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Working to add India as the sixth country to NATO plus: US Congressman Ro Khanna

Unfortunately it's a need of an hour today.....
You are overestimating China against India. This is not how foreign policy and military are being made.
India knows well where to defend and what to defend against China.
You are underestimating your own country without researching any facts.
You just need to know how India defended Bhutan territory in 2017 and Ladakh in 2020 and still...
Do you really think China has upper hand in Himalayan terrain against India?? Then think again...
I agree with you and if have a choice will never allow any foreign military on Indian soil..... but at the same time China is growing militarily and economically at a speed we will never be able to match..... like a Taiwan India too need such kind of shield like nato.....

I agree with you and if have a choice will never allow any foreign military on Indian soil..... but at the same time China is growing militarily and economically at a speed we will never be able to match..... like a Taiwan India too need such kind of shield like nato.....

There is not going to be any big war between China and India, relax. You guys are overreacting too much.
There is not going to be any big war between China and India, relax. You guys are overreacting too much.
Indians always hurt their neighbors by force, so they believe that the Chinese will treat them like this.
Indians always hurt their neighbors by force, so they believe that the Chinese will treat them like this.

India and China should resolve their issues as soon as possible through peaceful means. If they don't it's an opportunity for the American and European powers to use India and China against each other to kill the potentials of both China and India as well as the whole of Asia. From a high level, the entire Asia is one big family, collectively known as the east. In the past eastern countries were some of the wealthiest and developed. The Europeans came, colonized and looted these countries to make their wealth and now they dominate the world. The time has come that the eastern countries rise again and we must not give any opportunity to the western powers to use the divide and conquer doctrine.
All Indian politicians in the US have secret desires to "make India great again", but only after they get elected.

Guess what - if his constituents and competitors know that he's shilling for India, they're gonna use it against him for sure in the next election.

Bye Bye Khanna....

I don't think that is happening as for one indian diaspora in the US are pouring loads and loads of money for their candidates.

No muslim or pakistani org is taking it seriosuly.

India and China should resolve their issues as soon as possible through peaceful means. If they don't it's an opportunity for the American and European powers to use India and China against each other to kill the potentials of both China and India as well as the whole of Asia. From a high level, the entire Asia is one big family, collectively known as the east. In the past eastern countries were some of the wealthiest and developed. The Europeans came, colonized and looted these countries to make their wealth and now they dominate the world. The time has come that the eastern countries rise again and we must not give any opportunity to the western powers to use the divide and conquer doctrine.

You do realize who is currently in power in India and what ideology and philosophy they follow right?

No body believes India is non-aligned. Those days are long gone, and neither Russia nor China believe that for a second. They are just trying to avoid an inevitable. India is completely and totally inside the Western camp.

Then why is the Indian FM talking against eurocentrism and refusing to heed to waning off of Russian oil?

They are playing their cards right. They managed to get the russian missile defense system S-400 without any sanctions as well.
India and China should resolve their issues as soon as possible through peaceful means. If they don't it's an opportunity for the American and European powers to use India and China against each other to kill the potentials of both China and India as well as the whole of Asia. From a high level, the entire Asia is one big family, collectively known as the east. In the past eastern countries were some of the wealthiest and developed. The Europeans came, colonized and looted these countries to make their wealth and now they dominate the world. The time has come that the eastern countries rise again and we must not give any opportunity to the western powers to use the divide and conquer doctrine.

Look at the map of India.

Before Indians become rational enough, I think any negotiation is a waste of time.

Look at the map of India.

Before Indians become rational enough, I think any negotiation is a waste of time.

View attachment 865973

Sad that he forgot to add Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand which was part of the great Chola empire. These patriots better learn their history, and prepare for the great reunification.
Nice try but its not easy to hide your fear. Go post some more in Russian forums :lol:

Maybe I'm lying to you.

Maybe I translated your reply into Japanese and sent it to Japanese forums, such as 2CH.
Russia has treated Ukraine with plenty of respect and has been generous to them even when they were themselves in Crisis. You can google the list of Russian favors to Ukraine.
How about this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances
' The memorandum prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, "except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations." '

Yet, tens of thousands of civilian casualties from the one-sided Russian war on Ukraine.
Those are delusional idiots. You are my friend missing the big picture in my last post. Missing the big picture will do no good to anybody.

The most important strategic demand of China in South Asia is to ensure the security of CPEC.
If China and India reach reconciliation, it must be the reconciliation of the entire South Asian region, not just the border issue between China and India.
China can abandon Arunachal, but India also needs to hand over Ladakh.
India and Pakistan also need to reach a peace agreement on the existing border.
China can allow Hindus to visit Mount Kailash and lake Manasarovar visa free. However, the Indian government must make a written commitment not to interfere in the internal affairs of Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, and ensure the independence of Bhutan.
These are more the personal whims of Khanna.
The most important strategic demand of China in South Asia is to ensure the security of CPEC.
If China and India reach reconciliation, it must be the reconciliation of the entire South Asian region, not just the border issue between China and India.
China can abandon Arunachal, but India also needs to hand over Ladakh.
India and Pakistan also need to reach a peace agreement on the existing border.
China can allow Hindus to visit Mount Kailash and lake Manasarovar visa free. However, the Indian government must make a written commitment not to interfere in the internal affairs of Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, and ensure the independence of Bhutan.
No, China must take back South Tibet too, it's 100000 square KM land and it's Chinese in every respect, The inhabitants there are East Asians in descent relating to Chinese not Indians. India has no right to claim the land just as Askin Chin and Ladakh.
Wow Indian b##### are very much in demand by Anglo saxons.

Exciting times for Indians💃💃💃
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