbid someone else get killed in these attacks, then it will become a reason for distanced relations between ourselves.

I don't think that will ever happen, I'm sure that Sino-Pakistani relations will stand the test of time.

You're right though, that all of these militant elements should be shut down without mercy, including their source of funding and ideology from overseas.
The point here is that Pakistan was used as a training ground for these terrorists and without a training ground, there will not be any terrorism.

If people get hurt because of something that is dwelling in my house then its my responsibility to keep my house in order.

If I were the leader which is impossible because these people will never let it happen, I would sincerely apologize to every nation with humility and I will bring the perpetrators down, even if it means going after some other countries.

Enough is enough you know, tomorrow God forbid someone else get killed in these attacks, then it will become a reason for distanced relations between ourselves.

Thank God, Pakistan have people like you and Safriz who understood that any connection of Pakistan with terrorism, No matter State or Non-State actors, will only create trouble to Pakistan and whole world. Pakistani law agencies need to hunt down such institutions which are breeding ground of terrorists. This will save save plenty of precious human lives be it of any ethnicity. Thanks Again!!!
Pakistani law agencies need to hunt down such institutions which are breeding ground of terrorists.
That is precisely what the Pakistani security forces have been doing, and have lost thousands of lives in the process.

As I pointed out, it is Pakistan's military, intelligence, para-military, civilians and economy that have suffered the most from terrorism in the past few years. No one has a greater interest in seeing these groups neutralized than Pakistan.
Thank God, Pakistan have people like you and Safriz who understood that any connection of Pakistan with terrorism, No matter State or Non-State actors, will only create trouble to Pakistan and whole world. Pakistani law agencies need to hunt down such institutions which are breeding ground of terrorists. This will save save plenty of precious human lives be it of any ethnicity. Thanks Again!!!
There are non-state terrorists even in India. (Hint....the recent Mumbai blasts) so Keep your usual bullshyt out of this.

Chinese Premier has yet to blame Pakistan or their Ambassador. Until then, f*** off.
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