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Would China Strike the US Preemptively?

Some people are really confused, would again ask why proud at shut downs. It is repeated bad polices of every US government that led to shut downs and depressions and so on and that is something US government should think about if it wants its economy in good shape for the Future.

Those who consider DF-21D as hype should not advertise raython's so called imaginary anti DF-21D, that's what I called stupid single minded people who repeated boast themselves and their so called imaginary product yet to be materialized and continue to consider rest as impossible or trash. First US should perfect its interceptor missiles then talk about anti-DF21D.

As I said, we are not proud of the fact the our government is shut down, we are simply amused to see people who know nothing about the shut down gone so deep and say America this and America that, all in the while they do not have the slightest idea on how things work. I mean do you really cherish evrry single negative news that comes out of the US?

Governmental shut down happens every week, we call them "SUNDAYS" we been doing it since 1774, did you see any side effect?

ESSW is not an anti DF-21 missile as you said. It is an anti-ballistic missile. DF-21 or not we need to have a missile that answer to ballistic missile threat, and DF-21 is not that top of our list

By the way, say what you want with ESSM, according to Raython website, they had already test fire that thing, if you had to put both DF-21 and ESSM together. Both platform are equal, tested but not confirm of their capability.

But bear in mind with this, in order for US to say ESSM are effective, they only need to fire a could of ballistic missile to test them, it will cost no more than 100 millions. But for china to claim DF-21 is effective against US carrier. They need to test it on a "Live" carrier target, where you are going to find a "live" carrier is beyond me, but let's face the fact that we can test our ESSM with live missile, there are no chance China can test DF-21 with live ship, or you suggest they use Liaoning for it?
Bad idea....it is like giving out all your secret to your enemy
That is like designing a rifle that you say can fire around corners, intelligent bullets, and can carry one thousand rounds but never actually test it because you are afraid the enemy may know of it.

The real bad idea is not to test it to the fullest, as in as close as possible under real world conditions. I hope China never have an open water test for the DF-21D, as if somehow the US does not have the basic principles already. :lol:

So USA is the biggest threat to the world with constantly testing missiles....
Hey...Just like how one terrorist is another's freedom fighter, one missile test may be a threat to some, but protection to others. :lol:
No, China is the kingdom of peace in southeast Asia

And they demonstrated this by building Military bases in other Countries Territories and showcasing their fleets to said nations? Tell what part of that is peaceful?
But bear in mind with this, in order for US to say ESSM are effective, they only need to fire a could of ballistic missile to test them, it will cost no more than 100 millions. But for china to claim DF-21 is effective against US carrier. They need to test it on a "Live" carrier target, where you are going to find a "live" carrier is beyond me, but let's face the fact that we can test our ESSM with live missile, there are no chance China can test DF-21 with live ship, or you suggest they use Liaoning for it?
We run into this 'profiling' problem regularly in the sensor dept.


The long range anti-ship missile testing program uses simple cargo containers layout as above to simulate various profiles of common warships. In the image above, the black circle focused in on where the test missile successfully recognized a major structure as it was programmed and homed in on the electronic returns. The simulator construct can be as simple as plywood for the initial tests, but as sophisticated sensors are installed, materials do return different radar signatures so metals must eventually be used in later testing stages.

For the DF-21D, since it will be descending, an oil tanker can be used to simulate the electronic 'flat top' profile of an aircraft carrier, assuming the warhead will be radar equipped. The problem now lies in sensor sophistication and sensor/guidance integration, if the warhead is designed to have limited maneuverability to compensate for target location variability. No different than from a side profile. But a major sensor problem for the vertical descent is that unlike attacking a ship from the side where there is a clear background contrast of empty air versus ship, depending on how low is the flight altitude, the vertical descent present a large and constant water return that may mask the target, even if the target is as large an oil tanker. Water present serious clutter rejection issues for radar, especially when sea state is high...as in the Douglas Sea State scale...

Douglas Sea Scale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The DF-21D's radar must be able to attack the ship in all possible environmental conditions, from sea state to cloud cover, to storms, and so on. Then the next testing stage must include man-made interference, such as electronic countermeasures (EW jamming) and physical countermeasures (chaff).

But our Chinese and Pakistani friends here say such rigorous testing regimes are not needed...:lol:
What bases are you talking about my dear? As far as my knowledge is concerned China has no foreign military bases. :/
And they demonstrated this by building Military bases in other Countries Territories and showcasing their fleets to said nations? Tell what part of that is peaceful?
That is like designing a rifle that you say can fire around corners, intelligent bullets, and can carry one thousand rounds but never actually test it because you are afraid the enemy may know of it.

The real bad idea is not to test it to the fullest, as in as close as possible under real world conditions. I hope China never have an open water test for the DF-21D, as if somehow the US does not have the basic principles already. :lol:

Hey...Just like how one terrorist is another's freedom fighter, one missile test may be a threat to some, but protection to others. :lol:

China did a test on land but not on water :

China Successfully Tests 'Carrier Killer' Missile In The Gobi Desert
China's 'Carrier Killer' Missile Test - Business Insider


Satellite image with carrier deck for comparison
You have a tendency of attacking others more than others attacking you, my American friend. LMAO

Thats pretty funny considering past history of countries we fought. Iraq invading Kuwait, North Korea invading South, North Vietnam invading South, Japan attacking Pearl Harbor, 9/11 hijackers, and so on.

Lets observe your illogical poor post.

you reserve the right to destroy "xyz" so it won't destroy its Asian neighbors to protect "your" national security.

Are you really American? seriously doubt now, your whole sentence is focked up.

Then there is no point in past American interests protecting South Korea or South Vietnam during the Cold War days is it? Is it American style? Depends on your view.
China did a test on land but not on water :

China Successfully Tests 'Carrier Killer' Missile In The Gobi Desert
China's 'Carrier Killer' Missile Test - Business Insider
Yah...And you guys go on believing that is all that is needed to make the DF-21D a 'carrier killer'. A US aircraft carrier will be stationary for the DF-21D to target. Then once such an easy hit is done, the US will throw up our hands and give up. The age of the aircraft carrier is over. :lol:

Thats pretty funny considering past history of countries we fought. Iraq invading Kuwait, North Korea invading South, North Vietnam invading South, Japan attacking Pearl Harbor, 9/11 hijackers, and so on.
The value of the history the Chinese received from The Party is the same amount they are paid to disseminate it: 50 cent.
"Would China Strike the US Preemptively?"

They could... if they were interested in committing national suicide and having most of their civilization obliterated. Unlike some of the delusional nationalists here who think everything is a giant video game though, China is run by rational actors who want to actually live.
Yes, we reserve the right to strike terrorist states like the USA preemptively and install a new regime to protect our national security.

and we have the right to fully retaliate and send you right back to the stone age. Or are you really delusional enough to think we will say...Yes Mr. Chinese man, please destroy us and we wont fight back! That all of our SSBNs and all our second strike capability will be ordered not to shoot back right? :omghaha: HongWu, I find you to be the most entertaining cartoon character on PDF. Still though, please use try to at least use a touch of realism in these matters my friend.
A full scale China-US conflict will be WWIII and possibly the end of human civilization and neither China nor US is stupid or insane enough to do it.

in a sea of irrational posts, I commend your common sense and rationality sir. You, like most here, realize the real world isn't a giant video game. Countries like America and China are run by rational actors who aren't interested in committing national suicide anytime soon.
Lol you sounded like that lighting dude

Good luck on your dominance to the world

Pretty sure that's who it is. That lightning dude follows the same script 99% of the time he posts. He uses the same Nazi Germany type nonsense about ruling the world and the world being their birthright :omghaha:
China will not attack the US. US is a top market and China holds US bonds. Attack US by China will cause catastrophic consequences in Chinese economy that Chinese will rip itself apart before US respond.
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