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Wrong fatwa of Kufr upon Pakistani Constitution

Islamic law is absolutely incompatible with democracy. It is a theocratic system with Allah alone at its head. Allah's law is interpreted by a ruling body of clerics. There is no room for a secular political system in which all people are treated as equals
Then please tell me why you are living in Europe if you love Islamic law so much.
So back to my question what does the constitution say?

It swings both ways , Talon , if you know what I mean . In principle , it is Islamic in nature , to the extent where any further input isn't needed at all but of course , other laws can be made .
Actually i just wanted to avoid any Fitna, a long debate for nothing, and to get insulted by an idiot "fauji think tank"---who was insulting islam and me. Thats why i thanked your post and avoid trolling.

Bikini type, hope you gonna like it.

Your sarcasm is very dry and pardon my french its absolutely shit.
It swings both ways , Talon , if you know what I mean . In principle , it is Islamic in nature , to the extent where any further input isn't needed at all but of course , other laws can be made .
But we do have civil law and shariah law....and each is separate so why all the confusion?
But we do have civil law and shariah law....and each is separate so why all the confusion?

Well , the religious than thou attitude as the secondary factor and radicalization as the primary one , now I am oversimplifying but that is the most precise answer I can give you , without going into historical details .
Islamic law is absolutely incompatible with democracy. It is a theocratic system with Allah alone at its head. Allah's law is interpreted by a ruling body of clerics. There is no room for a secular political system in which all people are treated as equals

Democracy has different meanings !

For example in USA & EU, if you talk about holocaust or ask any question ... you will end up in trouble !

Do as we say, not as we do ...
Democracy has different meanings !

For example in USA & EU, if you talk about holocaust or ask any question ... you will end up in trouble !

Do as we say, not as we do ...

He wants to make all the world a hell hole like Afghanistan. Whats ironic is the fact he sits in France and talks about Islamic law.:lol:
He wants to make all the world a hell hole like Afghanistan. Whats ironic is the fact he sits in France and talks about Islamic law.:lol:
No dear the irony is you don't no a sh!t about islamic laws, and you trying to pretend to be "modern burger bacha", since franch gov is really intrested in islamic financial system, like lots of other modern states. You knowledge about Islam is as much limited as any european, since you have been educated by them, just like me btw, but if you do littel bit of search about the subject it won't gonna hurt you.
Liberal philosophies like what? Quran clearly says there is no compulsion in religion. Now if there are Muslims who want to twist Quran to their own meaning then who is it to blame the Prophet or genocidal maniacs aka Mullahs.

Now, herein lies the main problem which you don't realize.....
You say the Mullahs 'twist' Quran and the Mullahs say you do.....everyone says the other is wrong........now, who is going to decide who's right and who's wrong?......this deadlock could have been avoided if philosophies like 'all paths lead to same god' were incorporated and emphasized......this is just my opinion.....
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Well , I am really disappointed that even you have failed to see the obvious flaw in this argument , something which the people forget whilst saying that the Islamic system has been made secondary without taking into consideration that the laws cant possibly remain static and carved in stone and hence will have to evolve over time - otherwise there's little difference left between us and the Islamist militants around the world relying on 6th century laws without making them compatible with the 21st century and hoping for people to accept it .

The Parliament ( or any other form of it ) and humans sitting there will make the modifications as per the requirements of the era , they are living in . Someone will have to review and modify the laws and the system from time to time . What is with the obsession to discard the human factor and insist on God's governance ? For instance : You cant possibly just rely on witness for a crime , when the forensics have developed to be the more reliable method of aiding in investigation . Going by your model of political system , there's little way for that to be accepted into otherwise " assumed " fait accompli ( a done deal ) laws .

@Armstrong Chip in . Is democracy unislamic then ?
Tell me honestly are you responding because you want to learn or just to pontificate. If you want to learn then I will respond tomorrow from a mainframe as typing on a mobile keypad is tedious. However if the title of TT Chair has gone to your head then I have other things to do. On my last response I yad said I will not engage in any debate on the matter. I dont want to sound rude but your disappointment is of no consequence to me in front of the commands of Allah Subhana hu wa Ta alah. I will respond to Him onthe day of no recompense and not to you. So please let me have your response and I will act accordingly.
Tell me honestly are you responding because you want to learn or just to pontificate. If you want to learn then I will respond tomorrow from a mainframe as typing on a mobile keypad is tedious. However if the title of TT Chair has gone to your head then I have other things to do. On my last response I yad said I will not engage in any debate on the matter. I dont want to sound rude but your disappointment is of no consequence to me in front of the commands of Allah Subhana hu wa Ta alah. I will respond to Him onthe day of no recompense and not to you. So please let me have your response and I will act accordingly.

The question was simple , mate . Is democracy unislamic and if so , why ? Just because of a parliament in which humans are deciding the laws to be implemented ? Use the same to interpret and implement Islamic laws and system and run the affairs of a state - whatever the majority wants . What is so unique about " Caliphate " . My disappointment is due to the fact that most of the people with that thought pattern are usually against modernity and walking hand in hand with the civilization ( interpret it any way you want ) which makes them equal with a Madarsa graduate going against the system just because he cant compete in the society because of mind being stuck in 6th century !

No Islamic law is static or carved in stone to suggest that it cant be modified ( whilst remaining same in principle ) as per the requirements of the era , it is enforced in . This keeping it " irreversible " and static is the prime reason that the Muslim world is now fighting against the militants who want to impose that Islam in today's era which is simple not compatible in that form , since well the requirements have changed with the time .

There was no need to feel offended or think that somehow the title had gone over my head . This is a forum and we are here to discuss/debate . You make a detailed judgement and then say , that you do not want to debate over it , seriously mate ?

The pakistani constitution is a travesty of the highest order from this perspective as it pays lip service to ISlam saying there will be no law in this country contrary to Quran and Sunnah then just go on and adopt the British Penal code verbatum calling it pakistan Penal code.

Who decides the representatives sitting in the parliament ? The British Crown or the people of Pakistan ? If they haven't voted for religious parties who can then implement the Islamic system and laws in the same democracy in the last 60+ years , then how is it the fault of the system of governance ? This is what the public wants ! Whats with this " my way or the highway " attitude to declare the system being " not right " ?
You have not answered my question . If your response is in the affirmative I will try my best to resolve all the issues that you have raised. The point is to what end do we debate. If you want to learn keep your eyes and heart open then there is benefit in it for me. If you want tp hold on to your thoughts the more power to you. So say yes or no and lets move on.
....Tell me honestly, as a Muslim why do you think this is happening? Why Muslims are not sure about what is right/wrong according to Islam......

Every religion and its followers split into groups and contest the interpretation.

This is why it is important to keep religion out of government and schools and universities unless there is a higher lever university that has a department for teaching religion.
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It wasn't me who choose to born here. Btw my intrest in islam date back to 2010 only, before that i was as secular as any french!

Sorry to make this personal.

But your arguments are now bordering silliness.

In 3 years while living in a strictly secular country you are suddenly an authority now?

And authority to a point to shout and curse at those who have witnessed first hand the hellish implementation of Islamism?


I should admire French education system for preparing such gems

This is assuming that Islamist really learn anything from the French education system
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