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Worshippers dance with a human SKULL to appease Hindu deity and call for rainfall and a large harvest in India

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One religion brough in the following, can you guess which one ?

Slavery, Sexual bondage, destruction of way of life, destruction of centers of learning, Destruction of Universities, Genocide, Slave market, selling and buying of children, Castrating boys and turning them into eunuchs, Slave and purchase of people as animals, Second class Citizenship for Natives, looting and pillaging of citizens, Torture of citizens for pleasure, Forcible conversion, .... just to name a few.

Yeah it was hinduism, all those things were present inside India for thousands of years and many more
Yeah it was hinduism, all those things were present inside India for thousands of years and many more
Andhadhunji is attempting to derail the topic. I could answer Shri Andhadhun's post ( @Andhadhun ) with quotes from religious texts and established historical data as researched by Bhim Rao Ambedkar, but let's not go there. The topic is being derailed so that the mods will warn and lock it. A favorite ploy by Indian Trolls.

Let's stick to the topic. Please comment on my posts abive.
Worshippers dance with a human SKULL to appease Hindu deity and call for rainfall and a large harvest in India

By Lydia Catling For Mailonline
11:04 13 Apr 2021, updated 15:13 13 Apr 2021
Hindu devotees took to the streets holding on to human skulls in Bardhaman, India, for annual festival
Incredible pictures show unusual ritual in which people carry heads in streets, attracting a lot of attention
Week-long Gajan festival mostly celebrated in West Bengal and is associated with Hindu deities such as Shiva
Worshippers carrying a human skull dance along the streets of Bardhaman, India, as part of a festival which appeases a Hindu deity.

Startling photographs show residents of the city taking to the streets dressed in bright colours and holding on to several skulls.

The Hindu devotees were also carrying a sword as part of the the Gajan Festival, which is commonly celebrated in West Bengal at this time of year.

Onlookers stood on their doorsteps, on the side of the street and outside shops, pulling out their phones to capture the incredible display.

A few selected men, wearing flowers around their necks and ornate head accessories, were chosen to carry the skulls and often held them high above the crowds.

The week-long Gajan Festival is mostly celebrated in West Bengal and is associated with Hindu deities such as Shiva, Neel and Dharmaraj.

According to photographer Avishek Das, on the last day of the Bengali Calendar, in the middle of April, devotees worship dead bodies to satisfy Lord Shiva for better rain and harvest, a 100-year-old traditional practice.

The central theme of the pre-harvest festival is satisfaction through non-sexual pain, devotion and sacrifice.


Girls, 14 and 15, are dragged to a forest and gang-raped by eight men for hours until they passed out after going out to celebrate Holi in India

Mumbai on lockdown: Indian city's streets are deserted during weekend shutdown as state officials attempt to curb rise in coronavirus cases

Tens of thousands of Hindus ignore social distancing rules to gather by the Ganges River for Kumbh Mela as India overtakes Brazil to become second-worst hit Covid country following a record 168,000 daily cases
Elsewhere in the region, men from Krishnadevpur pierce themselves with iron rods and hooks in a bid to show their devotion to Shiva, hoping for a favourable harvest, the BBC reports.

Give a god a bone: A group of worshippers took to the streets in Bardhaman, India, today as part of the Gajan Festival, carrying human skulls along as part of the procession

Hindu devotees held up the human skulls and pointed them right in front of cameras for passersby who had stopped to take pictures and record the unusual ritual,

A few selected people, wearing flowers and elaborate head accessories, appeared to be the chosen ones to carry the skulls for the parade

While many of those involved in the procession seem unfazed by the human skulls, others, including this young boy, were still a little wary of them

The week-long Gajan Festival is mostly celebrated in West Bengal and is associated with Hindu deities such as Shiva, Neel and Dharmaraj. Pictured: People stand on doorsteps to take pictures of the festival

The 100-year-old tradition is said to take place on the last day of the Bengali Calendar, in the middle of April, where devotees worship dead bodies to satisfy Lord Shiva for better rain and harvest

Those selected to carry the human skulls held them in their hands high above the crowds as large groups of people and took pictures of the unusual sight

The central theme of the pre-harvest Gajan festival is satisfaction through non-sexual pain, devotion and sacrifice. Pictured: A man carries a human skull through the street as people stop to take pictures

As well as the parade, the Hindu devotees then set down the human skulls and take part in a traditional dance (pictured)
I wonder whose heads are those since Hindus burn their dead to ashes.
These heads surely look fresh with all those soft features still intact.
Absolutely disgusting and inhuman. This notion of "culture" is crap, i mean the older people were bigger jahils and would worship weird things and do weird rituals. Does that mean the smart and educated human of today should follow those idiotic things of ancestors in the name of culture?
Thank God for Islam and showing humans the way to live.
If I start quoting your religious scholars and your books you will have nowhere to hide except beg the mods to ban me.

But since you mentioned Bhim Rao Ambedkar, let me quote him and one of his experience with Muslims.

When Ambedkar visited Muslim Daulatabad fort in Nizam's kingdom,his followers drank water The Muslims started abusing Ambedkar saying "The untouchables have polluted our water". Ambedkar was vulgarly abused and feared he would be murdered. They were not allowed to touch water and even an armed guard was assigned to ensure he did not touch the water.


🙏🏻Please stick to the topic.
Could you explain the differences in the various forms of Tandav Nritya?
from the classical Tandav in Kuchipudi to the ones practiced by the Aghoris.
Either you explain, or I will...
I wonder whose heads are those since Hindus burn their dead to ashes.
These heads surely look fresh with all those soft features still intact.
Not every one can afford a cremation, and bodies are regularly stolen from morgues and hospitals. There is insufficient wood for a regular cremation, and a traditional cremation with Sandalwood and ghee, ( such as TV footage in the case of Indira Gandhi ) is far beyond the means of an average person. In places like Varanasi half burned bodies are simply tossed into the Ganges. The Indian government does provide electric crematoriums, but these are only in the big cities, and even there are not always maintained well or even functional with frequent power cuts. The vast majority of India's 1.3 billion population have little access to proper crematoriums. There is insufficient wood to consume all of India's dead. So getting a body is not difficult.
Sometimes, Muslim and.Christian graveyards are also plundered for bodies.
Not every one can afford a cremation, and bodies are regularly stolen from morgues and hospitals. There is insufficient wood for a regular cremation, and a traditional cremation with Sandalwood and ghee, ( such as TV footage in the case of Indira Gandhi ) is far beyond the means of an average person. In places like Varanasi half burned bodies are simply tossed into the Ganges. The Indian government does provide electric crematoriums, but these are only in the big cities, and even there are not always maintained well or even functional with frequent power cuts. The vast majority of India's 1.3 billion population have little access to proper crematoriums. There is insufficient wood to consume all of India's dead. So getting a body is not difficult.
Sometimes, Muslim and.Christian graveyards are also plundered for bodies.
Sir I respect your knowledge about Hindus and India. You have studied them in depth.
And yes, I have doubts if these skulls belong to Muslims.
This is evil worshipping evil - check out the so called men - odd looking creatures, I mean humans.

It's not just looks ... Those who look "odd" are identified. There are others who have the same mindset not so easily visible. It is the underlying cult that is sinister.
The tie and suit sporting executive flying in business class would go home and pickup a polished skull from his closet and dance the Tandav. Only the community that person moves about in would know. Which is why the links provided in my earlier posts ( which Andhadhunji is denying) are relevant. The rural " skull dancers" are far less lethal than the laptop bag swinging business class traveler . Intelligence agencies are aware of this. In a different era with India's own intelligence agencies co-operating these elements were nearly eliminated . But in this era when medieval obscurantism and savage cults are officially promoted by the Indian government with India's once robust and professional intelligence itself compromised there is little hope that such ideologies can be defeated globally.
As Pakistanis we don't have to worry. Our minorities are far removed from this mindset. If we are foolish enough to visit India with our children we do run the risk of ending up on the chopping block of a "narbali" ritual .
What is "narbali" ? Search for the term as it is off topic and needs a separate thread.
Looks like a tribal tradition and not linked to anything the scriptures teach the Puranas, Vedas, Gita etc.
Some do bury their dead(in a sitting position)...The graves are called shomadhis...children below 5 are also buried...at least that is the practice here in Bangladesh.
Burying in sitting posture is a practice among vaishnavs (bauls also in Bengal). The skulls are probably collected from crematorium in villages.
One cannot just go and grab a burning head from the Crematorium. There would be relatives who would bash you head in if you try to desecrate a funeral pyre.

in Any case those heads look partially decomposed, and not burnt.

Samadhi burial is only for saints, sadhu's etc. when they die during Samadhi. For normal death, they are burnt.
Burning heads are not collected. The unburnt bones and skull are often found in the remains of burnt pyres, in villeges, you can easily come across them around the open crematorium if you search at the ashes of burnt pyres.
Looks like a tribal tradition and not linked to anything the scriptures teach the Puranas, Vedas, Gita etc.
Look, there is a mixing of culture derived from buddhism, hinduism (both shakta and vaishnav) and islam in Bengal as well as numerous tribal form of deities. They have a unique diversity as well as interaction among all the belief which is co exiating in Bengal for thousands of years and they have a deep influence on literatures, music , sculptures etc in Bengal. Even it have created a unique religious philosophy also i.e. the Bauls. This interaction has attracted people from all the mainstream religion for centuries. This co existance and mixing has given lividity to our culture and made it richer. We consider this natural coexistance of culture as our treasure. No temporary fanatism of mainstream religion from any sector can destroy it.
Worshippers dance with a human SKULL to appease Hindu deity and call for rainfall and a large harvest in India

By Lydia Catling For Mailonline
11:04 13 Apr 2021, updated 15:13 13 Apr 2021
Hindu devotees took to the streets holding on to human skulls in Bardhaman, India, for annual festival
Incredible pictures show unusual ritual in which people carry heads in streets, attracting a lot of attention
Week-long Gajan festival mostly celebrated in West Bengal and is associated with Hindu deities such as Shiva
Worshippers carrying a human skull dance along the streets of Bardhaman, India, as part of a festival which appeases a Hindu deity.

Startling photographs show residents of the city taking to the streets dressed in bright colours and holding on to several skulls.

The Hindu devotees were also carrying a sword as part of the the Gajan Festival, which is commonly celebrated in West Bengal at this time of year.

Onlookers stood on their doorsteps, on the side of the street and outside shops, pulling out their phones to capture the incredible display.

A few selected men, wearing flowers around their necks and ornate head accessories, were chosen to carry the skulls and often held them high above the crowds.

The week-long Gajan Festival is mostly celebrated in West Bengal and is associated with Hindu deities such as Shiva, Neel and Dharmaraj.

According to photographer Avishek Das, on the last day of the Bengali Calendar, in the middle of April, devotees worship dead bodies to satisfy Lord Shiva for better rain and harvest, a 100-year-old traditional practice.

The central theme of the pre-harvest festival is satisfaction through non-sexual pain, devotion and sacrifice.


Girls, 14 and 15, are dragged to a forest and gang-raped by eight men for hours until they passed out after going out to celebrate Holi in India

Mumbai on lockdown: Indian city's streets are deserted during weekend shutdown as state officials attempt to curb rise in coronavirus cases

Tens of thousands of Hindus ignore social distancing rules to gather by the Ganges River for Kumbh Mela as India overtakes Brazil to become second-worst hit Covid country following a record 168,000 daily cases
Elsewhere in the region, men from Krishnadevpur pierce themselves with iron rods and hooks in a bid to show their devotion to Shiva, hoping for a favourable harvest, the BBC reports.

Give a god a bone: A group of worshippers took to the streets in Bardhaman, India, today as part of the Gajan Festival, carrying human skulls along as part of the procession

Hindu devotees held up the human skulls and pointed them right in front of cameras for passersby who had stopped to take pictures and record the unusual ritual,

A few selected people, wearing flowers and elaborate head accessories, appeared to be the chosen ones to carry the skulls for the parade

While many of those involved in the procession seem unfazed by the human skulls, others, including this young boy, were still a little wary of them

The week-long Gajan Festival is mostly celebrated in West Bengal and is associated with Hindu deities such as Shiva, Neel and Dharmaraj. Pictured: People stand on doorsteps to take pictures of the festival

The 100-year-old tradition is said to take place on the last day of the Bengali Calendar, in the middle of April, where devotees worship dead bodies to satisfy Lord Shiva for better rain and harvest

Those selected to carry the human skulls held them in their hands high above the crowds as large groups of people and took pictures of the unusual sight

The central theme of the pre-harvest Gajan festival is satisfaction through non-sexual pain, devotion and sacrifice. Pictured: A man carries a human skull through the street as people stop to take pictures

As well as the parade, the Hindu devotees then set down the human skulls and take part in a traditional dance (pictured)
They are not skulls, they are heads. Real ones.
you cant stop on STOP sign if you are not in vehicles.
disrespecting other human body and calling its a hidden treasure well if thats how it is then people who appreciate this kind of activities they sud write a concent that any one can play in public with any part of my body after death.
You are no one to judge them. There are thousands of tribes around the world who has this kind of practice like dancing with skull. They are not killing anyone to collect them, neither they collect a new one every year (usually they preserve it for years and take it out on the day of festival). If you have so much concern with disrespect of human body parts, what will you say to the medical students? In our 1st year UG days, we never saw any consent of the person whose skeleton we were bying. Do not judge others by the rules of your own. This kind of undue interference from any kind of religion is not appreciable.
It is interesting to see the reaction of people who think they know what is best for others.
Diversity is not a bad thing it is our greatest asset.
It's not just looks ... Those who look "odd" are identified. There are others who have the same mindset not so easily visible. It is the underlying cult that is sinister.
The tie and suit sporting executive flying in business class would go home and pickup a polished skull from his closet and dance the Tandav. Only the community that person moves about in would know. Which is why the links provided in my earlier posts ( which Andhadhunji is denying) are relevant. The rural " skull dancers" are far less lethal than the laptop bag swinging business class traveler . Intelligence agencies are aware of this. In a different era with India's own intelligence agencies co-operating these elements were nearly eliminated . But in this era when medieval obscurantism and savage cults are officially promoted by the Indian government with India's once robust and professional intelligence itself compromised there is little hope that such ideologies can be defeated globally.
As Pakistanis we don't have to worry. Our minorities are far removed from this mindset. If we are foolish enough to visit India with our children we do run the risk of ending up on the chopping block of a "narbali" ritual .
What is "narbali" ? Search for the term as it is off topic and needs a separate thread.
You will not be chopped up mate come on how likely would that be. The nearest I think I heard anything like this was in my village in Punjab is when you hear boys getting snatched and killed as some sort of sacrifice by women so they could have kids. That is babas making money or a toona even then i have never met anyone who it happened to so more an urban myth . India has tribes and i might not think this is normal but is to them live and let live. If like you said and it some sort of human sacrafice then the state police should stop it i think those skulls mummified like shrunken heads
You are no one to judge them. There are thousands of tribes around the world who has this kind of practice like dancing with skull. They are not killing anyone to collect them, neither they collect a new one every year (usually they preserve it for years and take it out on the day of festival). If you have so much concern with disrespect of human body parts, what will you say to the medical students? In our 1st year UG days, we never saw any consent of the person whose skeleton we were bying. Do not judge others by the rules of your own. This kind of undue interference from any kind of religion is not appreciable.
My thought exactly everyone's religion to them is the right path to god . Never argue about someone's faith if you think they going to hell let them .
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