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World Bank approves $12 billion, five-year loan for Pakistan: Ishaq Dar

^^keep worshipping balds shirkful man...no electricity but still you people prostrate to them.

For zani everyone knows shahbaz is the actual zani, remember those colorful days of shahbaz and zeba ruining her life or remember nawaz and tahira syed.

I've noticed that you have given @Tameem a negative rating for using the word Zani. Now in this reply of yours to him, you've done the exact same. I suggest you give yourself a negative rating as well.

Fair is fair. No?
imagine in developed nations,

You are employed, you earn 1000 pounds, you receive 780 as rest of the 220 pounds will be deducted for taxes before your wages reaches your bank account. In Pakistan, you earn 1 million, you keep it for most businesses :(

There is no culture of paying taxes so it hurts them when you talk about paying taxes
TDS (Tax Deduction on Source ) not applied in Pakistan?
imagine in developed nations,

You are employed, you earn 1000 pounds, you receive 780 as rest of the 220 pounds will be deducted for taxes before your wages reaches your bank account. In Pakistan, you earn 1 million, you keep it for most businesses :(

There is no culture of paying taxes so it hurts them when you talk about paying taxes
Same is the case in Pakistan.........only net proceeds are credited in employee's bank accounts.

I've noticed that you have given @Tameem a negative rating for using the word Zani. Now in this reply of yours to him, you've done the exact same. I suggest you give yourself a negative rating as well.

Fair is fair. No?
Well you shouldn't be engaging such people. Some people here are just not worth replying....
TDS (Tax Deduction on Source ) not applied in Pakistan?
The procedure is there but no implementation

Only large business such as Automobile industries or Textile factories having employed hundreds or thousands of people are forced to follow the procedure. Small businesses hardly ever pay a visit to the Accountant or Tax department in their life
Well you shouldn't be engaging such people. Some people here are just not worth replying....

This is a defense forum. Luftwaffe is knowledgeable in defense related issues. He is also a TTA. I may disagree with him over his political views or some other such matters, but I can not contemplate disengagement on permanent basis.

I could ditch Tameem for his swearing. But then: Disengagement = lack of influence. How can that be good?
This is a defense forum. Luftwaffe is knowledgeable in defense related issues. He is also a TTA. I may disagree with him over his political views or some other such matters, but I can not contemplate disengagement on permanent basis.

I could ditch Tameem for his swearing. But then: Disengagement = lack of influence. How can that be good?
Being knowledgeable and being civilized for argument are two different things. The presence of one of these doesn't necessarily means the presence of other.
1. You need to study political science and see how politicians operate the world over and through out history. You might then be cured of your naivette. Your incessant cribbing is like that of a child bent on getting his/her way without any clue as to how to do so.
How many of our politics have taken political sciences and not learned from baap dada or through connections?! :unsure:
Coz had they learned from political sciences they would have had enough brain to develop the land soo much then if they did corruption it wouldnt be noticed coz the land would still be stable...
My cribbing is that of hope that my people are not full of shit and that at least 1 is good for the nation not for his pockets! I see Edhi and I get hope that if Pakistan is home to such man am sure there are more!

You are having a cow because you think NS lied? Wake up doll, that is what most politicians do. The politicians are judged on th basis of their performance, not promises. If people think that a politician has delivered satisfactorily enough, they vote for him. Its just that simple.
Only prob in Pak is they never reach even the bottom mark! Coz everyone (no one is exception) is busy filling their pockets first and from the left over tries to build the nation and realizes there isnt much so we shall take loans and then leaves the country in debts to kiss (American or Saudi) *** and get it paid back!

You've got problem with liars. Good. You ought to have problem with likes of Mush and many of his deputies. If you've been just as critical of them, then you can assume the right to complain about NS as well. If not, then....
IAs a born Pakistani + Pakisntani passport holder I have every right to criticize and give my opinion on crap happenings in Pakistan! have always spoken against each but currently NS is on the throne so he gets the landslide...

2. You are assuming that I have favorites. My favorite is Pakistan. My favorite is constitutionalism.
I have started doubting the constitution...it needs to be checked ...Am starting to wonder how many of our politicians have actually read it! Coz more than half of it has been ignored efficiently!

I was partial to IK and PTI, but I have never shied from criticizing them.
Nor have I ...but like I said NS is in the spotlit so he gets the landslide!
When it comes to NS, I hope that he can deliver for the sake of Pakistan. So, as far as leaders are concerned, I have no favorites. I just hope we can deal with the mess left by Mush-Zardari et al as a Nation, not as partisans, and certainly not as complainers.
My only concern is where is the money going and what is the plan in paying it back...interests are always high and we end up having to do errands for such loans which I despise!
It is just wrong to complain out loud about load-shedding, law-and-order, and corruption while you know that these problems are entrenched. How can you blame the current government for all this mess when they have not even had a year to deal with all this. Could you deal with all this? I have yet to see a complainer ever actually solve a problem.
Just like everyone else blames Zia and Ayub who have been in their grave for what? 2 decades or more? everyone can blame 2 decade old story while giving a blind eye to the 2 decade worth of politicians who came on the scene and gave the situation a blind eye! Mind you I openly criticized Zardari....As for Mush..I have been abroad for a very long time...I have seen the shift in how Pakistanis are treated during each era....Mind you towards the end of Zia's time ....we were well respected! Being a young country (20-30 yrs old) we were very much respected and well known. But anything after his time got us chunks of soot...and it kept piling up! Another up was when Benazir became PM...it just showed women in Islam are not oppressed so another boost just there in our image and people actually wanted to do business with Pakistan, wanted to visit the land ...

Even today, I know soo many who want to go there ...some have been and cant stop talking the hospitality and they come back and stop reading the negative news about Pakistan coz they know 50% is mirch masalah!

As for Mush's time...I admit what he did...did send us back a couple of years...the flood sent us further back...and followed by Zardari...man that was just plain hell!

3. You have mentioned in your post that NS claimed that he could finish loadshedding in 3 months. I do not recall him ever having claimed this. Possibly I missed it. Would you mind substantiating your claim with some worthwhile link? All I know is that PML-N said that they could get rid of loadshedding in 3 years - and they later gave clarifications that it would not be possible to do so in three years, but that they could do it in a bit more than 4 years.
That is true...it is not something you can finish overnight but fake promise @Leader where was it this PLMN said that they will stop loadshedding in few months and something about changing his name...
4. I am not questioning your partiality for tind and ganja comments. You like them? Good for you. Just do not expect to be taken seriously. That is all.
Why coz I dont support any party?! :unsure:
loan pe loan...loan pe loan....don't be left out alone :D
You know what this means for Pakistan? The end of a sovereign nation now being controlled by elite bankers.
2% is a low rate, if you invest in the right projects you can expect a good return of 7-8% of the initial investment but it all depends on where the money is used.
Loan are necessary item on modern society that is why we have banks

What is important is if we take loan of 1 Dollar we can make 1000 dollars from it so we can pay it back and that is called planning which we need to ensure we have so we can repay this loan

Apart from that Loans are great economic tool to move your economy forward.

1. " PML-N President Mian Nawaz Sharif said Sunday his party, if came into power, would try to resolve the ongoing power crisis in six months. Speaking at a conference here, Nawaz Sharif denounced claims to end the load shedding in three months as lies"

This should clear the worth of objections. Read this a few times if it does not make sense the first time. This is the reference provided by @Leader at your request.

2. Any fool can see that it is not possible to tackle the power crisis in less than 3 years.

3. Politicians talk a lot. One has to know how to make sense. People are instinctively drawn to strong do-or-die personalities like SS. He is known to make tall claims. But he is also known for getting things done. That is why people voted for him. If you were to make an issue out of his claims, you would be laughed at. People want to get things done, not cry about politicians' claims.

Voters know what to make of impossible claims. He once said during a by-election rally in Hazara that he would price roti at Rs 1 - a clear impossibility. PML-N candidate lost that election. So, people are smart enough to know who to vote for and what to do with politicians' claims.

4. When it comes to lies, our very own IK is doing a good job these days. And I trusted him to not lie. What was I thinking? He is a politician now and prone to all the mistakes that they make - including stating glaring contradictions for the sake of getting attention.

5. I understand your contention that since NS is in power he gets the blame. But I still think that it is not fair. I would just re-iterate that politicians are judged on their performance, not promises. Every politician would have you think that he would make Pakistan Paradise in five years. You just need to know what to do with those claims.

6. The theme of 2013 elections was survival as a nation. That is why PML-N got majority of votes. People were instinctively drawn to them, because they believed PML-N could do a better job. We need at least another year or two to see if that confidence was misplaced.

PTI's talk of massive rigging etc... is just talk for getting attention. Rigging at one level or another takes place in every election. The general opinion is that even without any rigging, PML-N would still have formed government in Center and Punjab. If they were ambitious, they could have had a go in KPK as well. It is NS's maturity as a politician that he has not paid any heed to JUI-F and others to make a bid for government in KPK. It has taken him a lifetime to get to this stage. Indeed politicians are not made in a year or two, based on bookish learning. This is a totally practical field that requires decades of effort.
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