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Workers claim Chinese Factory in Pakistan firing people who ask to be given time to pray

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Deng Xiaoping inherited a chaotic China, the poorest country in the world, Pakistan looked like a super developed country comparing to China back then, but he didn't complain, he just determined to Change the nation.

Khan came 9 months back. You wanna compare him to a guy who ruled China for so many years , killed so many people and now is resting in peace.

Gotta give some time for fair comparison.
some of your media is not China friendly

Its called freedom of speech, I have the right to have a opinion about China and Chinese people whether positive or negative. I know this is something hard for people in mainland China to comprehend, rest of the world even in flawed democracies like Pakistan like to form their own opinions on daily issues and politics.

We can make fun of politicians and even Army in a subtle way. Can you do the same without ending up in trouble?

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You have ask yourself a tough question, what exactly you want, the way you have always been, or the way to lead you to prosperity.
I think Chinese need to accept the common people of Pakistan prefer religion to roads and bridges. This is not intended to be judgmental. Everybody is entitled to their choice. I fear our country has erred by opening up people-to-people interactions in this way. China-Pakistan alliance is really a matter for the military elites and should be left that way.
I think Chinese need to accept the common people of Pakistan prefer religion to roads and bridges. This is not intended to be judgmental. Everybody is entitled to their choice. I fear our country has erred by opening up people-to-people interactions in this way. China-Pakistan alliance is really a matter for the military elites and should be left that way.

Thats a cowardly way to think. Frankly we're never going to culturally assimilate with each other, we're distinctly different people. Doesn't mean we can't make money.
It's our government fault...

There is no labor law in Pakistan that assures prayer breaks.... And this shud be required to be placed in law and foreign investors shud be made aware of this before investing
I totally agree. All these concerns should have been in the contract in the first place. The Chinese company should be blamed if they did not anticipate the social/political/religious environment they invited themselves in.
i think the fault in the management. they failed to understand local culture, and this is happened a lot in muslim country where China invested. couple years ago China and Taiwanese company also have the same problem in indonesia.
the Chinese management think prayer can be done after work, but the muslim don't think that way.
Thats a cowardly way to think. Frankly we're never going to culturally assimilate with each other, we're distinctly different people. Doesn't mean we can't make money.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Mark my words. These cultural maladaption issues will get worse and worse. This is just the beginning. One day somebody is going to get hurt or killed because of a misunderstanding or mistake.
The government does get involved in business practice - they make laws about how employers should treat their employees.

Well this is a Muslim majority nation and you need to adapt to our practices, not us adapt to practices which you find the norm in China.

it's a better time for the government to interven when SEZ in Pakistan are full of companies and factories.
This kind of think is going to happen more and more. People need to be less sensitive to minor clashes of culture. What we need is for government to be strict and make sure everyone adheres to the law.

I live in the UK, i pray during my own lunch break, or i take a 10 minute break and make up the extra time afterward. In the UK if you work shiftwork, you can pray during your lunch break, or an additional break which you are entitled to due to UK labour laws. If that break cannot be scheduled to align with prayer times - tough, factory production must continue.

Pakistan is not the UK, it is a Muslim country. Companies investing in Pakistan must take this into consideration, but workers must also be careful that they are not exploiting religious sensitivity to get extra breaks. I think a staff union would be perfect to handle these kinds of matters.

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Mark my words. These cultural maladaption issues will get worse and worse. This is just the beginning. One day somebody is going to get hurt or killed because of a misunderstanding or mistake.

I agree, they will get worse, but they'll eventually get better. We are two very different people and two very self contained people. We've lived next to each other for millennia, but we have a wall. People will have to learn on both sides. GoP should play it's part in this, but it won't. our government officials have never done a hard days work, the life of a factory worker is as alien to them as deep space.
I think people should blame the Pakistani government than the Chinese firm in this case.

There is no legislation regarding work life balance or any other rights of the employee in the country and it is only fair that the companies who have invested in Pakistan want a quick and clean and bigger returns.

the problem will be solved in the long term, the government can't kick out the company from the beginning.
the problem will be solved in the long term, the government can't kick out the company from the beginning.

we got iranians and turks suing us man. we do not want anymore of this corporate trouble.
Its called freedom of speech, I have the right to have a opinion about China and Chinese people whether positive or negative. I know this is something hard for people in mainland China to comprehend, rest of the world even in flawed democracies like Pakistan like to form their own opinions on daily issues and politics.

We can make fun of politicians and even Army in a subtle way. Can you do the same without ending up getting in trouble?


effective management in a big country like China is more important than making fun.
Deng Xiaoping inherited a chaotic China, the poorest country in the world, Pakistan looked like a super developed country comparing to China back then, but he didn't complain, he just determined to Change the nation.

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Use lunch break or tea break ( there should be in term and condition ) to do the prayer, they paying you to do work not mean
12:00 lunch break
1:00 Zohar Pray break
4:30 Asar pray break
And if it’s night shit long break for Taraweeh etc.
Something fishy there in that video
Always a bloody mullah standing in the way of the success. I suppose same will be not OK if the owner decided to take out the pay for the time or productivity loss?
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