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World N.o3, Chinese leave footprints on the Moon !

I have posted this video on another thread, I post it here again. It is amazing landing footage

Filming on the Moon is not like filming on Earth or in space.
The temperature on the Lunar surface is very hostile even when compared to Mars

In day time it can sear to +130 degree Celsius and night time it can drop to more than -200 degree Celsius. You have to have cameras that are made with materials which can withstand the extreme temperature which is very different from ordinary HD japanese/s korean videocams!

PLUS you have to maintain their functioning in the next 3 months (Yutu Rover) to 1 year (Chang'e 3 Lander)!
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Is that sarcastic 2nd sentence necessary???

BTW, the so-called ADIZ is not China-initiated idea. U.S. has started it more than 30 or 40 years ago. No guts to challenge U.S. and its 20 or so associates before???
Congratulations China!:china:

@cnleio Time to set up that ADIZ on the moon now.:partay:
Is that sarcastic 2nd sentence necessary???

BTW, the so-called ADIZ is not China-initiated idea. U.S. has started it more than 30 or 40 years ago. No guts to challenge U.S. and its 20 or so associates before???

It's harmless as long as it's taken in the manner it was meant to be;in jest.
Fancy camera is a scientific instrument. :lol:

Depends on the mission objectives. Under the right circumstances, even an egg beater is a scientific instrument. The mission planners would have selected this particular mix of instruments depending on their mission objectives.

Or are you seriously suggesting that the Chinese don't have access to hires cameras?

Obviously your argument of download time needed is invalid, because the rover will spend 3 months on the Moon as per info. Or if you want it another way, how does everyone else manage to make hi-res while the "second spectrograph" isn't an issue.

Communications bandwidth is always a precious resources and access is prioritized.

This is the Chinese' first rover on the moon. There are many unknowns and uncertainties. Their first priority would be to complete scientific tests before sending back hires self-portraits. The existing images did the job they were intended to do since I don't think this mission is intended to be a hires terrain mapping project.
is this true ? what has US got to hide , perhpas they never went there in the first place

Yes, you've discovered the truth!!!! Did you know the US also never sent anything to mars. Come to think of it, the US never even went into space at all!! All those space shuttle launches were just holograms. The moon is also made of cheese too. Did you know that?

Regarding topic. Congrats on your achievement China :tup:
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lol, i like how you laugh but do not know anything. All for 50c i guess. Also there's some knowledge problems too, how would a low res camera shots be stitched into hi res? All you would create is a big low res photo. Brains son, brains.
MSL Science Corner: Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI)

it's called mosaic. couriosity switched to camera with very narrow field of view zoom lens. took multiple thumbnail images, then nasa people stitched em with software and use oversampling technique to make 1 very sharp image. those high res images you see are not live broadcast..lol
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China moon mission not to entertain the mass by sending moon rover to take high resolution and broadcast to the world to see but moon rover purpose to study the make up of the composition of the moon for scientific advancement. China intention to send man mission to the moon after the series succession of moon rover mission.
congratulations, now if only they can take pictures of the places where Apollo landings happened to end the controversy once and for all, that famous flag Armstrong put should be there along with left overs of the Apollo?
congratulations, now if only they can take pictures of the places where Apollo landings happened to end the controversy once and for all, that famous flag Armstrong put should be there along with left overs of the Apollo?
Some conspircists might say that China and US were using the same studio.
Since the Moon is SIX (6) times smaller than Earth, the coolest Part about looking at Moon pictures is that the Horizon is 6 times closer -
Umm, you might want to apply a little Pythagoras and check your math.
Congratulation to the Chinese.

With all due respect, Americans have the technology and the manpower to do much more than China so far.
The problem is money since they have a huge debt but their space budget is still much higher than China.

NASA budget 17 billion
CNSA budget 2 billion (if im not wrong.)

Nevermind, its still a big success for China, hope for more in this field for you.

PS: Indian memebers, theres no need for trolling and beeing jealous on Chinese accomplishement.

We have far more advantage in the manpower, there are far more young Chinese engineers compared its American counterpart.

BTW, we have far more hidden budget for the space program than those on the paper.

In a long run, China will have more stamina to outrun USA in a space race just like the current economic race.
Depends on the mission objectives. Under the right circumstances, even an egg beater is a scientific instrument. The mission planners would have selected this particular mix of instruments depending on their mission objectives.

Or are you seriously suggesting that the Chinese don't have access to hires cameras?

Those cameras are they eyes of the rover and the last stage that delivered it on the surface? And that they will be needed when rover starts driving around. And hi res image could be the difference in spotting a ditch from which the rover can't get out of on it's own or seeing it and avoiding it.

I don't see how not having a hi res camera is a mission requirement. It's the most important instrument of all, because it enables rest of the instruments to actually get into position.......

it's called mosaic. couriosity switched to camera with very narrow field of view zoom lens. took multiple thumbnail images, then nasa people stitched em with software and use oversampling technique to make 1 very sharp image. those high res images you see are not live broadcast..lol

Bottom line, images we're stiched from hi res source, contrary to your claim Curiosity doesn't have a hi res camera on board. It's all in the link i posted.
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