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World Bank Reports Pakistani Kids Outperform Indian Kids in Math





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WTF! Are you even writing.....calm down!
WB haven't done any qualitative survey they just compiled a report citing various sources.

yes now i m done ...
Wb - qualitative data ?
can you prove with details...
hey just compiled a report citing various sources
Yes .. they cited many including ASER
which shows ASER is good soruce to rely on
so if i take your above stament that WB no qualitaitve data and Just complied
then why there is diffrenece in result which you mentioned as per ASER and WB report
please explain ..
i m not saying WB is bible on education report..
but thats best posisible source you can have ..
if we get better than this report to challned their claim will do that ..
till that time this report taken as per mentioned details
accept or rejct that your call..
ASER give me national pictre sate vs stae
WB gives me india vs other countirees..
even in some result i am shocked like whihc you mention rural pak and india exa,
but need to understand why and on what parameter they are saying it ...
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There are many civilized and developed countries in the world for Pakistan to target.
just more info
a guy born in Macca in SA become 1st Education minister and contributed in temple of learning in india


Abul Kalam Muhiyuddin Ahmed Azad pronunciation (help·info) (Bengali: আবুল কালাম মুহিয়ুদ্দিন আহমেদ আজাদ; Urdu: ابو الکلام محی الدین احمد آزاد‎ "Abul Kalam Azad") (11 November 1888 – 22 February 1958) was an Indian scholar and a senior political leader of the Indian independence movement. Following India's independence, he became the first Minister of Education in the Indian government. In 1992 he was posthumously awarded India's highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna.[1] There is also a theory which suggests that earlier when he was offered Bharat Ratna he promptly declined it saying that it should not be given to those who have been on the selection committee. Later he was awarded posthumously in 1992. He is commonly remembered as Maulana Azad; the word Maulana is an honorific meaning 'learned man', and he had adopted Azad (Free) as his pen name. His contribution to establishing the education foundation in India is recognised by celebrating his birthday as "National Education Day" across India.[2]

As a young man, Azad composed poetry in Urdu language, as well as treatises on religion and philosophy. He rose to prominence through his work as a journalist, publishing works critical of the British Raj and espousing the causes of Indian nationalism. Azad became the leader of the Khilafat Movement, during which he came into close contact with the Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi. Azad became an enthusiastic supporter of Gandhi's ideas of non-violent civil disobedience, and worked to organise the non-co-operation movement in protest of the 1919 Rowlatt Acts. Azad committed himself to Gandhi's ideals, including promoting Swadeshi (indigenous) products and the cause of Swaraj (Self-rule) for India. In 1923, at an age of 35, he became the youngest person to serve as the President of the Indian National Congress.

Azad was one of the main organisers of the Dharasana Satyagraha in 1931, and emerged as one of the most important national leaders of the time, prominently leading the causes of Hindu-Muslim unity as well as espousing secularism and socialism.[3] He served as Congress president from 1940 to 1945, during which the Quit India rebellion was launched. Azad was imprisoned, together with the entire Congress leadership, for three years. Azad became the most prominent Muslim opponent of the demand for a separate Muslim state of Pakistan and served in the interim national government.

Amidst communal turmoil following the partition of India, he worked for religious harmony. As India's Education Minister, Azad oversaw the establishment of a national education system with free primary education and modern institutions of higher education. He is also credited with the establishment of the Indian Institutes of Technology and the foundation of the University Grants Commission, an important institution to supervise and advance the higher education in the nation.[3

Legacy and influence
Azad is remembered as amongst the leading Indian nationalists of his time. His firm belief in Hindu-Muslim unity earned him the respect of the Hindu community and he still remains one of the most important symbols of communal harmony in modern India. His work for education and social upliftment in India made him an important influence in guiding India's economic and social development.

The Ministry of Minority Affairs of the central Government of India set up the Maulana Azad Education Foundation in 1989 on the occasion of his birth centenary to promote education amongst educationally backward sections of the Society.[28] The Ministry also provides the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad National Fellowship, an integrated five-year fellowship in the form of financial assistance to students from minority communities to pursue higher studies such as M. Phil and PhD[29]

Numerous institutions across India have also been named in his honour. Some of them are the Maulana Azad Medical College in New Delhi, the Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology in Bhopal, the Maulana Azad National Urdu University in Hyderabad, Maulana Azad Centre for Elementary and Social Education (MACESE Delhi University) the Maulana Azad College in Kolkata, the Maulana Azad library in the Aligarh Muslim University in Aligarh and Maulana Azad Stadium in Jammu. He is celebrated as one of the founders and greatest patrons of the Jamia Millia Islamia. Azad's tomb is located next to the Jama Masjid in Delhi. In recent years great concern has been expressed by many in India over the poor maintenance of the tomb.[19] On 16 November 2005 the Delhi High Court ordered that the tomb of Maulana Azad in New Delhi be renovated and restored as a major national monument. Azad's tomb is a major landmark and receives large numbers of visitors annually.[30]

Jawaharlal Nehru referred to him as Mir-i- Karawan (the caravan leader), "a very brave and gallant gentleman, a finished product of the culture that, in these days, pertains to few".[19] "The Emperor of learning" remarked Mahatma Gandhi about Azad counting him as "a person of the calibre of Plato, Aristotle and Pythagorus".[23]

Azad was portrayed by actor Virendra Razdan in the 1982 biographical film, Gandhi, directed by Richard Attenborough.[31]

His Birthday, 11 November is celebrated as National Education Day in India.
Fair enough, but nobody's going to read all of that, pick the data that you think is most relevant :)
i posted for alll...
those who want to learn wiill read.. if not they have other better work to do..
Free will :-)
even i would not have gone thorugh ful reprt if Mr. haq did not took pain to another :sniper: india without any substantial data
so i needed to give him FULL picture :-)..
The tragedy is that in most government schools there is a shortage of teachers - 1 teacher for 70-80 students. And most of the time these teachers are absent, in spite of their enormous pay and allowances. They spend the time on private tuition to make easy money. Who's bothered about education of kids? Greed for money and a totally lackadaisical attitude of the teachers is the bane of our education system.
It is easier said than done.In my state at least teachers attend the govt schools;they want to teach too;but many kids don't come to school on regular basis and don't show any interest in studies.The teacher after a few days loses the motivation to teach.Inspite
of such adversities many govt schools now are performing well when compared to a decade ago.
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