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Worshippers dance with a human SKULL to appease Hindu deity and call for rainfall and a large harvest in India

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I just looked up this festival and it turns out to be a strange mix of Buddhism, hinduism and Islam.

Its referenced in Bengali literature Shunya Puran (literally meaning "No history" or "story of Nothingness")

I was not aware that this needed "defending" from Indians.

I just looked up this festival and it turns out to be a strange mix of Buddhism, hinduism and Islam.

Its referenced in Bengali literature Shunya Puran (literally meaning "No history" or "story of Nothingness")

I was not aware that this needed "defending" from Indians.

A lot of slaves in americas mixed tribal beliefs with christianity i think vodoo this one Indian version shows the diversity of India

A lot of slaves in americas mixed tribal beliefs with christianity i think vodoo this one Indian version shows the diversity of India

It is interesting to see the reaction of people who think they know what is best for others.
There are other more acceptable "skull dancers" such as the Ananda Marg
( Link )

India Today has a nice write up on the Tandav Nritya
special report ( Link )

Ananda Marg: The bloody face of religion
Of all religious groups in India the Ananda Marg has been one of the most freakish. Rubbing shoulders with the underworld, propagating outlandish doctrines and dabbling both in politics and violence, its activities have now been brought to a halt. But now the inside story can be told - the rise of the Ananda Marg and the growth of its vicious political machinations.

Anand Margis are not tribal. These are pretty much mainstream urban "educated " people, ( lawyers, doctors, university professors );with many residing as expats overseas.
They dance with skulls also chanting Baba Naam Kevalam.


"Anand Marga: Tantric terrorists
In their saffron coloured cotton garbs they look like Sadhus, yet they are far from being the traditional Hindu Sanyasis. They preach peace and non-violence but use violent methods to achieve their aims. They do not fit into the stereotype image of the urban guerillas, yet they act like any terrorist group in the world."

But is more than dancing. They have been involved in trying to overthrow the Indian government using modern weapons
For some reason they assassinated India's Federal minister of railways L.N. Mishra ( Link ) in a bomb attack (Link) . This assassination in 1975 greatly diminished the power of the then "invincible" Indira Gandhi.

They were also importing weapons through an air drop by foreign mercenaries. ( Link )

They clashed with the Marxists and Naxalites and came off worse than before.
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What people sometimes don't understand is that this sort of utter Jahilat was prevalent across South Asia before Islam

It wasn't just this it was strange deviant cults across the land, everything from murderous thugees to flesh eating weirdos and to these idiots

Islam came as a mercy upon on to free us from then abomination.

The Hindus just change their beliefs as time goes on so what you have now is them repackaging everything in its most acceptable form.
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Skull Dancers can get creative :
The Purulia Arms Drop :
( From Quora Link )
The Purulia arms drop case refers to an incident that occured on 17 December 1995 in which unauthorised arms were dropped from an Antonov An-26 aircraft in Purulia district in West Bengal. The arms dropped included a very large consignment of AK47 rifles and around a million round of ammunition scattered over four villages in the district. It is considered to be one of the biggest security breaches in Indian History.


The aircraft reappeared in the Indian airspace within days, it was forced to land and its crew comprising five Latvian citizens and a British mercenary, Peter Bleach, was arrested and sentenced to life imprisonment. But the chief accused, a danish citizen named Niels Hock aka Kim Davy escaped arrest and was able to ship himself out of India. The investigation into the incident conducted by BBC pointed the finger towards 'Anand Marga' a spiritual organisation operating in India since 1955, as the intended target of the weapons. This claim was validated later by the court, citing the Pilot's testimony and photos of Anand Marga headquarters found in the aircraft as credible evidences. Ananda Marga, was since the 1980s, in a continuous confrontation with the ruling CPI(M) and its cadres in West Bengal. The organisation had also been facing staunch opposition from the natives and were labelled as 'child kidnappers' with numerous instances of violent confrontation between the two groups. The investigation reports claimed that the arms were dropped so that the the organisation can defend themselves against continuous threats and attacks. And Kim Davy himself a member of the Ananda Marga brokered the 'transaction'.
All the arrested crew members were released by the government after persistent pressure from Russia and Britain . The Latvian crew were released in 2000 while Bleach found his way out in 2004. Meanwhile Davy was arrested by Danish authorities in 2007 and on April 9, 2010 Danish government decided to extradite Kim Davy to India but Danish authorities failed to successfully defend their decision in the Danish high court. The court, therefore, refused extradition of Kim Davy to India. Further, Danish authorities decided not to appeal the high court judgement to the Supreme Court. Kim Davy later came up with a stunning revelation that both the Central Government(under the Congress) and RAW(India's spy agency) had prior knowledge about the arms drop and the weapons were dropped to help the Anti-Left forces in Bengal and thereby creating a pretext to impose President's rule in West Bengal.He also revealed that prominent politician from Bihar, Pappu Yadav, had masterminded his escape from India. Later Peter Bleach aligned with the 'Davy story line'. But the CBI has completely ruled out any conspiracy involving the Central government in the arms drop and considers these revelations by the accused as attempts to block their extradition which has continuously been rejected by the Danish high court..
Amidst new revelations and release of a documentary on the matter the CBI has now decided to launch a fresh attempt to bring Davy to India with Davy himself stating to a news channel that he'd be willing to stand trial anywhere in the world if his safety is guaranteed.
There are other more acceptable "skull dancers" Ananda Marg Website

India Today has a nice write up on the Tandav Nritya
special report ( Link )

Ananda Marg: The bloody face of religion
Of all religious groups in India the Ananda Marg has been one of the most freakish. Rubbing shoulders with the underworld, propagating outlandish doctrines and dabbling both in politics and violence, its activities have now been brought to a halt. But now the inside story can be told - the rise of the Ananda Marg and the growth of its vicious political machinations.

Anand Margis are not tribal. These are pretty much mainstream urban "educated " people, ( lawyers, doctors, university professors );with many residing as expats overseas.
They dance with skulls also chanting Baba Naam Kevalam.

View attachment 733944

"Anand Marga: Tantric terrorists
In their saffron coloured cotton garbs they look like Sadhus, yet they are far from being the traditional Hindu Sanyasis. They preach peace and non-violence but use violent methods to achieve their aims. They do not fit into the stereotype image of the urban guerillas, yet they act like any terrorist group in the world."

But is more than dancing. They have been involved in trying to overthrow the Indian government using modern weapons
For some reason they assassinated India's Federal minister of railways L.N. Mishra ( Link ) in a bomb attack (Link) . This assassination in 1975 greatly diminished the power of the then "invincible" Indira Gandhi.

They were also importing weapons through an air drop by foreign mercenaries. ( Link )

They clashed with the Marxists and Naxalites and came off worse than before.

Media reports from the 70's is very very unreliable. Most of it is Govt. controlled media.

Those were a different age, full of violence and intrigue. CONgress and Communists were the key killing machines.
What people sometimes don't understand is that this sort of utter Jahilat was prevalent across South Asia before Islam

It wasn't just this it was strange deviant cults across the land, everything from murderous thugees to flesh eating weirdos and to these idiots

Islam came as a mercy upon on to free us from then abomination, hinduism was a set of abhorrent beliefs

The Hindus just change their beliefs as time goes on so what you have now is them repackaging everything in its most acceptable form and trying to bury the weirdest shit

It is pretty sad when you have to go around justifying your faith.

Self-justification describes how, when a person encounters cognitive dissonance, or a situation in which a person's behavior is inconsistent with their beliefs (hypocrisy), that person tends to justify the behavior and deny any negative feedback associated with the behavior.
It is pretty sad when you have to go around justifying your faith.

Self-justification describes how, when a person encounters cognitive dissonance, or a situation in which a person's behavior is inconsistent with their beliefs (hypocrisy), that person tends to justify the behavior and deny any negative feedback associated with the behavior.

I don't need to justify the faith at all, Islam is for all humanity

This is a explanation of the utter Jahilat and beghairati prevalent across South Asia at the time Islam entered the fold

Islam was freedom for hundreds of millions, at the same time Islam bought under control the worst practices

Because if there was no islamic and later British control can you imagine the deviant cults that could of flourished

I read somewhere that various kings, Muslim lords, emperor's, local commanders as opposed to random destruction of Hindu temples did in fact target either the most lucrative (greed) or the most freaky making more central and cutting away it's most weird factors
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Gaajan festival on the Bengali new year and new year eve has a long history of tradition and culture, there are hundreds of types of local modification of Gajan in West bengal, more interestingly, special folk songs of various type is being sung for centuries all over Bengal, we consider it a hidden treasure of our culture, btw it has almost no connection with the mainstream Hindu culture, rather it is more closer to the tribal rituals.
Without knowing the history no one should criticise any tradition blindly, especially when it is not harming anyone, neither trying to convert people to their religion.
you cant stop on STOP sign if you are not in vehicles.
disrespecting other human body and calling its a hidden treasure well if thats how it is then people who appreciate this kind of activities they sud write a concent that any one can play in public with any part of my body after death.
Media reports from the 70's is very very unreliable. Most of it is Govt. controlled media.

Those were a different age, full of violence and intrigue. CONgress and Communists were the key killing machines.
Would you like me to dump all the open source declassified reports from New Zealand, Australia, and Thailand ? Are these CONgress " Pappu" agents :lol:

It is all declassified and widely available.
PDF members, search Google for PROUT, PROUTIST, Avadhoot, Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar ,

Here is an extract below: ( From : Who Bombed the Hilton ? Link )
Page 72 of 93 that discloses an open letter threatening the Indian Prime Minister.

"One of the task force detectives has alerted Norm to an article published in an Indian newspaper that states that Anthony Niall Kidd, one of the London Margiis responsible for stabbing the Indian High Commission official Mr Ahluwalia on 31 October 1977 and standing trial for bombing charges, had not only confessed to the crime but had also named Ananda Marga associates, thought to be American, Filipino and Australian and ‘related his complete knowledge of the Ananda Marga sect’.1 Norm immediately sends a telex to Scotland Yard outlining the details of the Hilton bombing and asking for everything they have from Kidd including ‘details of the movements, including countries visited, by Kidd and his associates since June 1977. Also whether or not Kidd or his associates have visited Australia, and if so, the particulars of same.’ He ends his telex with a final request:
Information has been received by our office of the following persons having visited your country since June of last year and there is a possibility of an association with Kidd and his associates.
1. Jason Holman Alexander, previously known as Jon Hoffman, born 21.11.49, who had changed his name and became an Australian citizen on the 30th March 1977. Passport number Z2669601.
2. Timothy Edward Anderson, born 30.4.53, an Australian citizen.
3. Gary James Coyle, born 16.9.52, an Australian Citizen.
All known leaders for Australasia sect of Ananda Marga. Please ascertain the movements of these three persons in your country since June 1977, and any background information you may have on them: TELEX SCOTLAND
YARD UK. Signed N. Sheather. Inspector Third Class.2
As well as stepping up the focus on the international machinations of the sect, Norm ensures that the team keeps its eye on the domestic surveillance of the Ananda Marga members. A list of 75 male members is sent to the Navy’s military intelligence to discover whether any of them have received training in explosives.3
Norm also has the team pore over all the correspondence received from the Universal Proutist Revolutionary Federation (UPRF, in whose name the violence against Indian nationals is claimed) in Australia in 1977, hunting for a possible lead. Reading this material in the aftermath of the Hilton bombing it’s hard not to be swayed by the astonishingly accurate warnings they contain. This letter sent on 27 September 1977 addressed to Prime Minister Morarji Desai is tantalising:
The Universal Proutist Revolutionary Federation notes your callous refusal to release Shrii PR Sarkar, and points out that your resistance is, as warned, a death sentence to your overseas officials and lackeys ...
Let any government of the world spend three hundred million dollars on security, it will make no difference to us because we are ready to give our lives to this cause ...
Don’t make the mistake of thinking security will protect your lackeys one iota — they are extremely vulnerable."

There will be no more warnings, and kidnapping will not be attempted this time ...
As we are absolutely resolved and completely determined, the decision is only in your hands as to how much bloodshed there must be ... two deaths or two hundred ... the decision is yours and the blood is on your hands, Mr Desai. UPRF AUSTRALIA.
No offense, it reminded me of satanists' traditions. They sacrifice child or a virgin girl to appease their God (which we know are bunch of Jinns). Hope this one is not what I think. So similar

It is not only "skull dancers " but something far more sinister with a global impact.
Knowing the adversaries is important. Unfortunately most of us Pakistanis are extremely insular and completely unaware of what we are up against.
There is a bizarre side of India that has a huge population base.
These are not whackos or nut-jobs but university educated
professionals , teachers, doctors, lawyers, even civil servants and army officers.
Search for these and educate yourselves please.
1. Aghoris, Aughars,
2. Tantriks
4. Naga Sadhus
5. Anand Margis
6.Brahma Kumaris
There are Godmen also.
Search for the book : " Begone Godmen" by Abraham T Kovoor.

I propose to have a separate thread on the Godmen and Godwomen of India.
"Osho", Acharya Rajneesh, Satya Sai Baba, Babu Asaram, Shri Shri Ravishankar,
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One religion brough in the following, can you guess which one ?

Slavery, Sexual bondage, destruction of way of life, destruction of centers of learning, Destruction of Universities, Genocide, Slave market, selling and buying of children, Castrating boys and turning them into eunuchs, Slave and purchase of people as animals, Second class Citizenship for Natives, looting and pillaging of citizens, Torture of citizens for pleasure, Forcible conversion, .... just to name a few.

Could you stick to the topic please. Don't derail. We are not discussing or comparing religions here.
We are discussing adherents and practitioners of skull dancing ; one form of which is known as Tandav Nritya, as practiced by the Anand Marg. Naga Sadhus, Tantrics, Aghoris, who also practice skull dancing .

Please educate us on these topics.
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