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World Media and Hysteria Over Pakistan's Collapse


DO I SAY MORE??? about where she is coming from???

Excuse me!

When Sania Mirza marries a Pakistani, you guys proudly call her 'Bhabhi' and 'Pakistan ki Beti' and what not.

What happened when the name changed to 'Tavleen Singh'?

If tomorrow, God forbid, something happens to Shoaib Malik and Sania Mirza writes such an article, will you still be upset then?
Nobody really wants to destroy Pakistan, the problem is from people that want to keep Pakistan on the boil.

They will keep it simmering, as that way they can keep this going indefinitely. We are just too stupid to realize this and keep from improving our country by fixing its laws, removing corruption, voting for the right parties, taking away support from madrassas and educating our children.

You have discounted the Pakistani Leadership of all hues.

Pakistan can be saved by the Pakistani People but even they cannot save Pakistan from its various Leaderships.

More Power to the Pakistani People.
Excuse me!

When Sania Mirza marries a Pakistani, you guys proudly call her 'Bhabhi' and 'Pakistan ki Beti' and what not.

What happened when the name changed to 'Tavleen Singh'?

If tomorrow, God forbid, something happens to Shoaib Malik and Sania Mirza writes such an article, will you still be upset then?

1. Because she is not wife of taseer. she is now only trying to cash a dead man

All related threads have been merged.

We don't need a new thread every time some journalist/commentator gets verbal diarrhea and the need to predict Pakistan's collapse.

All new articles on this subject need to go here, or will be deleted without warning, and posters banned for repeated infractions of the same.
Its not the Taliban as a military force that is a threat today, its their ideology. True that taliban isnt much of an existential threat to Pakistan than say it was apparently a couple of years ago. However, the spread of ideology which drives the taliban is what is troubling.

Considering the recent turn of events culminating in S. Tasser's assassination and the shocking support shown by many an educated and well-to-do Pakistani to the assassin gives a glimpse into the decay thats being setting into Pakistani society. This very religious ideology, while formed the basis for Pakistan' creation, a fundamentalist ideology version now being followed threatens to destroy the very fabric of Pakistani society and the country as a whole.

Consider the parallels with extreme left-winger support to naxalite ideology in India. Naxalite movement survives not because of the poor, but because of the support of some (pseudo)intellectuals drunk on such an ideology. Fortunately those are few and far in between. Take that out, and you will see the naxalite movement wither away.

Same with the taliban. Its the ideology which drives such extremists - here a skewered interpretation of Islam, basically religious! The ideology which finds support among an intellectual/working class with sinister/ulterior motives or an axe to grind - in this case anti-US sentiment or power in Pakistan. How do you counter that ideology, its up to you.
How are you quantifying 'spread of taliban ideology'? Most polls in the last couple of years indicate declining support for the Taliban and their tactics.

I disagree with the conflation of Taliban ideology and the assassination of Taseer and the support from various groups for the assassin. Blasphemy against Muhammad has been a hot button issue for conservative Muslims for a long time, and is not directly related to the Taliban. The groups that most vociferously protested against Taseer and in favor of his assassin are in fact Barelvi groups, a sect that is opposed to the Taliban and has been targeted by the Taliban through suicide attacks.

While the act of the murder itself and support by various groups for it is a worrying issue, and needs to be addressed, it is not necessarily a new issue and is not one driven by the Taliban. Violence related to perceived Blasphemy has been occurring for a long time in Pakistan - it has been highlighted of late because the victim was a very high profile liberal politician. Hence the need to avoid extrapolating too much from this one incident and conflating it with the Taliban/AQ extremism.
Nobody really wants to destroy Pakistan, the problem is from people that want to keep Pakistan on the boil.

They will keep it simmering, as that way they can keep this going indefinitely. We are just too stupid to realize this and keep from improving our country by fixing its laws, removing corruption, voting for the right parties, taking away support from madrassas and educating our children.

While I agree with the post generally, we are NOT STUPID. The tragedy is that we chose to be preoccupied with issues that should NOT concern us directly, thereby letting our own wounds that need our undivided attention fester.
there is only one problem in talking to pakistan whom should we talk to

1 army
2 civilian government
3 mullahs.

Simple! instead of going through so much trouble....why even bother.
Well as I got too much time in hand I thought i shall reply to some ******** and you made my day!

And be happy these politicos up there arent anything like me or else the 127 'freedom fighting' groups and the Kashmiri seperatists would not have existed...the orders will be simple 'Kill them all'

I have a simple logic "Your enemy is fit to negotiate only if he is seven feet under the ground" or as ashes.

Naxalites have already been dealt with down south and it did not take Kerala and Tamilnadu a whole week to finish it off.

We dont need any saboteurs to finish off Pakistan..It already has more than a 100 million like minded people like you.

Yeah we are helped by the US and the Israel because our government has cash in its pockets unlike yours which claims to be bankrupt every single day and asks for loans and loan waivers from every international organization in existence.

Traitors from within?...who are they?

And yes we are denying that we are not supporting TTP, BLA, or whosoever thinks that by blowing oneself up is the shortest route to an harem of 72 virgins for eternity (I think the number is too small). So isn't it your duty to prove the world that India is involved or persuade the world that we are destroying your country.

And talking about bleeding, remember this phrace: 'Bleed India by a thousand cuts' or ' We will wage a thousand year war against India' some hero in your country yelled...see where this has led you to? Kashmir is still a part of India and you couldn't do jack about it. Why dont you look at your fellow leader Nasser of Egypt...He accepted Israel and Egypt became a peaceful country...Gaddafi sold you out to help his country.

Above all denial is something that all countries have done for the past many centuries...US denied that it supported Taliban against the USSR, Pakistan denies its support for the Kashmiri Militancy, Iran denies support for Hezbollah, Syria denies support for Hamas....and the list goes on.

And please dont call yourself a 'war junkie' because being one i find it insulting.

and yet again.... 'i dont know jack, i was born yesterday' attitude at its prime :coffee:

your PoV about denial, so that means you ARE involved in baluchistan and teething the TTP, ur just denying it for the time being :azn:

and whats with u Indians finding everything so insulting?? dont be such a sissy a55 for once, or is it a national trait?

yea yea yea, u fixed the naxalits and u fixed the kashmiris and theres nothing wrong with ur ideology :blah:

last but not least... i really commend ur ingenius strategy 'kill them all'
wel, you've been tryng to do that but u havn't succeeded yet. should i be scared??????? pleeeze dont killll usss aaallllll!!! :victory::chilli:

hats off man, please don't post again and save ur nation some face by not putting your bird brain on exhibit :rofl:

Where we not supposed to collapse after a couple of weeks after independence?:pakistan:

thats wat they planned and hoped for!

no wonder they're so billigerent... even i would be if after 60 odd years my plans were not materializing:taz:

Im sure they think "Damn! Pakis just refuse to die.... why dont they just die!!" :hitwall:

How are you quantifying 'spread of taliban ideology'? Most polls in the last couple of years indicate declining support for the Taliban and their tactics.

I disagree with the conflation of Taliban ideology and the assassination of Taseer and the support from various groups for the assassin. Blasphemy against Muhammad has been a hot button issue for conservative Muslims for a long time, and is not directly related to the Taliban. The groups that most vociferously protested against Taseer and in favor of his assassin are in fact Barelvi groups, a sect that is opposed to the Taliban and has been targeted by the Taliban through suicide attacks.

While the act of the murder itself and support by various groups for it is a worrying issue, and needs to be addressed, it is not necessarily a new issue and is not one driven by the Taliban. Violence related to perceived Blasphemy has been occurring for a long time in Pakistan - it has been highlighted of late because the victim was a very high profile liberal politician. Hence the need to avoid extrapolating too much from this one incident and conflating it with the Taliban/AQ extremism.

spot on man! excellent answer:yahoo::yahoo:

thats wat they planned and hoped for!

no wonder they're so billigerent... even i would be if after 60 odd years my plans were not materializing:taz:

Im sure they think "Damn! Pakis just refuse to die.... why dont they just die!!" :hitwall:


We were very near in 1971.:cry::taz:
there is only one problem in talking to pakistan whom should we talk to

1 army
2 civilian government
3 mullahs.
No it was Always....................



1.India has tried talking to army under various dictators from Ayub to Musharraf.
2.Now it is talking to America .
3.After that only Allah malik.
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