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World Media and Hysteria Over Pakistan's Collapse

Pakistan's Road to Disintegration
Stephen P. Cohen, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution
Bernard Gwertzman, Consulting Editor
January 6, 2011

In the first few days of this year, Pakistan's coalition government was thrust into crisis after losing a coalition partner, and then a top politician--Punjab Governor Salman Taseer--was assassinated. A leading expert on the country, Stephen P. Cohen, says these incidents are symptoms of the profound problems tugging the country apart. "The fundamentals of the state are either failing or questionable, and this applies to both the idea of Pakistan, the ideology of the state, the purpose of the state, and also to the coherence of the state itself," Cohen says. "I wouldn't predict a comprehensive failure soon, but clearly that's the direction in which Pakistan is moving." On a recent trip, he was struck by the growing sense of insecurity in Pakistan, even within the military, and the growing importance of China.
What's the situation in Pakistan these days, given a key partner's withdrawal from the coalition government, and the assassination of a leading member of the ruling coalition, who opposed the blasphemy law which has support among the country's Muslim population?
These are symptoms of a deeper problem in Pakistan. There is not going to be any good news from Pakistan for some time, if ever, because the fundamentals of the state are either failing or questionable. This applies to both the idea of Pakistan, the ideology of the state, the purpose of the state, and also to the coherence of the state itself. Pakistan has lost a lot of its "stateness," that is the qualities that make a modern government function effectively. So there's failure in Pakistan on all counts. I wouldn't predict a comprehensive failure soon but clearly that's the direction in which Pakistan is moving.
Given Pakistan's possession of nuclear weapons and its strategic location between Afghanistan and India, for the United States this is a looming crisis, isn't it.

All U.S. policies toward Pakistan are bad, and some are perhaps worse than others. We don't know whether leveling with Pakistan is going to improve things or make it worse. Ideally, we would own a time machine in which we could roll back history and reverse a lot of decisions we made in the past. Hopefully, we won't make any more fundamentally wrong decisions in the future, but that may not prevent Pakistan from going further down the road to disintegration. Someone in the State Department was quoted in a WikiLeaks document [as saying] that if it weren't for nuclear weapons, Pakistan would be the Congo. I would compare it to Nigeria without oil. It wouldn't be a serious state. But the nuclear weapons and the country's organized terrorist machinery do make it quite serious.
If it is anybody's problem in the future, it is going to be China's problem. I just spent several weeks in Pakistan. One thing I discovered was the country insecurity in a way I had never seen it, even in military cantonments. The other was that China's influence in Pakistan was much greater and deeper than I had imagined it to be. In a sense that's India's problem, but in the long run, it will be China's problem.

Describe China's influence.

China is Pakistan's major military supplier. Of course, they supplied military technology and probably put Pakistanis in touch with the North Koreans for missile technology. The Chinese have one concern in Pakistan and that is the training of Chinese militants and extremists inside of Pakistan. The Chinese have no problem with the Tiananmen Square-type of crowd control. When the Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) was blown up in Islamabad in 2007, it came after some ten Chinese were kidnapped and the Chinese complained publicly. The Pakistanis had ignored our protests about the Mosque for many years. But they moved quickly when the Chinese protested, killing many women and children in the process. That was one of the turning points in President Pervez Musharraf's career, because that turned many militants against him. Before that time, he had either ignored or supported them, but after Lal Masjid, they became his enemy.

How important are the militants or terrorists? Can they control the state?

Militants--whether you call them anti-American, anti-liberal, or anti-secular--seem to have a veto over politics in Pakistan, but they can't govern the state. The parties control the elections but they can prevent others from governing, and they may prevent the military from governing as well.

Some people have been hoping for a military coup, but you don't think that will happen?

We have to do what we can do and prepare for the failure of Pakistan, which could happen in four or five or six years.
I don't think the military wants to be in that position now. I don't think the military chief Ashfaq Kayani has such a game plan. He is as smart and calculating as President Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq [military president from 1977 until his assassination in 1988] was. He is quite different from Musharraf--not an Islamist himself, but he has certainly supported them in the past. I know the Pakistan military cannot govern Pakistan. They've tried it three times in the past and each time failed. This time they would have to deal with more active militants. The liberal forces are in retreat, and I don't see the army supporting the liberal forces in Pakistan.

Talk about the anti-American feeling. How did it develop into such a strong national sentiment?

Historically, the Pakistani elite have created a narrative of U.S.-Pakistan relations which always shows the United States letting Pakistan down. A turning point was the Iranian revolution of 1979, [which] showed a lot of Pakistanis that standing up to the Americans, embarrassing the Americans, humiliating the Americans felt good. Whether they were Sunnis or Shiites in Pakistan, it felt good. It all goes back to everyone in Pakistan concerned about American policy toward Israel and the Middle East. They seem to care more about Israel and Palestine than they do about themselves. The irony of Pakistan is that their major foreign policy obsessions are ones that they can't do anything about, including Israel and Palestine. When the U.S. and NATO forces moved into Iraq and Afghanistan, that was seen as a direct threat to Pakistan. They feared that the Islamist states were being knocked off one after another, beginning with Iraq, and going on to Afghanistan, and winding up with Pakistan. Most of that is imagined, but many Pakistanis believe it is true.
We've had a breakup of the coalition government, which happens all the time around the world, but why was so much gloom and doom expressed in Pakistan?

It's the incapacity of the Pakistani state to educate its own people in a modern fashion; it's the failure of the Pakistani economy to grow at all. If this was an American analogy, you would say Pakistan is a house under water. Except for its territory, which is strategically important, there is not much in Pakistan that is of benefit to anyone. They failed to take advantage of globalization. They use terrorism as an aspect of globalization, which is the negative side of globalization. Go down the list of factors, they are almost all negative. There is not one that is positive. They need outsiders for economic help. The conflict with India drains most of their budget. They can't resolve foreign policy differences with India. They have quarrels with us over Afghanistan, although they are probably right that we don't understand the Afghanis either. The question in my mind is whether these are irreversible so that Pakistan can become a normal state.
Militants--whether you call them anti-American, anti-liberal, or anti-secular--seem to have a veto over politics in Pakistan, but they can't govern the state.

What do you think?

Hope is not a policy, but despair is not a policy either. We have to do what we can do and prepare for the failure of Pakistan, which could happen in four or five or six years.

Talk about the terrorists.

There has been an accommodation with the government. Terrorist attacks are down. There seems to be an agreement by the security forces to accommodate the terrorist groups. I don't see the government regaining its position in the frontiers. The Pakistani Taliban is a designated enemy, but the army cannot move against them. The army is worried about its integrity itself.

Discuss Taseer's assassination.

He was like Sherry Rehman, a close associate of Benazir Bhutto. Rehman had introduced a private member's bill to repeal the blasphemy law, and [Taseer] backed her, and that apparently led to his guard killing him. The blasphemy law makes the medieval Catholic Church look liberal. Anyone who stands up and criticizes the law has his life in danger. Rehman is prominently mentioned in press coverage. I don't think she will back down. She is a lady of strong principles, like Benazir.

Is the fear of India genuine?

It is genuine, because it goes back to the identity of Pakistan. They can't figure out how to reconcile their strategic necessity of accommodation with India. Of course, India takes a hard line on a lot of issues, not just Kashmir. India has allowed China to acquire Pakistan as a strategic asset. It is now a trilateral game between the Chinese and Indians with the Pakistanis on the Chinese side.

Stephen P. Cohen, a former professor, conducts research on South Asian political and security issues

Pakistan's Road to Disintegration - Council on Foreign Relations

What about Amercia`s Road to Disintegration.
Remember it is a union of 50 independent states. And the US Budget deficit for only 2011 is 1.5 TRILLION dollars.
Also, the great expert points out at that defence budget of Pakistan is drains most of the resources. I want to remind that US defence budget is the largest budget in the world.i.e., about 700 billion dollars. It spends more than the whole world.
As US economy is in difficult times now, why not the great expert calls for reduction in US defence budget ?
How is the threat from the Taliban far greater now than when Bhutto was assassinated, given that the Taliban are much weaker now, and essentially have control of only one Tribal agency, NW, unlike in 2008 when they physically controlled large parts of FATA and Swat?

Its not the Taliban as a military force that is a threat today, its their ideology. True that taliban isnt much of an existential threat to Pakistan than say it was apparently a couple of years ago. However, the spread of ideology which drives the taliban is what is troubling.

Considering the recent turn of events culminating in S. Tasser's assassination and the shocking support shown by many an educated and well-to-do Pakistani to the assassin gives a glimpse into the decay thats being setting into Pakistani society. This very religious ideology, while formed the basis for Pakistan' creation, a fundamentalist ideology version now being followed threatens to destroy the very fabric of Pakistani society and the country as a whole.

Consider the parallels with extreme left-winger support to naxalite ideology in India. Naxalite movement survives not because of the poor, but because of the support of some (pseudo)intellectuals drunk on such an ideology. Fortunately those are few and far in between. Take that out, and you will see the naxalite movement wither away.

Same with the taliban. Its the ideology which drives such extremists - here a skewered interpretation of Islam, basically religious! The ideology which finds support among an intellectual/working class with sinister/ulterior motives or an axe to grind - in this case anti-US sentiment or power in Pakistan. How do you counter that ideology, its up to you.
All these things have to be put in perspective the religious parties have always been able to mobilize street power, but in free and fair elections they have not managed to poll more than 5% of the vote.

And the other side of the coin, is we just had the most successful book fair in Pakistan's history, So Go Figure.
And what about America's decline, the mystique of America has been exposed, and they are having a trillion dollar budget deficit.
My boy you are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.

One must learn from the experience of others.

When Pakistan destabilized Afghanistan, 25% of Afghanistan's Population took refuge in Pakistan. Surely you are aware of the effect of this huge amount of Refugees on Pakistan's Economy and its Society.

Now you will realize the effect of Pakistan being Destabilized as the Pakistani Refugees will neither get refuge in Iran or Afghanistan and not even with the "Everlasting Friend China!

So where will they go?

No offence but this is exactly the western armchair talk, without any idea of ground realities, I was talking about.

Lets put some reality check to your refugee statement. Pakistan Afganistan border i.e. the durand line is an open border so you can cross as and when you like. Thats how 25% Afghan population crossed into Pakistan. Also they exodus was to a large extent allowed and facilitated by Pakistan Government and People of Pakistan at that time citing brotherly relations and Jihad against USSR.

Lets go to India Pakistan border. Now the whole border is fenced and electrified. It is one of the most heavily guarded borders in the whole world and anyone crossing the border illegally is branded a terrorist and in most likely case shot at. Also there is no love lost between Indians and Pakistanis. We would rather die in our country than cross over and become refugee in others.

So what happened incase of Pakistan - Afghanistan in the 80s and 90s cannot happen between India - Pakistan whatever be the state of the two countries :cheers:
Self appeasement.............Indians at their best. Too much self importance and nothing more in the article.
My boy you are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land.

One must learn from the experience of others.

When Pakistan destabilized Afghanistan, 25% of Afghanistan's Population took refuge in Pakistan. Surely you are aware of the effect of this huge amount of Refugees on Pakistan's Economy and its Society.

Now you will realize the effect of Pakistan being Destabilized as the Pakistani Refugees will neither get refuge in Iran or Afghanistan and not even with the "Everlasting Friend China!

So where will they go?

oh man...! Firstly the article is just crap. Hypothetically even IF pakistan gets destabilized do you really think pakistanis will start moving towards India or will india allow them to be in. Pakistan allowed Afghans to come in and settle.
oh man...! Firstly the article is just crap. Hypothetically even IF pakistan gets destabilized do you really think pakistanis will start moving towards India or will india allow them to be in. Pakistan allowed Afghans to come in and settle.

who wanted bangladeshis to be in india?but we were forced to do so.
anyway there will be migration, less or more i dont know.
. .
No offence but this is exactly the western armchair talk, without any idea of ground realities, I was talking about.

Lets put some reality check to your refugee statement. Pakistan Afganistan border i.e. the durand line is an open border so you can cross as and when you like. Thats how 25% Afghan population crossed into Pakistan. Also they exodus was to a large extent allowed and facilitated by Pakistan Government and People of Pakistan at that time citing brotherly relations and Jihad against USSR.

Lets go to India Pakistan border. Now the whole border is fenced and electrified. It is one of the most heavily guarded borders in the whole world and anyone crossing the border illegally is branded a terrorist and in most likely case shot at. Also there is no love lost between Indians and Pakistanis. We would rather die in our country than cross over and become refugee in others.

So what happened incase of Pakistan - Afghanistan in the 80s and 90s cannot happen between India - Pakistan whatever be the state of the two countries :cheers:

Are you saying that your government lied to Indians about the "26/11," your government says that they crossed the border illegally without being detected. If the Indian border is as protected as you say it is, then that means the Indian government opened the border up especially for these terrorists so they could go in undetected.

It's amazing how clueless you are and yet you keep pretending. The India-Pakistan border is not impenetrable, and so if the situation destabilizes Pakistan won't enforce the border from outgoing people leading to a growth in terrorists who already are not very fond of India.
Show us some sign and hang 26/11 master minds.

we have to show you no sign of anything! if you want confidence building measures then you come to the table and talk!!

till today india couldn't prove that pakistan army or government was involved in the mumbai drama!
Can anyone save Pakistan now?

Tavleen Singh
My Pakistani friends are all moderates. I have known them for more than thirty years from a time when Pakistan was another country. So marginally different to India was it then that when I first flew to Lahore from Delhi in 1980, I thought I had accidentally landed in one of our own Punjabi cities. Yes, there were prayer rooms at the airport and restrictions on bringing in duty free liquor, but they were hardly noticeable. Dinner parties in Lahore were so much like dinner parties in Delhi that it was unnerving. Liquor flowed, conversations were about politics, sub-continental affairs and the ‘superiority’ of Punjabi culture. I shared their wistfulness about how magnificent Punjab would have been if it had not been divided and it brought back childhood memories of loss that my family brought with them when they came as refugees to India in 1947.

In recent years, every time I meet my Pakistani friends, they speak with great sadness about how their country has changed and how people like them have become an endangered species. Some attempt feebly to blame everything on the Americans but most admit privately that Pakistan’s descent into venomous, violent Islamism is mostly the fault of their own leaders. Inevitably, at this point in the conversation they turn to what India can do to stop things getting worse and the conversation goes something like this, ‘India must understand that it is in India’s interests for the moderates in Pakistan to survive. This kind of radical Islam will spill across the borders. Is India not aware of this?’

Last week my fellow columnist, Sudheendra Kulkarni, made a few suggestions on this page among which the most important was that we try and find a solution in Kashmir. But will this really save Pakistan from the radical Islamist groups who lead the jihad? My own view is that it will not. The jihad has grown much bigger than Kashmir’s ‘freedom movement’. Those who lead it have stated more than once that their goal is the Islamisation of the whole of India. It is to this end that Mumbai was attacked and to this end that groups like the Indian Mujahideen are being enlisted to harm India in every way they can.

Those who believe India can play a role in saving Pakistan from radical Islam also suggest that if India stopped building roads and hospitals in Afghanistan, it would help. Pakistan sees evil designs in our peaceful efforts to help rebuild Afghanistan’s infrastructure. The people who believe India can stop Pakistan from imploding are earnest and well meaning but in my view blind and politically naïve.

The problem is not the militant groups any more nor is it Pakistan’s Generals. Things are so bad in Pakistan that if the army were still in control of the violent fanatics the ISI spawned, there would be some attempt at control. They have turned on their own masters and so are no longer strategic assets. Even if all the Islamist groups were disbanded, Pakistan would still be in danger from radical Islam because this idea of the faith has seeped into the fabric of Pakistani society. It is not just mullahs who spread the message but lawyers, policemen, judges and army officers. Pakistan is no longer the country that it used to be and those who believe that there is still a chance of India saving Pakistan by strengthening the voice of moderates are dreaming.

There is not much that India can do but it can appeal to President Barack Obama to stop the war in Afghanistan. As long as it continues, Pakistanis will find someone else to blame for their problems. Once the Americans leave, they will have to confront their own demons and in this lies the only faint flicker of hope. In any case, the war in Afghanistan is a meaningless exercise because it is not the Taliban in that country who constitute the real problem but the numberless Taliban type groups in Pakistan. These groups have the support of ordinary Pakistanis because they see them as heroes in what is perceived as a just war to save Pakistan from being destroyed by the United States. When American troops leave, they may see their true colours. So stick to your 2011 deadline President Obama, it could be the only thing left to do.

DO I SAY MORE??? about where she is coming from???
learn how to write a title for a article....
can you tell me now that can anyone save India now

all the issues in india will finally show us new countries born :)
. .

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