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Workers claim Chinese Factory in Pakistan firing people who ask to be given time to pray

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Which area of Pakistan is this from? Does anyone have more information?

The workers seem very polite, it's a shame that they're getting fired for wanting to pray salah in a Muslim country.
I think they should cut salary per minute but firing them seems overstep. Anyway , their company their rules!
Because this is our country and we care for God more than money.

You dont care for money but your goverment is borrowing money here and there.
IMO, anything in way of industrialization should be adjusted.
What does the labor law says about prayers? If the workers rights to pray is protected by the law, & the company signed into the agreement, then fine or even sue the company.

Also, the employment contract between the employer & employee should have specific mention about such arrangements as prayer time yes? Especially in Pakistan? Find out what are the details then act accordingly.

No need to argue till the cows come home.
You dont care for money but your goverment is borrowing money here and there.
IMO, anything in way of industrialization should be adjusted.

Money is basic requirement, it is not God. When we die and we are questioned by our creator about how we lived our life - he won't accept USD or Yaun.

These are cultural differences which over time both sides will learn about. Pakistani people don't really know much about Chinese people and Chinese people don't know much about Pakistani people.

Through interaction we will learn and no doubt even adapt.

Like they say, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette.
Our country our rules and our religions if they have a problem then they can gtfo.
What a ignorant and stupid statement, I expect as much from the Chinese

You damaged the atmosphere.
If more companies go to Pakistan, employees will have more choices, employers will adjust, this is market behavior.
You damaged the atmosphere.
If more companies go to Pakistan, employees will have more choices, employers will adjust, this is market behavior.

For a religious Muslim, the Islam belief is simply above everything. Please try to understand this point. Some Pakistani members already point it out that they select following God's instruction to pray 5 times per day than work for money, you're still constantly and unilaterally advocating your own opinion which they won't buy. I don't think it's an effective way of communication.
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A country become strong because how hard people work, not because how many times people pray.
In an industrial society, the deficiency is the enemy.
Do you think the machine should stop while you praying?
i think it should be in contract . these lazy workers will go sleep and take rest while they have prayer break . china should not give them a space .

You damaged the atmosphere.
If more companies go to Pakistan, employees will have more choices, employers will adjust, this is market behavior.
jobless will become criminals :lol: then they will pray and commit crimes too .
Business practice is if you can't do your job, the company will find someone else who can. Government doesn't get involived in business practice. You can't force them to hire you. It works both ways, if you are not happy with the company, you can leave, if the company isn't happy with you ,they let you go.

The government does get involved in business practice - they make laws about how employers should treat their employees.

Well this is a Muslim majority nation and you need to adapt to our practices, not us adapt to practices which you find the norm in China.
Good point, so hopefully you'll stop pointing fingers at Xinjiang as you always do, our country, our rules.
not only Xinjiang but Myanmar Israel EU USA and almost every corner of earth . why they talk about others internal matters then . its called contractors of islam here

The government does get involved in business practice - they make laws about how employers should treat their employees.

Well this is a Muslim majority nation and you need to adapt to our practices, not us adapt to practices which you find the norm in China.
its Pakistan whom is breaking apart economy not china and its our rulers go daily china ask for investment .
Chinese Just do not get importance of prayers. They want their employees to work like a robot. They are in for rude shock in Pakistan.
Very stupid idea not allowing people to pray. This is Pakistan, lots of people are dead serious about religion. ALL Chinese companies who wish to start business there must be made aware of local traditions before they go, we are talking about a country where someone can be sentenced to death just for a sip of water from a wrong cup... Forget about your workplace culture/rules, just apologize and give their jobs back..
its Pakistan whom is breaking apart economy not china and its our rulers go daily china ask for investment .

The economy has been destroyed due to corruption and neglect for several decades. It hasn't been destroyed by people praying salah.
Its true i am also working in Chinese company as an Engineer, They will tell you; you should not do fasting in the month of Ramzan and they will not follow any time table. They don't follow any labour law. Our Govt and Army support them its shame for us. I cant tell you in detail on this forum, if you are interested how they behave with Pakistani and what they are doing here just send me Private message.
Why are you not resigning? Why don't you join other company. If They don't get labor they will leave as simple as this. But you eating on their plate, getting career due to them, getting facilities, life & you speak against them Spitting on same bowl. Change company if you don't agree with them.
i think it should be in contract . these lazy workers will go sleep and take rest while they have prayer break . china should not give them a space .

jobless will become criminals :lol: then they will pray and commit crimes too .

I totally agree. All these concerns should have been in the contract in the first place. The Chinese company should be blamed if they did not anticipate the social/political/religious environment they invited themselves in.
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