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World looks anew on Balochistan as China dreams big

Pakistanis continue to delight in the relevance they think they have to the Indian, unfortunately for them, their adversary is not India but a "coalition", India, for a while, will merely be the vehicle of that coalition's will.

Mr. Abul Qaqi (Analyst) offers ""that India’s navy, which besieged Karachi port in a war some decades ago, will now get its naval tail extended. Now Gwadar port will be connected to far north of the country through two additional routes including Indus Highway giving more strategic space to Pakistan’s armed forces - however, Mr. Abdul Baqi needs to be reminded of an entire fleet headquartered in Bahrain, a fleet of a Navy of which Indian Navy is a "Strategic ally".

I suggest you read a little abt Pak-Bahrain relations,Ex-PA soldiers,officers etc working in their forces forces... the big Pakistani population of bahrain.military relations etc.... and expect for letting indian navy ships dock at their ports... i have yet to see sort of worrying "Strategic relationship" between india n bahrain....

Interested readers owe it to themselves to read Robert B. Zoellick, former World Bank president, U.S. deputy secretary of state and U.S. trade representative's speech on the "Sun on Shoulders, Wind in Hair"thread -- I don't believe I have read a more clear and through representation of US policy and options before China - if you are in any kind of doubt, the US have made clear to China that unless her policies are altered, China can expect much difficulty -- and the US have a powerful asset in Pakistan Army, the mercenary ethic of which is something China may not be entirely clear about.

Sometimes i see you posting abt anti US and islamist mindset of the army and sometimes this...you seem to contradict yourself...

Any Balochistani voice...?

Lets see how will it help Balochistan rather Pakistan..

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Am i right @Aeronaut paa ji?
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1. Most of the investment things china just talk in the air. :angel:

But KKH and Gawadar port are on the ground. Despite Indian concerns. ;)

2. Last time after killing of some chinese by terrorists they ran away from the projects.

But still Gawadar port construction was completed. Looks like your aided terrorists were not that good.

3. Arabs specially UAE etc. wont allow the gwadar project to be a reality.

So? Still China would go ahead with this project. China is too big to be stopped even by India let alone UAE.

4. The fate of the projects lie in the hands of India, if pakistan export the troubles then India will be forced to respond.

So India would resort to old tactics of exporting terrorism? The way things are changing in Afghanistan and things boiling in IOK it would be stupid for India to go ahead with terror export. You can't afford it. Export terror and then expect no 26/11 wouldn't happen again.

5. After this election in 2014 India will have a new prime minister and mark my words no matter which political party he belongs to, RAW will have a free hand.

RAW still has a free hand. yeah ISI would have more ground to play in 2014. And if you continue with policy of terror export then you would have to pay for it too.

You might have to write a lot of Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un on this forum. :lol:

6. US of A will also not allow china to gain strength near the gulf region.

that would be interesting. India's only and the last hope would be USA. Let's see what Uncle sam would do in the future.

7. Nobody is god to make everybody a enemy (India, USA, Afghanistan, UAE, Arabs etc.) and still be victorious or in single piece.

You are not a god either that you play as an a$$hole in this region and expect no response in return.

Any Balochistani voice...?

Lets see how will it help Balochistan rather Pakistan..

Well the Balochistani voice the CM of Baluchistan province Dr Abdul Malik Baloch is very satisfied with all the progress.

What about the Hindustani voice? OK leave it. Who cares what you faggots think.
@cb4 @Argus Panoptes @muse

The question is, how is Bharat going to respond after tasting the lemon and what should we be prepared for?

bharat is going up we are going down, your signature, doesnt it imply the big picture

the ganja is in bed with india so obviously he will never upset the indians, infact if lackey is the word for him, it might be suitable enough
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@cb4 @Argus Panoptes @muse

The question is, how is Bharat going to respond after tasting the lemon and what should we be prepared for?

The way Bharat responded while Kargil, with China taking no sides. That was some 15 years ago. Now with a $100 Billion trade, China would never jeopardize its relations with India for Pakistan.

Why do Pakistanis forget that in international game plan only self interest matters.
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Why do Pakistanis forget that in international game plan only self interest matters.

They are surrealists.. OBL was not a terrorist but personification of a seekh kebab. Gwadar is not a port, but a Balaclava for the Agosta Submarine.

And will someone please stop equating Gwadar with our defense in these terms, the PN is quite happy with Ormara as its second refuge. Gwadar is our defense is a fools wish to have the same security that the presence of the US Fifth fleet accords Bahrain.
The way Bharat responded while Kargil, with China taking no sides. That was some 15 years ago. Now with a $100 Billion trade, China would never jeopardize its relations with India for Pakistan.

Why do Pakistanis forget that in international game plan only self interest matters.

sorry bharat didnt respond, it was the monkey sitting on pakistani throne
They are surrealists.. OBL was not a terrorist but personification of a seekh kebab. Gwadar is not a port, but a Balaclava for the Agosta Submarine.

And will someone please stop equating Gwadar with our defense in these terms, the PN is quite happy with Ormara as its second refuge. Gwadar is our defense is a fools wish to have the same security that the presence of the US Fifth fleet accords Bahrain.

Precisely, Gwadar is just a port why do Pakistani analysts always project Gwadar as some sort of a Chinese Military base?

sorry bharat didnt respond, it was the monkey sitting on pakistani throne

That 'monkey' was elected by your country men. Giving respect to him means giving respect to your own country men.
Precisely, Gwadar is just a port why do Pakistani analysts always project Gwadar as some sort of a Chinese Military base?

Can you please "quote" anyone except that lunatic in your avatar who might have said so?
The sole purpose of building this port should be the economic rather than defence. Balochistan will have to be given its royalties and the labour force will be recruited from those people.
and indians should not get their panties in twist,
1. Most of the investment things china just talk in the air. :angel:

Karakoram Highway,Gwadar port, Makran coastal highway, Optic fibre net, Khushab nuclear power plant and many more are "talk in the air"?

Chinese investment has been vital to Pakistan and will remain so, much to the dismay of some morons.

2. Last time after killing of some chinese by terrorists they ran away from the projects.

When exactly?

3. Arabs specially UAE etc. wont allow the gwadar project to be a reality.

"Gwadar Port" is already a reality. What do you mean by "reality"?

and what exactly makes an Indian talk on behalf of the Arabs and UAE??, how do you know what their policy is?
Last time i heard Saudi Arabia and UAE were planning to invest in Gwadar and make money out of it!

China considers Gwadar very important for its oil trade, as the present choke point is the Strait of Hormuz, which is becoming congested. In particular, a strategic pipeline from Gwadar to China's borders enables Beijing to import oil from Saudi Arabia. In 2006, King Abdullah reportedly asked Islamabad to help Saudi Arabia to extend oil exports to China.

A railroad and oil pipeline linking Gwadar with Kashi in western China provides Beijing with the shortest possible route to the oil-rich Middle East, avoiding the Strait of Malacca and the dangerous maritime routes through the South China Sea, the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea. Chinese engineers have already completed a feasibility study for a railroad and oil pipeline, which would enable Gwadar to handle most of the oil tankers headed to China.


How is that "little Indian" inside you feeling right now?

4. The fate of the projects lie in the hands of India,

:omghaha: :omghaha:

if pakistan export the troubles then India will be forced to respond.

Respond to what and how?....attack us?....attack and we will break your face!.. Pakistan is not nepal,or bangladesh....that you can bully us.

5. After this election in 2014 India will have a new prime minister and mark my words no matter which political party he belongs to, RAW will have a free hand.


6. US of A will also not allow china to gain strength near the gulf region.

How exactly will they do that?....and China is not going to gain strength in the gulf region. Chinese Navy will not be stationed in Gwadar, only Pakistan Navy will be present,however PLAN will have rotation rights....much to the dismay of Bhaarat who can't even protect its soil from a handful of Chinese grunts,who even abuse your soldiers and civilians in Hindi.

7. Nobody is god to make everybody a enemy

And who exactly is doing that?

What do you mean MAKE?....India already is our enemy no1.

USA is a superpower, and we do know how to deal with them. They have interests as long as they keep our vital interests intact they will make money from here. You are living in a hole to think that USA will make enemies in this region....they are not here to make enemies....they are here to serve their interests.


How is Afghanistan our enemy?? Are you delusional?

You forgot Iran.

In 2009, Beijing showed interest to join the project and to build an Iran-Pakistan-China gas pipeline, which could provide a secure overland gas supply.


UAE is Pakistan's enemy??

Arabs etc.)

@Yzd Khalifa @Mosamania @BLACKEAGLE @Frogman @JUBA

Can you guys help out our little "Indian" Friend here??? Are you enemies with Pakistan?

and still be victorious or in single piece. :angel:

We ain't fighting anyone, except Bhaarat. Our one and only enemy, you better watch your backside.
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Good Luck Pakistan....It is your land.... rent it ..sell it...it is up to you....
Any Balochistani voice...?

Lets see how will it help Balochistan rather Pakistan..

What helps Balochistan helps Pakistan... Pakistan aint India

Good Luck Pakistan....It is your land.... rent it ..sell it...it is up to you....

Use it as future Chinese & Pakistani naval base to scare the shits out of Indians? :chilli:
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