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Would India allow US to use military bases?

Military base allow US military footprint in India soil that mean India conduct foreign policy less likely independent from the US foreign policy.

When United states has cut down bases in Europe and asking Europe NATO members to increase thier military expenditures. India will keep its foreign policy Independent and would work under UN mandate. India is going to get Permanent Seat in UNSC.
You have a fundamental misunderstanding here. We have not " picked" India because of Pakistan. We've picked India because of India. We are the ones who are helping you kill the terrorists and paying you. They are not. You are important to us but not that important to this decision. A decision which has been play for almost 10 years now.

China is beyond an ally for you. Pakistan has been trying for the longest to have China's have many military bases in Pakistan. You don't sell off a port because you are just an ally. You don't give another full access to your sovereign land because you are just an ally. That is precisely what you've done Gwadar and in the North too.

They built that port, charged you a heavy interest on that loan, made sure 90% of workers were imported from China and 100% of no bids contracts went to Chinese only companies. And then they have taken over it.

Now to my knowledge( which 6 months or more before I retired), they had yet to move their naval assets to the port and on a permanent basis. But it is only matter of time before that happens. Problem is that Chinese are of two minds on this, they are worried about the optics and security .

You are pretty ignorant for a guy who claims to be a former US state dept official .. Your "bastardised" ( mind my Baluchi) explanation of Chuck Hagels statement ( which doesn't even need a concocted nonsense ) and now your ignorance on Gwadar port is for all to see..

Mind telling us more about Gwadar Port & "North" a bit more ?
How disappointing.

One of the things I actually admired about India, was their refusal to become an American vassal state.

I thought they were seeking to become an independent power in the world.

Past tense now of course.
LOL they used to show all that bravado because they didnt got a chance and were weak. But when they got the chance and got stronger the true colors started coming.,,
India is going to get Permanent Seat in UNSC.

how about calling for the dissolution of the uno... in the words of saddam hussain, the uno is the "united nations of america", proved time and again, from 1950-2012.

i have two further questions... are you muslim-born?? are you in indian central government service??
When United states has cut down bases in Europe and asking Europe NATO members to increase thier military expenditures. India will keep its foreign policy Independent and would work under UN mandate. India is going to get Permanent Seat in UNSC.

How will India get China to vote for India UNSC membership? Not up to India to decide.
You are pretty ignorant for a guy who claims to be a former US state dept official .. Your "bastardised" ( mind my Baluchi) explanation of Chuck Hagels statement ( which doesn't even need a concocted nonsense ) and now your ignorance on Gwadar port is for all to see..

Mind telling us more about Gwadar Port & "North" a bit more ?
He is talking abt how we refused the lease of land for an american base in Deosai plateau for spying on china around 2005. Abt Gwadar; Americans are basically jealous that Pak has handed it over to China instead of America since they were also optimistic abt this.....But instead we have stationed them in Ormara.

Americans basically still cant swallow the fact that pakistan has snubbed double time america for china.......So what he is talking abt ''we dont give access to north-south because we are ally'' is actually this.........
America or her subsidiaries always had bases on Indian soil.The British listening posts in the Himalayas and Tibet were not winded up. Using these the Americans had Tibetan exiles trained and infiltrated into Tibet to create disturbances. That is why China had to punish IA in 1962.That also led to the establishment of ITBP, SFF and Ladakh Scouts/Lama Army -and maybe others we don't know of. Currently Singapore Air Force bases fighters in IAF Eastern Command Area which faces PLAF. And the relations between USAF and RSAF are no secret.
Ohh , I hope Indian soldiers don't have to fight for US .
After all, both countries mission against Muslims are very poor.
USA killed millions innocent Muslims in Iraq & Afghansitan after USA lost 3000 in 9/11
India killing and still have more poor propaganda against Indian-Muslims during Modhi governemnt.
how about calling for the dissolution of the uno... in the words of saddam hussain, the uno is the "united nations of america", proved time and again, from 1950-2012.

i have two further questions... are you muslim-born?? are you in indian central government service??

Do you know what you are talking ? Dissolution of UN wont happen.
India is not Pakistan. US allowed India to operate from Afghanistan, forgot that?

No.. Actually U.S allowed India to operate from Afghanistan for terrorism against Pakistan.. We remember everything.

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