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Workers claim Chinese Factory in Pakistan firing people who ask to be given time to pray

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Two Answers
1 Our Govt and Army supports them that's why we cant do anything.
2 May be our Govt and Law enforcement agencies are not in the Mod
Now I don't understand who you are blaming, laws are there to complied with, whoever breaks it gets punished, if you feel being mistreated, the government is the only place you should go to.

Foreign Sweat shops used to be verywhere in China, many Chinese workers committed suicide by jumping the buildings due to the pressure and humiliation, and then the government intervened, things got fixed and now no more suicides happened in those companies. That used to be a huge story in China
China is homogeneous by nature..they should learn culture and sensitivities of other countries...and it seems their progress is getting to their head.
I will tell you the brutal, honest truth. The central government is composed of smart people. They will respect the sensitivities of other cultures. What happens with something like CPEC is that it is too big to limit to just the central government and its affiliated enterprises. When you expand the scope of participation, then every tom, dick and harry can get into the game. The average Chinese enterpreneur businessman is pompous and arrogant because of the rapid development (just like what you said). Then the situation gets out of control. Frankly, I am pessimistic about this. Extended close contact between the common people of the two countries will only lead to friction or crisis.

I will tell you the brutal, honest truth. The central government is composed of smart people. They will respect the sensitivities of other cultures. What happens with something like CPEC is that it is too big to limit to just the central government and its affiliated enterprises. When you expand the scope of participation, then every tom, dick and harry can get into the game. The average Chinese enterpreneur businessman is pompous and arrogant because of the rapid development (just like what you said). Then the situation gets out of control. Frankly, I am pessimistic about this. Extended close contact between the common people of the two countries will only lead to friction or crisis.


personally i think chinese have to fine tune their culture to work with peoples of other cultures
it might take a couple of generations or more for the fine tuning to happen (if it even happens)
One of my friends set up a factory in country in Africa with the idea of taking adavantage of low local wage, he lost all his investment in less than a year and came back to China. He told me you can never pay the workers fully there , and you can only expect an empty factory the next day after the payday, cause after the payday all the workers will go to city bars or other places to enjoy their lives and no one comes back to work. they only gradually show up one or two weeks after the payday and ask for work and his orders can never be fullfilled.

That's the lesson he learned by losing millions, that's why I suggest Chinese investors should study everything first before they try to oursourcing overseas, or they'll learn it the hard way.
It's the media wants to create the trouble, some of your media is not China friendly, China never complains over those repeated terrorist attack on Chinese nationals and properties in Pakistan, becaude Chinese media always reports how brave Pakistanis tried to save Chinese in those attacks instead of reporting the loss and damages.

This Could Just As Well Be A Paid Propaganda Video You Know
Oh, no, not again! Just who is behind all this bs?
Its true i am also working in Chinese company as an Engineer, They will tell you; you should not do fasting in the month of Ramzan and they will not follow any time table. They don't follow any labour law. Our Govt and Army support them its shame for us. I cant tell you in detail on this forum, if you are interested how they behave with Pakistani and what they are doing here just send me Private message.
Its not associated with Chinese alone, i have worked in a Korean firm and they were equally bad as well, and use to tell us be grateful we are here otherwise who else comes to Pakistan except the Chinese. its the job of respective governments, federal and provincial to make sure the rights of Pakistani workforce are protected within Pakistan. But since we are too desperate for foreign investment and Chinese investment is the next big thing, i doubt if this is going to change anytime soon.
This Could Just As Well Be A Paid Propaganda Video You Know
Pakistani nationals commit crimes in Hong Kong too but people don't try to paint it as if the Pakistani government is sending its criminals to China.

personally i think chinese have to fine tune their culture to work with peoples of other cultures
it might take a couple of generations or more for the fine tuning to happen (if it even happens)
There are too many random enterpreneurs in China who got rich quick. They will never learn their limitations until they lose everything. Only a handful of Chinese companies can be truly international. Fact is, elimination of the weak and foolish is the only way to strengthen the herd.

I kind of feel funny that so many people get high on this report here on this forum, if it is true, it happened in you country, you have full right and power to punish them or kick them out, if foreign companies broke Chinese laws in China we simply close them down, what's the point to get so high here?
The common Pakistani think the Chinese paid off the elites for the right to do as they please in the Islamic country. Think of what happened in the late Qing Dynasty. Replace foreigners in China with Chinese in Pakistan. Replace Qing rulers with relatively secular Pakistan Army. Replace Qing subjects with very devote Pakistani commoners. They think their government signed unequal treaties and carved out a foreign concession for Chinese after taking bribes. This phenomenon will only get worse! Pakistan and China should keep the cooperation to elites and leave the commoners out of it.
This is just tip of ice burg to understand in detail what they are doing here and how they treat Pakistani you should visit these factories or come here people will tell you what Chinese companies are doing here.
You should open a thread about it.
thats so sweet . good job china . company pay them for work not praying

The law of the land allows them, no employer can own them just by paying for their services.

Chinese need to understand this that they are not in China anymore ........ they should follow our laws and be sensitive to our culture.

And people like you should keep shut ....... it's not necessary that you would always hold right opinion just because it involves something against people's belief and religion.
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