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Won't apologize Turkey: Israel

Those over the ships attacked the forces who boarded the ship, there was a thread on PDF praising those people (idiot IMO who attack to prove attack). It was perfectly fine by Israel to retaliate, it should be Turkey who should be apologizing.

For what?:blink:

Keep your governmental propagandas for yourself. I hope You do not claim that you have killed all those civilians with paintguns.. :) Autopsy reports show How they were killed. Many of deads have been killed with avarage 5-7 bullets...

If we approach every incidents with your sided poor menthality, We have to claim that The innocent civilians killed by Hamas rockets, got what they deserved ? I do not suppose...

or You occupied and constructed many buildings to other's land and making pressure Muslims to evacuate their own lands, Although USA warned you not to act like that. You have performed many massacres over civilians including babies without shame yourself in past. With same mentality, What does Israel deserve after all those shame history ? Sending Israel nation to stone age can be a good solution in accordance with your own mentality ? In conclusion, You will get What you deserved similar with Innocent activists deserved to be killed in ship in accordance with your mentality.

Stop crying like your soldiers. It is just a matter of desicion of politicians. They assess the situations and agree on proceeding How it should be in accordance with their percpectives. Your or mine desicions or Your cryings or your threatens do not make any sense...

You still haven't answered my Questions posted earlier because you CANNOT. " Why was there violence only on the Turkish vessel and not on the other 6?"

Answer is below:

Captain of that vessel:

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You still haven't answered my Questions posted earlier because you CANNOT. " Why was there violence only on the Turkish vessel and not on the other 6?"

Answer is below:

YouTube - Evidence: IHH Leader Urges Men to Throw Israelis Overboard 30May2010

Captain of that vessel:
YouTube - IHH Premeditated Violence - Testimony of Marmara Captain 1Jun10

YouTube - IHH Premeditated Violence - Video Statements of Marmara Crew - 1Jun10

Why did Israel confiscate the videos of all the journalists onboard? I would like to know that from you.
Why did Israel confiscate the videos of all the journalists onboard? I would like to know that from you.

Why??? The answer is that this would be used by the terrorists to glorify their actions that's why.

BTW don't you realize that all the Arab and media from all over the world is allowed to come to Israel report freely.
Why??? The answer is that this would be used by the terrorists to glorify their actions that's why.

BTW don't you realize that all the Arab and media from all over the world is allowed to come to Israel report freely.

The reporters from all over the world wanted to report it from Mavi Marmara, not from Israel with its censorship. The fact that Israel has stolen the videos of the journalists onboard is the greatest evidence that it is guilty of crimes against humanity

The reporters from all over the world wanted to report it from Mavi Marmara, not from Israel with its censorship. The fact that Israel has stolen the videos of the journalists onboard is the greatest evidence that it is guilty of crimes against humanity

Sorry...get your facts straight. Israel has the same democratic setup as in Western Europe.... media from all over the world can report from Israel whenever they want and do so check Al-Jazeera, Al-Arabiya...etc
including areas of Israel proper and West Bank and Gaza.

In Israel there is freedom of the press which isn't there in the Arab or Muslim world or severely restricted.

The reporters from all over the world wanted to report it from Mavi Marmara, not from Israel with its censorship. The fact that Israel has stolen the videos of the journalists onboard is the greatest evidence that it is guilty of crimes against humanity

It is because All concantration of media has been centered to MaviMarmara and It was the biggest one on navigating in front of all vessels and leading them. All media and international press staffs had boarded to MaviMarmara and aimed to tell the incidents 7/24 from there and The most important one is that Israel threatened only MaviMarmara before events. When It is told to Israeli officials How This voyage is determined to send humanitarian aids to Gazza, Israeli officials have threatened the organisers and also Mavi Marmara that was carrying those organisers...

When the subject became like that, A terorist and bloody country called Israel whose history fulled with such activities, did not want to catch this propaganda opportunity to tell the World How Israel forces was determined, How Israeli forces are powerfull against civilians and so attacked on a civilian ship with Jammer devices, navigating into inernational waters with special forces and sucked !!!

Jammers was active because Israel wanted to hide the terorism of their soldiers against civilians. They have just revealed the images and movies they gave permission and All video recorders have been collected after events... Some Israeli soldiers have even made shopping with Turk activists' credit-cards.
Let all those reasons aside, You can not justify crimes Israeli forces commited against civilians with such simple mental masturbations. If you call yourself like a government, You had to find a way to stop this ship without sending your SF there If they entered into your teritorial waters but They did not but If you aimed to kill some of those civilians to threaten others and future aiders, That's nothing wrong in accordance with your percpective but This time We have to call you like "Prates or Terorists" instead of Israel government.

I mean After killed all those civilians in international waters, It has no mean to cry like Those activists are this, Others are that...

but Honestly I do not find strange anything at this incident. It is normal for a country who do not have any governmental traditions and whose history fulled with crimes, baby killing activities and occupying others land and constructing the buildings similar with stoneage people mentality in 21. century.
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Why should Israel apologies to Turkey?? What for??

If its like this the let Turkey first acknowledge what they did to the Armenians and doing to the Kurds.

They did nothing wrong .... allied forces started the war and there were various back stabings by Britian against Ottomans , most recently was the no delivery of ships to Navies belonging to Ottomans - war started and some groups were traitors against the nation as there were promised a independent land etc (bribe)

Time for Turkey to lead again

Israel has been blocakding ppl for 60 years and some ppl have been born and died in the prison how sick is that

The ship was carrying humanitarian aid into effected areas and Israel has no authority over these territories in first place let alone borad ships in international waters and attack the crew on board
Let all those reasons aside, You can not justify crimes Israeli forces commited against civilians with such simple mental masturbations. If you call yourself like a government, You had to find a way to stop this ship without sending your SF there If they entered into your teritorial waters but They did not but If you aimed to kill some of those civilians to threaten others and future aiders, That's nothing wrong in accordance with your percpective but This time We have to call you like "Prates or Terorists" instead of Israel government.

I mean After killed all those civilians in international waters, It has no mean to cry like Those activists are this, Others are that...

but Honestly I do not find strange anything at this incident. It is normal for a country who do not have any governmental traditions and whose history fulled with crimes, baby killing activities and occupying others land and constructing the buildings similar with stoneage people mentality in 21. century.

I am not going to respond to your verbal Diarrhoea....just listen to the full conversations below and peace of advice stop watching Pallywood

Listen to the conversation carefully.......

Part 2 is conversation with the rest of the flotilla

full unedited

Despite verbal provocations from the other 5 vessels as most of them were majority Europeans there was no trouble.......
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The vessel is within international waters without any suspect.. Your governmental propagandas such as paintgun, terorist activists, armed civilians...bla bla bla do not make any sense in here and I do not know If your government accept your territorial waters like all Mediterranean because We are talking about a country whose government do not accept and obey any of international regulations and do not avoid of killing tousands of civilians including babies in an operation... :)
Killing civil people is war crime... Israel knows it? Of coure know...

Everyone terrorists but israel right!!!

Israel have killed a young who he is 19 years old... his name was furkan...

he have killed with 6 bullet... 4 bullet for his head... 2 bullet for his body... And Furkan wasnt terrorist... Real Terrorist Israel that killing civil people and innocent children...

Stop propaganda... All world accuses israel. but israel declare terrorist to everyone...
The vessel is within international waters without any suspect.. Your governmental propagandas such as paintgun, terorist activists, armed civilians...bla bla bla do not make any sense in here and I do not know If your government accept your territorial waters like all Mediterranean because We are talking about a country whose government do not accept and obey any of international regulations and do not avoid of killing tousands of civilians including babies in an operation... :)

Ok whatever.....you still dont and cannot answer my simple question.

Any ways enough of this talk as Pasha Erdogan to not just speak hot air and do something i.e. put his money where his mouth is and you know where we are...

Till then go have a nice Adana Kebab and nice cold Efes along with it and chill.......
Ok whatever.....you still dont and cannot answer my simple question.

Any ways enough of this talk as Pasha Erdogan to not just speak hot air and do something i.e. put his money where his mouth is and you know where we are...

Till then go have a nice Adana Kebab and nice cold Efes along with it and chill.......
Not much Efes quality control when I was in Adana. Four bottles would do nothing but the last two in a six-pack would feel like each had %10 alcohol.
Ok whatever.....you still dont and cannot answer my simple question.

Do you have some problem with your eyes or Acting like a goat is a tradition around Jews After commited all those crimes ?

Check above carefully to take your response. I have typed the chronological order of this crises about Mavimarmara...
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