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World Media and Hysteria Over Pakistan's Collapse

Oh YES! Nation could be without a leadership but this Nation is not dead! Rather we are at a stage where we are hardened and prepared to face the most challenging situation in our entire history!

So Dream On Indian Friends.. your are never going to see us breaking apart! A spilit was our fate which has happened with your cooperation and that was the only set-back this Country was bound the face.. and guess what.. our worst was yesterday and not coming up tomorrow.
Oh YES! Nation could be without a leadership but this Nation is not dead! Rather we are at a stage where we are hardened and prepared to face the most challenging situation in our entire history!

So Dream On Indian Friends.. your are not going to see us breaking apart!

no one wants to see pakistan break. it would not be in india's startegic interests to see pakistan breaking. so guys chill.

do note that originator of post has a history of sensetionalising things. also, he might be courting indian flag but he isnt indian.
Hadh ho gaye, Pakistan na howa mazakh hi ho gaya. Every tom d!ck and harry seems to take a dig at Pakistan the self proclaimed experts who have not the iota of knowledge about the country to start with.

hm wonder why cant u help pakistan by giving tibbet to them.

sorry to all my sane pakistani and chineese friends, just replying to troll.

nhi nhi tibat bhut door hai yaar or hamy un ki language bhi samajh nhi ati :partay::lol:
india can save pakistan by giving back IOK to pakistan
Nobody really wants to destroy Pakistan, the problem is from people that want to keep Pakistan on the boil.

They will keep it simmering, as that way they can keep this going indefinitely. We are just too stupid to realize this and keep from improving our country by fixing its laws, removing corruption, voting for the right parties, taking away support from madrassas and educating our children.
Musharraf Chacha aaega, Pakistan bachai ga.


Uncle Musharraf will come and save Pakistan.
Are you saying that your government lied to Indians about the "26/11," your government says that they crossed the border illegally without being detected. If the Indian border is as protected as you say it is, then that means the Indian government opened the border up especially for these terrorists so they could go in undetected.

It's amazing how clueless you are and yet you keep pretending. The India-Pakistan border is not impenetrable, and so if the situation destabilizes Pakistan won't enforce the border from outgoing people leading to a growth in terrorists who already are not very fond of India.

LOL ....did you even read properly what I said or you started ranting wearing your hate spectacle or maybe you were sleeping since 26/11 happened.

For your understanding let me point this out again...I said the border is fenced and electrified. Now I hope you do understand when I said that I talked about land borders only.

Obviously I was not talking about sea borders since they can't be fenced. Unless they do it in Brazil (around 7000 Kms of fencing in sea) in which case please excuse me.

Now let me bring to your notice how terrorists came to Mumbai on 26/11. They came by SEA. From Karachi. They took a fishing trawler to get close to Mumbai coastline. Then they took a rubber boat and got down near Gateway of India.

Coming back to the land border. I never said that it is 100% infiltration proof. But today India is mainly worried about Illegal infiltration from Bangladesh border and Nepal border and not Pakistan Border (except in Kashmir on the LOC which is FYI not an International Border)
there is only one problem in talking to pakistan whom should we talk to

1 army
2 civilian government
3 mullahs.

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