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Xinjiang attack masterminded by terrorists trained in Pakistan: China

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Yeah...we are a total failure...weakest nation on the planet. Perhaps you can give us some tips?

first stop leg pulling on debt ceiling then come leave sarcastic comments
there is a lot of difference between how Pakistan army and intelligence agencies treat a request of cooperation from USA and same from china...
for USA its always a half hearted "try"..but not the same for china

Terrorists are always terrorists. There is no difference if they do terror activities against USA or againse China. Also, USA provides more economy and military aid to Pakistan than China. Why should there be a difference in the treatment?
Pakistan seems to be backstabbing another friend, Maybe China should arm the Baluch Rebels with Guns, Stinger Missiles, Anti Tank weapons and see how they like it, I'm the Baluchs would be lining up for Chinese weapons.

Stop trolling.
About how Uighur come to Pakistan only Chinese authorities can tell you how they come to Pakistan and what is their plan to stop them. About the why part, since Pakistan borders this Xinjiang region and since Pakistan is a Muslim country they believe that they can use Pakistani soil to create trouble in China. Unfortunately for them there dreams get shattered when Pakistan extradites them back to China. Another ample proof of the fact that Pakistani state vehemently opposes any such elements operation from it's territory.

IIRC, the Uighurs go for Haj and they are allowed by the Chinese after vetting.

They have to fly from Pakistan.

After Haj, they don't return to Xinjiang.

There are Uighur localities in Pakistan cities.

They have been involved in attacking the Chinese engineers working in Pakistan.

On the issue of Uighurs in Pakistan, here is an extract from 'Muslim Voices'.

Pakistan’s Uighur community is small — about 50 families have emigrated from China over a 30 year span.

The Turkic-speaking Uighurs have come to Pakistan to escape religious persecution, including bans on the call to prayer on loudspeakers and religious schools called madrassas. The ability to go on the yearly pilgrimage to Mecca, the Hajj, is also limited.

China keeps watch on the migration of the Uighur as they suspect separatists from Xinjiang are hiding in tribal areas of Pakistan.

Uighurs have complained of being regularly harassed by Pakistani officials to maintain the relationship between China and Islamabad...............

Many of the Uighurs who have emigrated to Pakistan are happy with their lives – said businessman Muhammed, “We can practice Islam the way we want, live the life we want.”

A Look Inside Pakistan’s Uighur Community
I'm still surprised china has not been hit by any Major Terrorist attacks, it's happened all around the world, but not China , Got to love the Chinese, balls of Steel.
I'm still surprised china has not been hit by any Major Terrorist attacks, it's happened all around the world, but not China , Got to love the Chinese, balls of Steel.

China does not tolerate anything that causes instability and they have no qualms in putting down such activities with an iron hand and crush it underfoot.

China has no time for Political Correctness and also does not care what the international community or nations have to say or do.

Yes, it is admirable in a way.
I've Read a story back in 2008 during the the Beijing Olympics, where Uigher Terrorists hid weapons in a Mosque to carry out major bombings and attacks during the games, the Mosque were simply destroyed and erased never heard of that again.
Terrorists are always terrorists. There is no difference if they do terror activities against USA or againse China. Also, USA provides more economy and military aid to Pakistan than China. Why should there be a difference in the treatment?

the trouble is with.USA's definition of terrorists....
people fighting against uniformed trained soldiers of USA..and there are those who blow up random people .
these are two different catagories..pakistan is doing their best against the later type..while USA wants us to go after both types..hich is same as asking pakistan to fight their war.
yeah but you see, that's the difference here....

as far as i know, those Uighurs (the ones that obey the laws of the land) are not a national security issue.....they live normal lives, mind their own business...that's fine, no problem.

but the ones who have ANY ties to militant groups or those that seek to harm Pakistan-China relations (or any other external hand that feeds on this) should have their mustaches converted into shoe-laces.

the article posted clearly paints a positive picture....there is cooperation between Pak-China on this issue --which is a purely internal affair of China. We can help when and where we can. At the same rate, those ''percecuted'' can (if our authorities agree) allow them to settle for some time in Pakistan.

What we wont allow is a Dalai-Lama type drama exercise, which is something the indians only are good at....and something which some other western nations who are scared of China are trying to exploit. Tibet is much more politicised than Xinjiang is.
I've Read a story back in 2008 during the the Beijing Olympics, where Uigher Terrorists hid weapons in a Mosque to carry out major bombings and attacks during the games, the Mosque were simply destroyed and erased never heard of that again.

The Uighurs hijacked an aircraft.

Plane hijacked in China's Xinjiang region - Xinhua

BEIJING | Sun Aug 9, 2009 5:47pm BST

(Reuters) - An airplane was hijacked in China's restive region of Xinjiang, the official Xinhua news agency reported on Sunday.

Plane hijacked in China's Xinjiang region - Xinhua | Reuters

The Uighurs are a source of constant problem for China.
The Russians went at full force against the Chechens, China is much more cunning if China went at full force against the Uighers it would probably be worse then the chechens.
yeah but you see, that's the difference here....

as far as i know, those Uighurs (the ones that obey the laws of the land) are not a national security issue.....they live normal lives, mind their own business...that's fine, no problem.

but the ones who have ANY ties to militant groups or those that seek to harm Pakistan-China relations (or any other external hand that feeds on this) should have their mustaches converted into shoe-laces.

Absolutely right. :tup:

The vast majority of Uighurs and Hui are responsible and law abiding citizens.

The problem is limited to a small number of individuals (and militant groups) that want to cause problems.
I've Read a story back in 2008 during the the Beijing Olympics, where Uigher Terrorists hid weapons in a Mosque to carry out major bombings and attacks during the games, the Mosque were simply destroyed and erased never heard of that again.

its very sad that these terrorists will got to any extent to achieve their objectives, even if it means killing their own.
The Uighurs hijacked an aircraft..

they are also responsible for starting the riots and target killings against Han Chinese.....

they are to blame...blame should be given to those who deserve it. Not implying, though, that ALL Uighurs are thugs or trouble-makers. But the ones who ARE -- are no friend to the region (except those who gain from such unrest ;))

i think for this reason, even in the Muslim world the Uighur protestors didnt receive much support or sympathy --- because they were the ones who started the violence. They were carrying knives and clubs, molotov cocktails, and even syringes.

Xinjiang is not disputed territory, incidentally. So it's purely an internal issue of China's. Hopefully peace and sanity would prevail and both Han and Uighur (and other) communities can get along and co-exist peacefully.
Tibet is much more politicised than Xinjiang is.

It could be because the Islamic countries are not concerned about the Muslims there.

Or that the news does not trickle out.

One does not know the reason.

And Uighurs were not quite a separate country as Tibet was before 1950, when the PLA marched in.
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