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Would Saudi Arabia beat India in a Full Scale War ?


Such an improbable scenario. However, it is strange that the OP forgot to mention the fact that KSA is home to the Haramain.

That would likely play a very large part in how an attack/invasion on/of KSA by any non-Muslim country would play out.

Regardless of how Muslims may feel about the ruling class of KSA, the amount of emotions the two holy cities inspire in such an event within the nearly two billion Muslims should certainly not be discounted.

As for Pakistan, if India were to invade KSA, rest assured that Pakistan probably will jump in full throttle. I see no way any leadership in Pakistan (both military and civilian) could even resist jumping in for any meaningful period, even if they really were unwilling to do so.

Just cut off their oil supply and India will be on their knees in a week.

Ideally the alliance with China should be strong enough that it would dissuade Indian military involvement.

Realistically, both KSA and India are slaves of the US, hence in the same basic camp, except that KSA relies on Pakistani defense cooperation and training to survive.
We forget that india is already marching towards a civil war, one of their so called states is already in a full blown civil war. A war against KSA would cause india to run towards a civil war!
All the Indian and Pakistan posters who are taking positions and feedback of who will win the war, are surely in troll mode?

Poster of this thread should create a thread can Kenya and Pakistan fight a war???
All the Indian and Pakistan posters who are taking positions and feedback of who will win the war, are surely in troll mode?

Poster of this thread should create a thread can Kenya and Pakistan fight a war???
Why would Saudi Arabia go to war with India In the First Place?
their is not one in a million foreseeable possibility in any scenario. No Territorial Disputes, to Regional Conflict, No Ideological Conflict, No Market Competition. Just because countries have weapons doesn't imply they will fight with each other.
IMHO Saudi Arabia may even stand neutral in case of a possible conflict between its Long standing Ally Pakistan and India.
Would Saudi Arabia beat India in a Full Scale War ?
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
By: Paul Rainn, D.B.A. Rainn Enterprises

Source Link: CLICK HERE

Saudi Arabia is an extremely wealthy country located in a commanding position in the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia's wealth has allowed it to purchase the finest weapon systems money can buy from the United States, the UK, France, and various other European manufacturers. China has supplied some medium range obscelescent ballistic missiles as well. (MRBM's)

However, reputationally, Saudi Arabia has a poorly led and trained military, going by open sources. Its billions of dollars worth of shiny new weapons such as the huge fleets of Typhoons, F-15 Eagles, M1 Abrams tanks, US sourced littoral frigates, AWACS and Tankers are all largely maintained by thousands of foreign personnel.

Saudi Arabia has no apparent ability to service and maintain the majority of it's equipment without external help, and training standards are reputedly low, according to international observers. Many Saudi operators can drive, fly, or sail their equipment in peacetime, but trying to operate them in wartime against a skilled enemy is another matter. Officers are also reported to mistreat their men and look down on them, and their enlisted troops in turn are just in it for the paycheck.

The Saudi defence forces can run a decent internal security operation by most accounts, but actually fighting a war without the backing of its major power patrons and their hordes of well paid technical personnel, maintainers, trainers, and logistic officers would result in a rapid Saudi defeat.

Saudi Arabia gets away with having a showpiece military because it has the backing of the US and UK, and is important to major oil consuming nations such as China, India, and Japan. Saudi Arabia's ability to provide vast quantities of oil and hundreds of billions in investment is important to global stability so these great powers support Saudi Arabia, not undermine it. As long as the Saudis can supply oil and financial inflows this state of affairs will continue for Saudi Arabia.

As far as a fight against the Indian military the Saudis would be defeated in short order. The Saudi navy would hardly last more than a single battle against India's carrier battle groups, experienced submariners—including nuclear attack subs, and long range cruise missile and aviation strike assets.

The Saudi air force would be similarly taken apart. The IAF is an experienced and powerful force of more than 120,000 personnel and 1700+ aircraft. The low level of Saudi training would see India's long range SU-30's air dominance fighters and Mirage and Jaguar strike aircraft use the Saudi machines and airbases as target practice.

At this point, with the Saudi navy and air force all but annihilated India might show mercy and call off any further engagements against the outclassed Saudis in return for an apology and absolute loads of cash and oil as compensation.

India would refrain from vaporizing Saudi oil wells and military targets using its formidable nuclear arsenal of some 120-160+ weapons, as that would violate its NFU (No First Use) policy, and would just be seen as cruel and needless against a minor Gulf power.

India's powerful and battle tested ground forces, some 1,220,000 strong, would probably play no part as the Saudi's would have very sensibly accepted an Indian offer of a ceasefire after having their navy and air force destroyed.

The only real chance the Saudis would have of inflicting any sort of damage to Indian military units would be to use mercenary forces, and perhaps it's national guard type forces, which are reportedly much better led and more capable than Saudi army forces. Saudi Arabia reportedly has arrangements with Pakistan to supply several brigades of army personnel along with air force pilots if the Saudi's find themselves in extreme danger.

The Pakistanis are well trained and are known as good fliers and formidable ground fighters, but they would be of no help to the Saudis. The entire Pakistani armed forces are needed to defend themselves just for a week or two of all out combat against India, so Pakistan would not foolishly risk sending army brigades or pilots to kill Indian military personnel in Saudi Arabia, thereby providing ‘casus belli' to India for an attack on them and beginning the very war they don't want to fight. Saudi Arabia would be alone in this hypothetical matchup.

So the verdict in a full scale war is that Saudi Arabia, barring an intervention by the US, or perhaps Russian or Chinese forces willing to engage in a full spectrum great power conflict with India, will be quickly dismantled by India's military forces.

But, in the real world, the Saudi's are courting Prime Minister Modi and promising increased oil shipments to cushion the shock of Iranian oil being taken off the market, and are looking to invest in India's booming economy. India, as a major oil consumer, provider of massive amounts of skilled labor, and an increasingly active and assertive great power, is becoming a critical partner to Saudi Arabia, a state wisely looking to the future and to partnering up with the new great powers looming on the horizon.

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By Paul Rainn, D.B.A. Rainn Enterprises

To the Saudis, just give us your F-15 and Typhoon we are going to liberate india for you..
Lol, what a retarded thread.
And they don't share any borders. So there would be no war.
Most of the wars US +NATO fought in didnt border them either so this isnt always correct...
What kind of stupid and abstract thread is this?
Did the OP throw two darts on a world map and pick the two countries they landed on to write this article?
Why are indians so afraid of hypothetical war with Saudi Arabia?

If India starts a war with KSA. The first country to destory India will be
United States.
Would Pakistan beat Brazil in a full scale war?







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