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Won't Play Cricket, Won't Talk, But Will Import Onions From Pakistan

You should not be complaining if it does not matter to you.

Let us worry about what works and what does not.

India is complaining about Pakistan everywhere including in Pakistan forums.

I am asking why India is complaining and yet being selective at the same time. Pakistan has no problem selling onions to India. More money for Pakistan. But crying like baby when it comes to cricket is kind of embarrassing whereas politics shouldn't interfere on sport, trade and many other things. Being selective says a lot about the character of India.

Whatever India does is none of my business, but i have entitled rights to talk about India and its selective policy in Pakistani forum. If you don't like it, feel free to leave.
India is complaining about Pakistan everywhere including in Pakistan forums.

I am asking why India is complaining and yet being selective at the same time. Pakistan has no problem selling onions to India. More money for Pakistan. But crying like baby when it comes to cricket is kind of embarrassing whereas politics shouldn't interfere on sport, trade and many other things. Being selective says a lot about the character of India.

Whatever India does is none of my business, but i have entitled rights to talk about India and its selective policy in Pakistani forum. If you don't like it, feel free to leave.
India is selective about Pakistan, because it is not like South-Africans come and stage Mumbai-like attacks. You didn't know that or were you born yesterday ?
India is selective about Pakistan, because it is not like South-Africans come and stage Mumbai-like attacks. You didn't know that or were you born yesterday ?

Clearly you are not handling the debate well. Perhaps you should try to leave the forum for the time being if you cannot handle criticism in debate. Only yesterday-born baby complain like baby.

You do realize people are gonna talk about India and its selective policy in Pakistani forums whether you like it or not. Get used to it. #crying baby
Clearly you are not handling the debate well. Perhaps you should try to leave the forum for the time being if you cannot handle criticism in debate. Only yesterday-born baby complain like baby.

You do realize people are gonna talk about India and its selective policy in Pakistani forums whether you like it or not. Get used to it. #crying baby
You got your answer, why India is selective. It is due to the brazen support for terrorism. You have anything else to talk about ?
India is a joke of a country, simple as that. Who plays politics on sports? Can you name me any country except India? India is the laughing stock. World laughs at the Baniyas.

Pretty much everyone, remember Zimbabwe and South Africa?
You got your answer, why India is selective. It is due to the brazen support for terrorism. You have anything else to talk about ?

Why are you being butturt? Grow up! :disagree:

We are just simply debating.

It is due to the brazen support for terrorism.

Cricket is where you draw the line and not on goods? You do know that the best way to hurt Pakistan's economy is to not buy anything from Pakistan. I don't see how drawing the line on cricket can make impact on Pakistan's economy.

Regarding the support for terrorism, Pakistan still continues to trade goods with India despite of its well-known funding for rebel groups in Balochistan and Afghanistan. You don't see Pakistan being selective, do you?

Again, if it is due to the brazen support for terrorism, perhaps India should try to man up and cut off trade with Pakistan to hurt the economy of Pakistan rather than crying like baby about Pakistan everywhere.:D

they r frm muslim land,,so slim chances of being sickulr,,,humara dharam brashta hoga,,,we shud meke thm eat hindu tamatars first

It is better if you make this case about Pakistan, not Muslims. You don't wanna alienate Indian Muslims, do you? :D
Lol.. India's trade with Pakistan is a Mere $ 2.4 Billion and India exports Products worth 1.84 Billion. The trade Balance is hugely in favor of India.
but they secular,,,u islamic

so-called barbaric Islamic nation is your friendly neighbor nation [Afghanistan]. So-called secular Indian Muslims is same as Pakistani Muslims. After all, most of them migrated to Pakistan during the partition. It is wise not to insult Afghanistan either given your friendly relation with Afghanistan. :D
Why are you being butturt? Grow up! :disagree:

We are just simply debating.
Seems like you are hurt on being boycotted.

Cricket is where you draw the line and not on goods? You do know that the best way to hurt Pakistan's economy is to not buy anything from Pakistan. I don't see how drawing the line on cricket can make impact on Pakistan's economy.
It is about serving our own interest. If we need something we will just go ahead and take it because the necessity is ours. You could have shown some balls rather buy not selling. I mean we are in the process of economically alienating Pakistan and we are very much open about it. You wanted somebody to tell you that ? Again, were you born yesterday or landed flat on your head ?
Regarding the support for terrorism, Pakistan still continues to trade goods with India despite of its well-known funding for rebel groups in Balochistan and Afghanistan.
I wonder why that kind of story only keeps circling in your news only and never comes to International platforms. There is an ICJ nowadays too, something that was not there back in '71. Show the World the proof !

I saw some of what your media keeps reporting. They were showing Indian currency retrieved in Balochistan. As if they were going to buy flour with that over there!!
You don't see Pakistan being selective, do you?
Yes I do. How come Pakistan manages to have resources to carpet-bomb TTP terrorists and cannot even spare a single policeman with a decent stick in his hand to catch known terrorists like Masood Azhar, who was involved in IC-814 hijacking. FYI, he is running a mullah-camp in Bahawalpur, close to a military base. You think we are naive ?

Again, if it is due to the brazen support for terrorism, perhaps India should try to man up and cut off trade with Pakistan to hurt the economy of Pakistan rather than crying like baby about Pakistan everywhere.:D
In this case, the necessity is ours, so we will take what we need, and we are indeed getting what we need, can you stop it ?

There are better ways of hurting Pakistan economically. For example, there is a reason, why Pakistanis cannot sell basmati with it's brand name and instead end up selling it to Indian traders who then sell it as basmati.

Now, it is sad that it has come down to this, but we clearly understand there are two centers of power in Pakistan, one is the civilian govt. one is the the army. Pakistani army cannot win a direct confrontation with India, hence it uses the terror tactics. Now, India's military budget only is more than the entire federal budget of Pakistan. If we had used similar tactics, Pakistan would have been thrown back to stone age ice age, whatever already. Instead, let us just say, we have taken a more humane approach to stop terrorism being promoted on our soil.
so-called barbaric Islamic nation is your friendly neighbor nation [Afghanistan]. So-called secular Indian Muslims is same as Pakistani Muslims. After all, most of them migrated to Pakistan during the partition. It is wise not to insult Afghanistan either given your friendly relation with Afghanistan. :D
not insult,,,just dilemma in regards to stuff frm pure muslim land:D
n i think the underlined part is wrong.
We will.pick and choose what we want to do with Paksitan. We will buy onions when needed but will not entertain their any other aspirations. We will call Pakistan terrorist state and name and shame her over every forum. Still Pakistani trading community will flog to sell its onions/ tomatoes to us. In turn we will make them dependent on us and use them as bargaining chip in future. It's for Pakistanis to stop us from creating another MQM out of farmers from Punjab.
Seems like you are hurt on being boycotted.

Is that why you are here acting like baby, not to mention acted like buthurt few posts ago because your coward PM, Modi, is not man enough to man up and boycott goods of Pakistan. How can be we hurt of being boycotted on cricket which serves virtually nothing while we are encouraging you to boycott buying the goods of Pakistan? We are hurt for profiting from selling onions to Indians. :(

I am actually with you in this case. # Boycott the whole things and makes Pakistan suffers :victory:

It is about serving our own interest. If we need something we will just go ahead and take it because the necessity is ours. You could have shown some balls rather buy not selling. I mean we are in the process of economically alienating Pakistan and we are very much open about it. You wanted somebody to tell you that ? Again, were you born yesterday or landed flat on your head ?

I didn't know buying goods from Pakistan to help Pakistan profiting and with that money to allegedly fund terrorist [according to India] is serving your interest as well. I gotta admire your big heart here. :tup:

I am guessing you will be using "Again, were you born yesterday or landed flat on your head"? a lot in the foreseeable future. :D

I wonder why that kind of story only keeps circling in your news only and never comes to International platforms. There is an ICJ nowadays too, something that was not there back in '71. Show the World the proof !

I saw some of what your media keeps reporting. They were showing Indian currency retrieved in Balochistan. As if they were going to buy flour with that over there!!

Yes I do. How come Pakistan manages to have resources to carpet-bomb TTP terrorists and cannot even spare a single policeman with a decent stick in his hand to catch known terrorists like Masood Azhar, who was involved in IC-814 hijacking. FYI, he is running a mullah-camp in Bahawalpur, close to a military base. You think we are naive ?

I didn't even mention the specific detail on Afghanistan and Balochistan and already you are filling the gaps for me. :tup:

In this case, the necessity is ours, so we will take what we need, and we are indeed getting what we need, can you stop it ?

There are better ways of hurting Pakistan economically. For example, there is a reason, why Pakistanis cannot sell basmati with it's brand name and instead end up selling it to Indian traders who then sell it as basmati.

Now, it is sad that it has come down to this, but we clearly understand there are two centers of power in Pakistan, one is the civilian govt. one is the the army. Pakistani army cannot win a direct confrontation with India, hence it uses the terror tactics. Now, India's military budget only is more than the entire federal budget of Pakistan. If we had used similar tactics, Pakistan would have been thrown back to stone age ice age, whatever already. Instead, let us just say, we have taken a more humane approach to stop terrorism being promoted on our soil.

I urge everyone to read this post. This is too good to pass. #Our New Zaid Hamid :partay:

We will.pick and choose what we want to do with Paksitan. We will buy onions when needed but will not entertain their any other aspirations. We will call Pakistan terrorist state and name and shame her over every forum. Still Pakistani trading community will flog to sell its onions/ tomatoes to us. In turn we will make them dependent on us and use them as bargaining chip in future. It's for Pakistanis to stop us from creating another MQM out of farmers from Punjab.

You are already feeling burthurt on the account of onions. Onions do make people cry, in this case Indians. :D

not insult,,,just dilemma in regards to stuff frm pure muslim land:D
n i think the underlined part is wrong.

In that case, Afghanistan believes in pure barbaric Islamic stuffs. Just be careful. They don't understand diplomacy and takes everything literal, much like barbaric Arabs. :D
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